
  1. Do you often wear sunglasses?
    • Band 6: I don’t wear sunglasses very often, mainly because I live in a place where the weather isn’t always sunny. However, during summer or when I’m out for extended periods in bright sunlight, I do make sure to wear them to protect my eyes.
    • Band 7: Yes, I do wear sunglasses frequently, especially during sunny days or when I’m engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or going to the beach. I find them essential not only for style but also for protecting my eyes from harmful UV rays.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I consider sunglasses an essential accessory for both fashion and eye protection. Whether it’s a sunny day or not, I make it a habit to wear them whenever I step outdoors to shield my eyes from UV radiation and reduce glare.
  2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?
    • Band 6: I tend not to splurge too much on sunglasses. I prefer to opt for reasonably priced pairs that offer adequate UV protection and fit comfortably. However, I do understand the appeal of investing in higher-end brands for their quality and style.
    • Band 7: While I appreciate the value of a good pair of sunglasses, I try to strike a balance between quality and price. I’m willing to spend a bit more for reputable brands that offer superior protection and durability, but I’m also mindful of not overspending on extravagant designer labels.
    • Band 8: As someone who prioritizes both quality and style, I do not hesitate to invest in premium sunglasses. I believe in the importance of protecting my eyes with lenses that provide excellent UV protection while also enhancing my overall look and comfort.
  3. Have you ever given sunglasses as a gift?
    • Band 6: Yes, I have given sunglasses as gifts on a few occasions, especially during summer or for friends who enjoy outdoor activities. I find them to be practical yet thoughtful presents that can be appreciated by anyone.
    • Band 7: Indeed, I’ve gifted sunglasses to friends and family members who appreciate stylish accessories or have mentioned needing a new pair. It’s a versatile gift that can cater to various tastes and preferences.
    • Band 8: Certainly, I’ve selected sunglasses as gifts for special occasions, considering factors like the recipient’s style, face shape, and lifestyle. It’s always fulfilling to present someone with a stylish and functional accessory that they can enjoy and use regularly.
  4. Why do you wear sunglasses?
    • Band 6: I wear sunglasses primarily to shield my eyes from the sun’s glare and harmful UV rays, especially during outdoor activities like driving or spending time at the beach. Additionally, they add a touch of style to my overall look.
    • Band 7: The main reason I wear sunglasses is for eye protection against UV radiation and glare. Whether I’m running errands or engaging in leisure activities outdoors, I prioritize safeguarding my eyesight while also enjoying the added benefit of looking fashionable.
    • Band 8: For me, wearing sunglasses serves a dual purpose of protecting my eyes from the sun’s harsh rays and elevating my style quotient. Whether it’s a casual outing or a formal event, I always ensure to sport a pair that complements my outfit while providing optimal UV protection.


  1. When did you start using social media?
    • Band 6: I started using social media when I was in high school, around the age of 15. It was mainly to connect with my classmates and share updates about school events.
    • Band 7: My journey with social media commenced during my late teenage years, approximately around 18. It was a time when platforms like Facebook and Twitter were gaining popularity, and I joined to stay updated with trends and communicate with friends.
    • Band 8: My initiation into the world of social media began in my early adolescence, at the age of 13. At that time, platforms like MySpace and early versions of Facebook were prominent. Initially, I used it as a means to connect with distant relatives and explore shared interests within online communities.
  2. Do you think you spend too much time on social media?
    • Band 6: Sometimes I feel I spend a bit too much time on social media, especially during breaks or when I’m bored. However, I try to balance it with other activities like reading or going for walks.
    • Band 7: I believe I have a decent balance when it comes to social media usage. While I do spend a significant amount of time on various platforms, I ensure it doesn’t interfere with my responsibilities or real-life interactions.
    • Band 8: Personally, I maintain a disciplined approach towards social media usage. I allocate specific time slots for browsing, and I’m mindful not to exceed those limits. This conscious effort allows me to stay connected without compromising on other aspects of my life.
  3. Do your friends use social media?
    • Band 6: Yes, most of my friends use social media regularly. It’s a convenient way for us to stay in touch, especially since we lead busy lives and might not always have the opportunity to meet in person.
    • Band 7: Absolutely, the majority of my friends are active on various social media platforms. We often use these platforms to share updates, organize gatherings, and even collaborate on projects or events.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, social media plays a significant role in the lives of my friends. It serves as a primary mode of communication, allowing us to maintain constant contact despite our diverse schedules and geographic locations.
  4. What do people often do on social media?
    • Band 6: People often use social media to share photos and videos, post status updates, and engage in conversations with friends and family. They also follow pages or accounts related to their interests, such as hobbies, celebrities, or news.
    • Band 7: On social media, people engage in a myriad of activities, including sharing personal experiences, opinions, and photographs. They also use it for entertainment purposes, watching videos, reading articles, and following influencers or brands.
    • Band 8: The functionalities of social media are vast, catering to diverse user interests. From networking and professional development to entertainment and activism, people utilize platforms to express themselves, connect with others, and stay informed about global affairs.


  1. Do you play video games?
    • Band 6: Occasionally, I do play video games, especially during my free time or when I want to unwind after a long day. However, I don’t consider myself a hardcore gamer.
    • Band 7: Yes, I enjoy playing video games as a hobby. It’s something I do regularly to relax and have fun, whether it’s on my console, computer, or mobile device.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I’m an avid gamer and have been playing video games for years. It’s not just a pastime for me; it’s a passion that allows me to immerse myself in captivating narratives and engaging gameplay experiences.
  2. What kinds of video games do you like to play?
    • Band 6: I tend to gravitate towards casual games like puzzles, simulations, or strategy games that don’t require a significant time commitment. I enjoy games that challenge my mind without being overly complex.
    • Band 7: My taste in video games is quite diverse. I enjoy playing a variety of genres, including action-adventure, role-playing, and multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games. I appreciate well-crafted narratives, immersive worlds, and strategic gameplay.
    • Band 8: I have a penchant for immersive and open-world games that offer expansive environments to explore and intricate storylines to uncover. I particularly enjoy action-adventure, role-playing, and multiplayer games that provide a blend of challenge and social interaction.
  3. Is it good for young people to play video games?
    • Band 6: In moderation, playing video games can be a source of entertainment and even foster cognitive skills like problem-solving and hand-eye coordination. However, excessive gaming can lead to issues like addiction and neglect of other activities.
    • Band 7: When approached responsibly, video games can offer young people a variety of benefits, including improving cognitive abilities, enhancing social skills through multiplayer interactions, and providing a creative outlet. However, it’s essential to balance gaming with other activities and monitor screen time.
    • Band 8: When integrated into a balanced lifestyle, video games can be a valuable tool for young people, offering opportunities for skill development, socialization, and even career exploration in fields like game design and esports. However, it’s crucial for parents and educators to promote responsible gaming habits and set boundaries.
  4. Would you watch others play video games?
    • Band 6: Occasionally, I might watch others play video games, especially if it’s a game I’m interested in but haven’t played myself. It can be enjoyable to observe different playstyles and strategies.
    • Band 7: Yes, I find watching others play video games to be entertaining and insightful. It allows me to learn new techniques, discover hidden secrets within games, and engage with the gaming community.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I often watch others play video games on platforms like Twitch or YouTube. It’s not only entertaining but also a great way to learn from skilled players, discover new games, and connect with like-minded individuals.
  5. Do you think people spend too much time playing video games?
    • Band 6: It’s possible for some people to spend excessive amounts of time playing video games, to the detriment of other aspects of their lives. However, it ultimately depends on individual priorities and responsibilities.
    • Band 7: While it’s essential to enjoy hobbies like playing video games, excessive gaming can lead to negative consequences such as social isolation, neglect of responsibilities, and physical health issues. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance between gaming and other activities.
    • Band 8: In today’s digital age, it’s not uncommon for people to spend a significant amount of time playing video games. While gaming can be a rewarding and enriching experience, it’s essential to be mindful of excessive screen time and ensure that gaming habits do not interfere with other important aspects of life.
  6. Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others?
    • Band 6: I enjoy both solo gaming sessions and playing with friends or online communities. It depends on my mood and the type of game I’m playing. Sometimes I prefer the immersive experience of playing alone, while other times I enjoy the social aspect of multiplayer gaming.
    • Band 7: I appreciate the versatility of video games, allowing me to enjoy solo experiences as well as collaborative gameplay with friends or online teammates. Each mode of play offers unique benefits and challenges, adding depth to my gaming experiences.
    • Band 8: While I value the freedom and immersion of solo gaming, I find playing with others to be particularly enjoyable. Whether it’s cooperating with friends in co-op games or competing in multiplayer matches, the camaraderie and shared experiences enhance the enjoyment and excitement of gaming for me.


  1. What is your favorite color?
    • Band 6: My favorite color is blue. I’ve always been drawn to its calming and tranquil qualities, and I find it versatile enough to suit various moods and occasions.
    • Band 7: Without a doubt, my favorite color is green. There’s something about its association with nature and vitality that resonates with me. Whether it’s the deep hues of a forest or the vibrant shades of fresh foliage, green never fails to uplift my spirits.
    • Band 8: My affinity lies with the color purple. Its rich and regal tones exude a sense of mystery and sophistication that captivates me. Whether it’s a deep royal purple or a soft lavender hue, I find its allure irresistible.
  2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
    • Band 6: While I do own some clothing items in my favorite color, I don’t exclusively wear it. I like to mix and match different colors and styles to create diverse outfits that reflect my mood and personality.
    • Band 7: Yes, I often incorporate my favorite color into my wardrobe. Whether it’s a subtle accent like a scarf or tie or a bold statement piece like a sweater or dress, wearing green makes me feel confident and connected to nature.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I make a conscious effort to include my favorite color in my clothing choices. Whether it’s a pair of emerald green trousers or a deep purple blouse, wearing purple not only reflects my personal style but also uplifts my mood and enhances my confidence.
  3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
    • Band 6: In my country, certain colors are associated with cultural or religious significance. For example, white is often worn during religious ceremonies or festivals as a symbol of purity and peace.
    • Band 7: Yes, in my country, certain colors hold cultural significance. For instance, red is commonly associated with luck and prosperity, and it’s often worn or used in decorations during festive occasions and celebrations.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, colors hold deep cultural and symbolic meanings in my country. For instance, the color yellow is often associated with royalty and spirituality, while red symbolizes passion and vitality. These colors feature prominently in traditional clothing, rituals, and festivities, reflecting our cultural heritage and beliefs.
  4. Do you think different types of people like different colors?
    • Band 6: It’s possible that people’s preferences for colors can vary based on their personalities, cultural backgrounds, and life experiences. Some may be drawn to vibrant and bold colors, while others may prefer more subdued and neutral tones.
    • Band 7: Yes, I believe individuals’ preferences for colors can be influenced by various factors such as personality, mood, and cultural upbringing. While some may gravitate towards bright and cheerful colors, others may prefer understated and minimalist hues.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, people’s affinity for certain colors can be reflective of their unique personalities, emotions, and cultural backgrounds. Factors such as age, gender, and even profession can also play a role in shaping color preferences, highlighting the diverse and subjective nature of human perception.
  5. What’s the color you dislike? Why?
    • Band 6: Personally, I’m not particularly fond of the color orange. While I can appreciate its vibrancy and energy, I find it a bit too bold for my taste. I tend to gravitate towards more muted and calming colors in my surroundings.
    • Band 7: The color I dislike the most is brown. I find it dull and uninspiring, lacking the vibrancy and energy of other hues. It doesn’t resonate with me on an emotional level, and I prefer to surround myself with colors that uplift and inspire.
    • Band 8: For me, the color I dislike is neon green. Its intense brightness and harshness can be overwhelming to the senses, and I find it visually jarring. I prefer colors that evoke a sense of tranquility and sophistication, which neon green doesn’t embody.


  1. Do you like eating cakes?
    • Band 6: Yes, I do enjoy eating cakes, especially on special occasions like birthdays or celebrations. They’re a delicious treat that never fails to satisfy my sweet tooth.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! Cakes are one of my favorite desserts. Whether it’s a classic sponge cake, a rich chocolate cake, or a fruity cheesecake, I can never resist indulging in a slice or two.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, I have a deep appreciation for cakes. Their delightful combination of flavors, textures, and decorative elements makes them a culinary delight that I thoroughly enjoy.
  2. Do you know how to bake a cake?
    • Band 6: I have some basic knowledge of baking cakes, but I wouldn’t consider myself an expert. I can follow simple recipes and bake a decent cake for casual occasions.
    • Band 7: Yes, I’m quite proficient in baking cakes. Over the years, I’ve experimented with various recipes and techniques, honing my skills to produce delicious cakes that are enjoyed by friends and family.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, baking cakes is one of my passions. I’ve spent countless hours refining my baking skills, experimenting with different ingredients and methods to create cakes that are not only visually stunning but also bursting with flavor.
  3. When do you usually eat cakes?
    • Band 6: I usually eat cakes during special occasions like birthdays, weddings, or festive celebrations. They’re often served as desserts or as part of afternoon tea gatherings.
    • Band 7: While I enjoy cakes on special occasions, I also indulge in them occasionally as a treat during weekend brunches or when I’m craving something sweet after a meal.
    • Band 8: Cakes are a versatile dessert that I enjoy throughout the year. Whether it’s a slice of cake with my morning coffee, a mid-afternoon snack, or a decadent dessert after dinner, there’s never a wrong time to indulge in a delicious cake.
  4. What is your favorite kind of cake?
    • Band 6: My favorite kind of cake is a classic chocolate sponge cake. I love the rich and moist texture of the cake layers, combined with the creamy frosting and chocolate ganache.
    • Band 7: My absolute favorite kind of cake is a red velvet cake. There’s something about its velvety texture and subtle cocoa flavor that I find irresistible, especially when paired with a smooth cream cheese frosting.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, my favorite kind of cake is a decadent black forest cake. The combination of layers of chocolate sponge cake, cherry filling, and whipped cream creates a harmonious blend of flavors and textures that never fails to delight my taste buds.
  5. Do you like to have dessert after a meal?
    • Band 6: Yes, I enjoy having dessert after a meal as a sweet conclusion to the dining experience. It’s a satisfying way to round off the flavors of the main course.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! I have a sweet tooth, so I always look forward to enjoying dessert after a meal. Whether it’s a slice of cake, a scoop of ice cream, or a piece of fruit, dessert adds a delightful touch to the dining experience.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, dessert is an essential part of my dining ritual. I believe that a meal isn’t complete without something sweet to round off the flavors and satisfy my craving for indulgence.
  6. Do you like to eat cakes or other sweet foods?
    • Band 6: While I enjoy eating cakes, I also appreciate a variety of other sweet foods like pastries, cookies, and chocolates. It’s always nice to have a selection of treats to satisfy different cravings.
    • Band 7: Yes, I have a sweet tooth, so I enjoy indulging in a variety of sweet foods, including cakes, pastries, candies, and desserts. Each type of sweet treat offers a unique flavor and texture experience that I find irresistible.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I’m a big fan of sweet foods, and cakes are just one of many indulgences that I enjoy. Whether it’s a decadent slice of cake, a flaky pastry, or a creamy dessert, I love exploring the diverse world of sweet treats and savoring their delicious flavors.
  7. Did you like to eat cakes as a child?
    • Band 6: Yes, I have fond memories of enjoying cakes as a child, especially during birthday parties or family gatherings. It was always a special treat that brought joy and excitement.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! As a child, I loved eating cakes, especially on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. It was a time to celebrate and indulge in delicious treats with friends and family.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, cakes were a beloved part of my childhood. Whether it was baking cakes with my parents or enjoying slices of homemade cake at birthday parties, those sweet memories have stayed with me into adulthood.


  1. Why do some people have a good memory while others just don’t?
    • Band 6: Some people may have a good memory due to factors like genetics, lifestyle, and cognitive abilities. Factors such as regular mental exercises, healthy lifestyle habits, and effective memory techniques can also contribute to improving memory.
    • Band 7: The differences in memory capabilities among individuals can be attributed to various factors such as genetics, environmental influences, and personal habits. Factors like regular brain exercises, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition can significantly enhance memory function.
    • Band 8: The complexity of memory formation involves a combination of genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and individual lifestyle choices. While some individuals may naturally possess superior memory abilities, others can enhance their memory through consistent practice, mindfulness techniques, and mnemonic strategies.
  2. Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?
    • Band 6: In today’s digital age, smartphones offer convenient tools like calendars, reminders, and note-taking apps that make it easier for people to organize and recall information. The accessibility and portability of smartphones have made them indispensable aids for memory management.
    • Band 7: With the advent of smartphones and digital technology, more people rely on these devices to store and organize information due to their convenience and accessibility. Features like calendar apps, reminders, and cloud storage make it easier for individuals to manage their schedules and tasks efficiently.
    • Band 8: The widespread use of smartphones has revolutionized the way people manage information and memory tasks. The convenience of having instant access to digital tools for note-taking, scheduling, and information retrieval has led to a growing reliance on smartphones as external memory aids.
  3. Are you good at memorizing things?
    • Band 6: I would say I have an average ability to memorize things. While I can remember important details and facts, I sometimes rely on aids like notes or reminders to help reinforce my memory.
    • Band 7: Yes, I consider myself to be good at memorizing things. I have developed effective memory techniques over time, such as visualization, repetition, and association, which help me retain information more efficiently.
    • Band 8: Indeed, I possess a strong ability to memorize information across various domains. Through years of practice and experimentation with mnemonic techniques, I’ve honed my memory skills to a level where I can recall details with ease and accuracy.
  4. Have you ever forgotten something that was important?
    • Band 6: Yes, there have been instances where I’ve forgotten important details or tasks, especially when I’m under stress or overwhelmed with multiple responsibilities. However, I’ve learned to cope with such situations by using reminder tools and prioritizing tasks.
    • Band 7: Occasionally, I’ve experienced moments of forgetfulness where I’ve overlooked important details or tasks. It serves as a reminder to stay organized and employ effective memory strategies to prevent such occurrences in the future.
    • Band 8: Yes, despite my proficiency in memory techniques, I’m not immune to occasional lapses in memory. However, I’ve learned to approach forgetfulness as an opportunity for self-reflection and improvement, refining my organizational skills and memory strategies to minimize future occurrences.
  5. What do you need to remember in your daily life?
    • Band 6: In my daily life, I need to remember appointments, deadlines, and tasks related to work, personal commitments, and household chores. Additionally, I try to remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other important events to stay connected with friends and family.
    • Band 7: In my daily life, I need to remember a variety of things such as appointments, meetings, and deadlines for work or academic commitments. Additionally, I strive to remember personal tasks, errands, and social engagements to maintain a balanced and organized lifestyle.
    • Band 8: In my daily life, I need to remember a multitude of tasks, appointments, and commitments across various domains. From work-related responsibilities and project deadlines to personal errands, social engagements, and self-care routines, effective memory management is crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being.
  6. How do you remember important things?
    • Band 6: To remember important things, I rely on strategies like writing notes, setting reminders on my phone, and creating to-do lists. Visualizing tasks and associating them with specific cues or images also helps reinforce my memory.
    • Band 7: I remember important things by using mnemonic techniques, such as creating associations, visualizing information, and organizing it into manageable chunks. I also utilize tools like calendars, planners, and digital apps to keep track of tasks and deadlines.
    • Band 8: I employ a combination of memory techniques, including visualization, repetition, and association, to remember important things effectively. I also prioritize tasks, break them down into smaller steps, and use external aids like digital reminders and note-taking tools to reinforce my memory and stay organized.


  1. Do you often lose things?
    • Band 6: I occasionally misplace items like keys or my phone, but I wouldn’t say I lose things frequently. I make a conscious effort to stay organized and keep track of my belongings.
    • Band 7: While I try to stay organized, there are times when I misplace items like my keys or sunglasses. However, I’ve developed strategies like assigning designated spots for frequently used items to minimize the chances of losing them.
    • Band 8: I pride myself on being quite organized, but I do experience occasional lapses where I misplace items like my keys or wallet. However, I’ve implemented systems such as creating checklists and maintaining tidy spaces to mitigate the risk of losing things.
  2. What can we do to avoid losing things?
    • Band 6: To avoid losing things, it helps to designate specific places for commonly used items like keys, wallets, and phones. Additionally, developing habits like double-checking before leaving a location and keeping items in secure pockets or bags can reduce the risk of misplacement.
    • Band 7: One effective strategy to avoid losing things is to establish a routine of placing items in designated spots immediately after use. Utilizing storage solutions like hooks, trays, and organizers can help maintain order and minimize clutter, making it easier to locate items when needed.
    • Band 8: To avoid losing things, it’s essential to cultivate habits of mindfulness and organization. Implementing systems such as labeling, categorizing, and storing items in logical locations can streamline retrieval and reduce the likelihood of misplacement.
  3. Why do some people tend to lose things more often than others?
    • Band 6: Some people may be more prone to losing things due to factors like forgetfulness, disorganization, or distractions. Additionally, high-stress levels or multitasking can contribute to lapses in attention and memory, increasing the likelihood of misplacing items.
    • Band 7: The tendency to lose things can stem from various factors such as absent-mindedness, disorganization, or a lack of attention to detail. Individuals with busy lifestyles or high-stress levels may find it challenging to keep track of their belongings, leading to frequent instances of misplacement.
    • Band 8: The propensity to lose things can be influenced by a combination of cognitive factors, personality traits, and environmental variables. Factors such as attentional lapses, poor organizational skills, and heightened distractibility can contribute to increased incidences of misplacing items.
  4. What would you do if you found a lost item in the street?
    • Band 6: If I found a lost item in the street, I would first assess the situation to determine if there are any identifiable markings or contact information that could help reunite the item with its owner. If possible, I would try to locate the owner through social media or community channels.
    • Band 7: If I found a lost item in the street, I would make an effort to locate the owner by checking for any identification or contact information. If no contact information is available, I would consider turning the item in to local authorities or posting a notice in the area where it was found.
    • Band 8: If I found a lost item in the street, my immediate response would be to assess the situation and take appropriate steps to reunite the item with its owner. This may involve checking for identifying information, reaching out to local authorities or businesses, and utilizing online platforms or social media to spread the word about the found item.


  1. Do a lot of people like music?
    • Band 6: Yes, music is a universal form of expression that appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether it’s listening to music for relaxation, entertainment, or cultural enrichment, it’s a beloved pastime enjoyed by many.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! Music is deeply ingrained in human culture and has the power to evoke emotions, stimulate creativity, and foster social connections. Its widespread appeal transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences, making it a cherished form of entertainment for millions of people worldwide.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, music holds a special place in the hearts of people across the globe. Its ability to evoke emotions, convey messages, and create shared experiences resonates with individuals of all ages and cultural backgrounds, making it a beloved and integral aspect of human life.
  2. What kind of music do you listen to?
    • Band 6: I enjoy listening to a variety of music genres, including pop, rock, and classical. My preferences often depend on my mood and the activity I’m engaged in, whether it’s working out, studying, or relaxing.
    • Band 7: I have eclectic taste in music and enjoy exploring a wide range of genres, from indie and alternative to jazz and electronic. Each genre offers a unique sonic experience and emotional resonance that enriches my musical journey.
    • Band 8: My musical tastes are quite diverse, spanning across genres such as classical, jazz, electronic, and world music. I appreciate the artistry and innovation found in various musical styles and enjoy exploring new sounds and cultural influences.
  3. Is it easy to learn music?
    • Band 6: Learning music can be challenging, but with dedication and practice, it’s certainly achievable. The level of difficulty may vary depending on factors like the individual’s musical aptitude, previous experience, and the complexity of the instrument or genre.
    • Band 7: Learning music requires commitment and perseverance, as it involves mastering techniques, understanding musical theory, and developing aural skills. While some aspects of music may come more naturally to certain individuals, continuous practice and guidance from skilled instructors can facilitate the learning process.
    • Band 8: Learning music is a rewarding yet demanding endeavor that requires dedication, discipline, and passion. While some may find certain aspects of music more challenging than others, the journey of musical education offers invaluable opportunities for personal growth, artistic expression, and creative fulfillment.
  4. Do you have music lessons at school?
    • Band 6: Yes, many schools offer music lessons as part of their curriculum, providing students with opportunities to explore music theory, learn to play instruments, and participate in ensemble performances. These lessons contribute to a well-rounded education and foster a lifelong appreciation for music.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! Music education plays a vital role in school curricula, offering students the opportunity to develop musical skills, knowledge, and appreciation. Whether it’s through formal lessons, choir participation, or instrumental ensembles, schools provide avenues for students to explore their musical interests and talents.
    • Band 8: Music lessons are an integral component of school curricula, providing students with opportunities to cultivate musical skills, creativity, and cultural awareness. Through structured instruction, ensemble participation, and performance opportunities, schools foster a nurturing environment for students to explore their musical potential and develop a lifelong love for music.


  1. Do you collect things?
    • Band 6: Yes, I do collect things as a hobby. I find joy in gathering items like stamps, coins, or postcards that hold sentimental or historical value.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! I’m an avid collector and enjoy accumulating various items such as vintage books, vinyl records, and antique artifacts. Each piece in my collection holds a special significance and adds to my appreciation for history and culture.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, collecting things is a passion of mine. Over the years, I’ve amassed a diverse array of items ranging from rare collectibles and memorabilia to unique artifacts and artworks. Each piece in my collection tells a story and reflects my interests and values.
  2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?
    • Band 6: Yes, I have a few cherished items from my childhood that hold sentimental value, such as stuffed animals, toys, and keepsakes from family vacations.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! I treasure several mementos from my childhood, including old photographs, favorite books, and toys that evoke fond memories of growing up.
    • Band 8: Indeed, I hold onto several meaningful keepsakes from my childhood, ranging from beloved toys and books to handmade gifts and souvenirs from family trips. These items serve as tangible reminders of cherished moments and milestones in my life.
  3. Where do you usually keep things you need?
    • Band 6: I typically keep things I need in designated places around my home, such as shelves, drawers, or storage bins. This helps me stay organized and ensures that I can easily locate items when I need them.
    • Band 7: I have a system of organization where I keep things I need in specific locations based on their frequency of use and importance. For example, everyday essentials like keys, wallet, and phone have designated spots near the entrance, while less frequently used items are stored in closets or cabinets.
    • Band 8: I maintain a well-organized system for storing things I need, with each item assigned a designated place based on its category and usage frequency. This systematic approach allows me to streamline my daily routines and minimize the time spent searching for essential items.
  4. Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?
    • Band 6: I would consider keeping old things for a long time if they hold sentimental value or if they have historical significance. However, I also recognize the importance of decluttering and periodically reassessing the items I keep.
    • Band 7: Yes, I tend to hold onto old things for a long time, especially if they hold sentimental or nostalgic value. Whether it’s family heirlooms, vintage collectibles, or cherished mementos, these items serve as tangible reminders of cherished memories and experiences.
    • Band 8: Absolutely! I believe in preserving old things for their historical, cultural, and personal significance. Whether it’s antique furniture, vintage clothing, or heirloom jewelry, these items carry stories and memories that enrich my life and connect me to the past.


  1. Is there an advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child?
    • Band 6: Yes, there was a commercial for a popular toy that I vividly remember from my childhood. It featured catchy jingles and vibrant visuals that captured my attention and left a lasting impression.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! There was a memorable advertisement for a breakfast cereal that I recall from my childhood. The catchy slogan and animated characters made it stand out, and I often found myself singing along to the jingle.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, there was a television commercial for a well-known toy brand that left a lasting impression on me as a child. The imaginative storytelling and captivating visuals sparked my imagination and fueled my desire to own the featured toys.
  2. Do you see a lot of advertising on trains or other transport?
    • Band 6: Yes, advertising is prevalent on trains and other forms of public transport. Whether it’s posters, digital screens, or announcements, advertisers utilize these platforms to reach a captive audience during their daily commutes.
    • Band 7: Absolutely! Advertising is a common sight on trains and other forms of transport, with brands vying for commuters’ attention through posters, billboards, and digital displays. These platforms offer advertisers a prime opportunity to engage with a diverse audience in a high-traffic environment.
    • Band 8: Indeed, advertising is ubiquitous on trains and other modes of transport, with brands leveraging these platforms to reach consumers during their daily commutes. From eye-catching posters and digital screens to audio announcements, advertisers employ various strategies to capture passengers’ attention and promote their products or services.
  3. Do you like advertisements?
    • Band 6: I have mixed feelings about advertisements. While some can be entertaining or informative, others can feel intrusive or manipulative. I appreciate ads that are creative and relevant to my interests.
    • Band 7: Yes, I enjoy well-crafted advertisements that entertain, inform, or inspire. I appreciate the creativity and storytelling behind effective ads and often find myself engaged with brands that resonate with me on a personal or emotional level.
    • Band 8: Absolutely! I have a keen interest in advertising and enjoy analyzing the strategies and techniques used to capture consumers’ attention and influence behavior. From clever storytelling to innovative marketing campaigns, I admire the creativity and impact of well-executed advertisements.
  4. What kind of advertising do you like?
    • Band 6: I appreciate advertisements that are creative, informative, and relevant to my interests. Whether it’s a clever commercial, a compelling print ad, or a captivating social media campaign, I value ads that offer genuine value or entertainment.
    • Band 7: I’m drawn to advertisements that tell compelling stories, evoke emotions, or offer unique perspectives. Whether it’s a heartfelt commercial, a humorous campaign, or a thought-provoking message, I appreciate ads that resonate with me on a personal or cultural level.
    • Band 8: I admire advertisements that demonstrate creativity, authenticity, and relevance. Whether it’s a visually stunning commercial, an emotionally resonant storytelling campaign, or an innovative digital activation, I appreciate ads that engage with audiences in meaningful ways and leave a lasting impression.


  1. Do you often feel bored?
    • Band 6: I experience boredom occasionally, especially during downtime or when I lack stimulating activities to occupy my time. However, I try to find ways to alleviate boredom by engaging in hobbies or spending time with friends and family.
    • Band 7: Yes, I occasionally feel bored, especially when I have downtime or when I’m stuck in repetitive tasks. However, I’ve learned to embrace boredom as an opportunity for creativity and self-reflection, using it as a catalyst for exploring new interests or pursuing personal projects.
    • Band 8: Boredom is a natural part of life, and while I experience it occasionally, I view it as an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Rather than succumbing to idle passivity, I use boredom as a catalyst for creativity, exploration, and introspection.
  2. When would you feel bored?
    • Band 6: I often feel bored when I have free time with nothing planned or when I’m engaged in repetitive or mundane tasks. It can also occur when I’m in unfamiliar or unstimulating environments.
    • Band 7: I tend to feel bored when I’m not actively engaged in meaningful activities or when I’m stuck in routines that lack novelty or excitement. Boredom can also arise when I’m not challenged intellectually or emotionally.
    • Band 8: I’m most likely to feel bored when I’m not intellectually stimulated or when I’m unable to engage in activities that align with my interests and values. Boredom often occurs during periods of inactivity or when I lack opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.
  3. What do you do when you feel bored?
    • Band 6: When I feel bored, I try to find activities to occupy my time and stimulate my mind, such as reading, listening to music, or pursuing hobbies like painting or gardening.
    • Band 7: When boredom strikes, I seek out activities that inspire creativity, relaxation, or social connection. Whether it’s exploring nature, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in artistic pursuits, I strive to make the most of my downtime.
    • Band 8: When I feel bored, I use it as an opportunity to explore new interests, expand my knowledge, or connect with others. Whether it’s learning a new skill, volunteering in my community, or engaging in meaningful conversations, I embrace boredom as a catalyst for personal growth and fulfillment.
  4. What do you think is more boring childhood or adulthood?
    • Band 6: It depends on the individual’s perspective and experiences. Childhood can be filled with wonder, imagination, and discovery, while adulthood offers independence, autonomy, and the ability to pursue one’s passions and goals.
    • Band 7: Both childhood and adulthood have their unique challenges and opportunities for excitement. While childhood may be characterized by innocence, playfulness, and carefree moments, adulthood offers the freedom, responsibility, and agency to shape one’s life according to personal aspirations and values.
    • Band 8: Neither childhood nor adulthood is inherently boring, as both life stages offer opportunities for growth, exploration, and fulfillment. While childhood may be marked by innocence, curiosity, and boundless imagination, adulthood provides the autonomy, wisdom, and capacity for deeper experiences and relationships. Ultimately, whether life is boring or exciting depends on the individual’s mindset, choices, and willingness to embrace new challenges and adventures.


  1. Is the city where you live crowded?
    • Band 6: Yes, the city where I live can be quite crowded, especially during rush hours and peak times. The bustling streets and crowded public transportation reflect the vibrant and dynamic nature of urban life.
    • Band 7: Absolutely, the city where I reside is known for its bustling streets, crowded markets, and lively atmosphere. The constant flow of people and activities adds to the energy and excitement of urban living.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, the city I call home is a bustling metropolis teeming with life, energy, and diversity. From crowded streets and bustling markets to packed restaurants and lively events, the city’s vibrant atmosphere reflects its status as a thriving urban center.
  2. Is there a crowded place near where you live?
    • Band 6: Yes, there are several crowded places near where I live, including shopping malls, parks, and popular tourist attractions. These areas often attract large crowds, especially on weekends or holidays.
    • Band 7: Indeed, there are numerous crowded places in close proximity to my residence, such as shopping districts, entertainment venues, and recreational areas. These bustling hubs are popular destinations for locals and tourists alike, drawing crowds throughout the year.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, my neighborhood is surrounded by bustling commercial districts, lively entertainment precincts, and scenic outdoor spaces that attract throngs of people on a daily basis. Whether it’s a vibrant market, a bustling cafe, or a popular park, there’s no shortage of crowded places to explore near where I live.
  3. Do you like crowded places?
    • Band 6: I have mixed feelings about crowded places. While I appreciate the energy and excitement they offer, I also find them overwhelming at times, especially when navigating through dense crowds or waiting in long lines.
    • Band 7: Yes, I enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and sense of community that crowded places provide. Whether it’s exploring bustling markets, attending lively events, or socializing in crowded cafes, I find that crowded places offer an opportunity for connection and excitement.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I thrive in crowded places as they stimulate my senses and energize me with their dynamic atmosphere. Whether it’s immersing myself in the hustle and bustle of a busy market or soaking up the lively ambiance of a crowded concert, I appreciate the vibrancy and diversity of crowded spaces.
  4. Do most people like crowded places?
    • Band 6: It varies from person to person, but many people enjoy the bustling energy and social interactions that crowded places offer. However, some individuals may find crowded places overwhelming or anxiety-inducing.
    • Band 7: Generally, many people enjoy the excitement and social atmosphere of crowded places, as they provide opportunities for socializing, people-watching, and immersion in cultural activities. However, preferences may differ, and some individuals may prefer quieter or more secluded settings.
    • Band 8: While crowded places are often popular destinations for socializing, entertainment, and cultural experiences, individual preferences vary. While some people thrive in bustling environments and enjoy the energy of crowded spaces, others may prefer quieter, more tranquil settings.
  5. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
    • Band 6: The last time I was in a crowded place was last weekend when I visited a popular shopping mall in the city center. It was bustling with shoppers, and navigating through the crowded aisles was quite an experience.
    • Band 7: I was in a crowded place just yesterday when I attended a concert at a local music venue. The venue was packed with enthusiastic fans, and the electrifying atmosphere made for an unforgettable experience.
    • Band 8: Just this morning, I found myself in a crowded place when I visited a bustling farmer’s market in my neighborhood. The lively ambiance, diverse array of vendors, and bustling crowds created a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and smells.


  1. Do you like singing? Why?
    • Band 6: Yes, I enjoy singing because it allows me to express myself creatively and emotionally. Whether I’m belting out my favorite songs in the shower or performing karaoke with friends, singing brings me joy and a sense of liberation.
    • Band 7: Absolutely, singing is a passion of mine because it allows me to connect with music on a deeper level and express my emotions in a meaningful way. Whether I’m performing on stage or singing along to my favorite songs, the act of singing brings me immense pleasure and fulfillment.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, I have a profound love for singing because it allows me to channel my emotions, tell stories, and connect with others through the universal language of music. Whether I’m performing in front of an audience or singing alone in my room, the act of singing brings me a sense of catharsis, expression, and joy.
  2. Did you learn to sing at school?
    • Band 6: Yes, I received some basic singing instruction in school as part of music classes or choir rehearsals. While I didn’t pursue formal vocal training, these experiences provided a foundation for my love of singing.
    • Band 7: Indeed, I received formal singing instruction as part of my school’s music program. Whether it was learning vocal techniques, sight-reading music, or performing in choir concerts, these experiences helped develop my vocal skills and passion for singing.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I received comprehensive vocal training through my school’s music curriculum, which included instruction in vocal technique, music theory, and performance skills. These formative experiences laid the groundwork for my development as a singer and ignited my passion for music.
  3. Who do you want to sing for?
    • Band 6: I enjoy singing for myself as a form of self-expression and relaxation. However, I also love singing for friends and family during informal gatherings or karaoke nights, as it brings us together and creates lasting memories.
    • Band 7: I love singing for friends and family, as their support and encouragement inspire me to share my voice and passion for music. Whether it’s performing at family gatherings or serenading friends at karaoke, singing for loved ones brings me joy and fulfillment.
    • Band 8: I aspire to sing for larger audiences and share my music with the world. Whether it’s performing on stage, recording albums, or collaborating with other musicians, I hope to connect with listeners and evoke emotions through my voice and artistry.
  4. Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?
    • Band 6: Yes, I believe singing has the power to uplift spirits and bring joy to people’s lives. Whether it’s singing along to a favorite song, performing in a choir, or attending a live concert, music has a transformative effect on mood and emotions.
    • Band 7: Absolutely, singing has a profound impact on emotional well-being and can bring happiness to people in various ways. Whether it’s through the release of endorphins, the sense of connection and belonging in a choir, or the sheer pleasure of expressing oneself through song, music has the ability to uplift spirits and enhance quality of life.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, singing has the innate ability to evoke emotions, foster connections, and bring happiness to people’s lives. Whether it’s through the shared experience of singing in a group, the cathartic release of expressing oneself through song, or the sheer joy of listening to live music, singing has a transformative power that transcends cultural, social, and linguistic boundaries.


  1. How do you save money?
    • Band 6: I save money by setting aside a portion of my income each month into a savings account. Additionally, I try to budget wisely, cut back on unnecessary expenses, and look for opportunities to maximize my savings through smart investments or long-term financial planning.
    • Band 7: I employ various strategies to save money, including setting specific savings goals, tracking my expenses, and automating regular contributions to a savings account. I also prioritize frugal habits, such as cooking at home, using coupons, and comparison shopping, to stretch my budget further.
    • Band 8: I adopt a proactive approach to saving money by implementing a comprehensive financial plan that includes budgeting, investing, and strategic money management. I prioritize long-term financial goals, such as retirement planning and wealth accumulation, and leverage tools like automatic savings transfers, budgeting apps, and diversified investment portfolios to optimize my savings potential.
  2. Do you prefer to save money or spend money?
    • Band 6: While I recognize the importance of saving money for the future, I also enjoy spending money on experiences, gifts, and items that bring me joy and fulfillment. Finding a balance between saving and spending allows me to enjoy life while also planning for the future.
    • Band 7: I believe in striking a balance between saving and spending money, as both are essential components of financial well-being. While I prioritize saving for future goals and emergencies, I also allocate funds for discretionary spending on experiences, hobbies, and quality-of-life purchases that enrich my life and bring me happiness.
    • Band 8: I adopt a disciplined approach to managing my finances, prioritizing saving and investing as a means of achieving long-term financial security and independence. While I enjoy the occasional indulgence or splurge, I make deliberate spending decisions based on my values, priorities, and financial goals, ensuring that my expenditures align with my overall financial plan.
  3. Do you use a payment app on your mobile phone to buy things?
    • Band 6: Yes, I use payment apps on my mobile phone to make purchases conveniently and securely. Whether it’s transferring money to friends, paying bills, or making online purchases, payment apps offer a convenient and efficient way to manage financial transactions.
    • Band 7: Absolutely, I rely on payment apps on my mobile phone for a variety of financial transactions, including transferring funds, paying bills, and making purchases both in-store and online. The convenience, security, and accessibility of payment apps streamline my financial management and enhance my overall banking experience.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, payment apps have become an integral part of my financial routine, providing a seamless and efficient way to manage transactions, track expenses, and monitor account activity on the go. Whether it’s splitting bills with friends, paying for groceries, or managing subscriptions, payment apps offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility in today’s digital age.
  4. Do you use a credit card to buy things?
    • Band 6: Yes, I use a credit card for certain purchases, particularly for larger expenses or online transactions where added security and consumer protection are beneficial. However, I also exercise caution and responsible spending habits to avoid accumulating debt or overspending.
    • Band 7: Absolutely, I use a credit card for most of my purchases, as it offers convenience, rewards, and added security features such as fraud protection and purchase insurance. By using my credit card responsibly and paying off the balance in full each month, I can maximize the benefits while avoiding unnecessary debt.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, I rely on my credit card as a convenient and versatile payment tool for everyday expenses, travel bookings, and larger purchases. By leveraging features such as cashback rewards, travel perks, and purchase protections, I can optimize my spending while maintaining financial discipline and responsible credit management.
  5. Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?
    • Band 6: While digital payment methods are becoming increasingly prevalent, I believe that cash will remain a popular form of currency for the foreseeable future, particularly for small transactions, peer-to-peer payments, and in regions where access to banking services is limited.
    • Band 7: Despite the rise of digital payment technologies, I think cash will continue to be a widely used form of currency due to its universal acceptance, anonymity, and tangibility. While digital payments offer convenience and efficiency, cash remains a preferred option for certain transactions and cultural contexts.
    • Band 8: While digital payment methods are rapidly gaining traction, I believe that cash will retain its relevance as a widely accepted and trusted form of currency in the future. Whether for privacy reasons, financial inclusion, or cultural preferences, cash offers unique advantages that ensure its continued popularity alongside emerging payment technologies.


  1. Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
    • Band 6: My favorite celebrity in my country is [Name], a talented actor known for their versatility, charisma, and impactful performances across various film and television projects.
    • Band 7: I admire [Name], a renowned singer-songwriter in my country who has achieved widespread acclaim for their musical talent, philanthropy, and positive influence on society.
    • Band 8: Without a doubt, my favorite celebrity in my country is [Name], an iconic figure whose talent, charisma, and cultural impact transcend generations. Whether through their groundbreaking achievements in music, film, or social activism, [Name] continues to inspire and uplift audiences worldwide.
  2. What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?
    • Band 6: In the news, I often see famous people such as actors, musicians, athletes, and politicians making headlines for their achievements, controversies, or philanthropic efforts.
    • Band 7: Famous people frequently featured in the news include celebrities from various fields such as entertainment, sports, politics, and business, whose actions, statements, and endeavors capture public attention and spark discussions.
    • Band 8: The news often covers a diverse range of famous people, including actors, musicians, athletes, influencers, and public figures whose accomplishments, challenges, and contributions shape cultural discourse and societal trends.
  3. Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?
    • Band 6: I occasionally pay attention to famous people in the news, particularly if their stories or achievements pique my interest or relate to topics I care about. However, I also prioritize staying informed about broader news events and issues.
    • Band 7: Yes, I actively follow news stories about famous people, as their actions, opinions, and influence often reflect broader societal trends and cultural dynamics. Whether it’s keeping up with celebrity gossip or learning about their philanthropic endeavors, I find their stories compelling and relevant.
    • Band 8: Absolutely, I pay close attention to news coverage of famous people, as their actions, impact, and contributions shape public discourse and cultural narratives. Whether it’s analyzing their artistic achievements, scrutinizing their public statements, or evaluating their social impact, I recognize the significance of famous people in shaping our collective consciousness.
  4. Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?
    • Band 6: While some news about famous people may be true, it’s important to approach media coverage with a critical eye and consider multiple sources to verify information and discern fact from rumor or speculation.
    • Band 7: While media coverage of famous people often provides valuable insights into their lives and accomplishments, it’s essential to approach news stories with skepticism and discernment, as sensationalism, bias, and misinformation can distort the truth.
    • Band 8: While media coverage of famous people can offer valuable insights into their lives, achievements, and impact on society, it’s important to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of news sources and consider multiple perspectives to gain a well-rounded understanding of the truth.
  5. Would you like to be famous?
    • Band 6: While fame may have its allure, I value privacy and personal fulfillment more than public recognition. I prefer to focus on achieving my goals and making meaningful contributions to society without the pressure or scrutiny that comes with fame.
    • Band 7: While fame can bring opportunities and influence, it also comes with challenges and responsibilities. While I appreciate the idea of being recognized for my talents or achievements, I prioritize personal fulfillment, authenticity, and well-being over public acclaim.
    • Band 8: While the idea of fame may be appealing to some, I prefer to focus on pursuing my passions, making meaningful connections, and leading a fulfilling life away from the spotlight. While fame can offer opportunities for impact and influence, I value personal fulfillment, privacy, and authenticity above external recognition or validation.