Describe a place you would like to go to relax
You should say:
Where it is
When you would like to go there
What you would do there
And explain why you would like to go to this place to relax

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A place where I would love to go to relax is a secluded beach resort located on the shores of Bali, Indonesia. Bali is renowned for its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture, making it an ideal destination for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Ideally, I would like to visit this beach resort during the shoulder seasons, either in the spring or autumn when the weather is mild, and the crowds are smaller. Avoiding peak tourist seasons would ensure a quieter and more peaceful experience, allowing me to fully unwind and escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.
During my stay at the beach resort, I envision spending my days lounging on pristine white sands, soaking up the warm tropical sun, and immersing myself in the tranquil sounds of the ocean waves. I would indulge in leisurely strolls along the shoreline, take refreshing dips in the crystal-clear waters, and unwind with yoga sessions or spa treatments overlooking the sea.

The allure of this secluded beach resort lies in its serene ambiance, natural beauty, and laid-back atmosphere, offering the perfect escape from the stresses of modern life. Surrounded by lush palm trees, turquoise waters, and panoramic views of the Indian Ocean, I would find solace and tranquility in this idyllic setting, allowing me to recharge my mind, body, and spirit.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A place I dream of visiting to relax is a tranquil mountain retreat nestled in the heart of the Swiss Alps. Switzerland is renowned for its breathtaking alpine landscapes, pristine nature, and serene ambiance, making it an ideal destination for rest and rejuvenation. I envision traveling to this mountain retreat during the autumn months when the foliage is ablaze with vibrant colors, and the air is crisp and invigorating. The tranquil atmosphere and stunning scenery would provide the perfect backdrop for relaxation and reflection.

During my stay at the mountain retreat, I would immerse myself in nature’s beauty, embarking on leisurely hikes through picturesque valleys, exploring hidden waterfalls, and marveling at snow-capped peaks. I would spend my days surrounded by the peace and tranquility of the mountains, practicing mindfulness, and soaking up the healing energy of the natural world. The allure of this mountain retreat lies in its pristine wilderness, fresh mountain air, and sense of serenity, offering a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Surrounded by majestic mountains, alpine meadows, and pristine lakes, I would find solace and renewal in this idyllic sanctuary, allowing me to reconnect with myself and recharge my batteries.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A place I’ve always yearned to visit for relaxation is a secluded eco-lodge nestled within the lush rainforests of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is renowned for its rich biodiversity, stunning natural landscapes, and commitment to sustainable tourism, making it an ideal destination for eco-conscious travelers seeking tranquility and connection with nature.

I envision traveling to this eco-lodge during the rainy season, when the rainforests are at their most vibrant and lush, and the landscape is teeming with life. The soothing sounds of rainfall, the chorus of tropical birds, and the verdant greenery would create a magical and immersive experience in nature.
During my stay at the eco-lodge, I would immerse myself in the wonders of the rainforest, embarking on guided nature walks, birdwatching excursions, and wildlife spotting adventures. I would spend my days surrounded by the sights, sounds, and scents of the rainforest, practicing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness amidst the canopy of trees.

The allure of this secluded eco-lodge lies in its commitment to sustainability, conservation, and eco-friendly practices, offering a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature and nurture the body, mind, and soul. Surrounded by pristine rainforests, cascading waterfalls, and exotic wildlife, I would find solace and renewal in this idyllic sanctuary, allowing me to unwind, recharge, and rediscover a sense of harmony and balance with the natural world.


Describe an occasion when you used a map (e.g. a paper map, an electronic map) that was useful
You should say:
When and where you used the map
What it was like
How useful it was
Why you used it

And explain how you felt about the experience

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

Sure, I remember a time when I used a map during a solo trip to a remote hiking trail in the mountains. It was last summer, and I decided to explore a lesser-known trail in the Appalachian Mountains. I had heard about its breathtaking views and challenging terrain, so I was excited to embark on this adventure.
I vividly recall arriving at the trailhead early in the morning, greeted by the serene beauty of the wilderness. As I began my hike, I quickly realized the importance of having a map to navigate the intricate network of trails. The terrain was rugged, with dense forests, steep inclines, and rocky paths, making it easy to get disoriented without a guide.

The map proved to be invaluable as I progressed along the trail, providing essential information about landmarks, trail junctions, and elevation changes. It helped me stay on course and avoid getting lost in the vast wilderness. Without it, I would have struggled to navigate the maze of trails and might have ended up off-route.

Overall, the experience of using the map was both challenging and rewarding. It allowed me to explore unfamiliar terrain with confidence and discover hidden gems along the way. Despite encountering some obstacles and uncertainties, I felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment as I reached the summit and beheld the stunning panoramic views.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

An occasion where I found a map to be incredibly useful was during a trip to Tokyo, Japan. It was my first time visiting the city, and I was determined to explore its vibrant neighborhoods and iconic landmarks. Armed with a paper map provided by the tourist information center, I set out to navigate the bustling streets of Tokyo.

Using the map was a fascinating experience, as it allowed me to immerse myself in the rich tapestry of Japanese culture and history. The map was detailed and well-designed, featuring landmarks, public transportation routes, and points of interest. It helped me plan my itinerary and navigate the complex maze of streets and alleys with ease.

The map proved to be indispensable as I ventured from one neighborhood to another, from the neon-lit streets of Shinjuku to the serene gardens of Asakusa. It guided me to famous attractions like the Meiji Shrine, Shibuya Crossing, and Tsukiji Fish Market, allowing me to make the most of my time in the city.
Overall, the experience of using the map enhanced my appreciation for Tokyo’s unique blend of tradition and modernity. It empowered me to explore the city at my own pace and discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Navigating the streets of Tokyo with a map in hand was not only practical but also enriching, as it enabled me to connect with the vibrant spirit of the city.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One memorable occasion when I found a map to be indispensable was during a backpacking trip through the rugged terrain of Patagonia. It was a remote and challenging environment, characterized by towering mountains, vast glaciers, and pristine wilderness. I embarked on this adventure with a group of friends, eager to explore the natural wonders of this remote region.

Our journey began in the small town of El Chaltén, Argentina, known as the “trekking capital of Patagonia.” Equipped with a detailed topographic map of the area, we set out to tackle the famous Huemul Circuit, a multi-day trek that promised breathtaking views and rugged terrain.

Using the map was a transformative experience, as it allowed us to navigate the unmarked trails and remote backcountry with confidence. The map provided essential information about terrain features, water sources, and camping areas, enabling us to plan our route and make informed decisions along the way.
The map proved to be invaluable as we traversed challenging terrain, crossed rivers, and navigated steep mountain passes. It helped us stay on course and avoid potential hazards, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trekking experience in the wilderness of Patagonia.

Overall, the experience of using the map was both exhilarating and empowering. It allowed us to explore remote and pristine landscapes with a sense of purpose and adventure. Navigating the rugged terrain of Patagonia with a map in hand was not only practical but also deeply rewarding, as it brought us closer to the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.


Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future
You should say:
What it is
How you know about the job
Whether the job is difficult or not
And explain why you would not like to do it

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A job that I would not like to pursue in the future is that of a sewage treatment plant worker. I’ve learned about this job through various sources, including documentaries, news articles, and educational programs that shed light on the vital but often overlooked role of wastewater treatment in maintaining public health and environmental sustainability.

From what I’ve gathered, working in a sewage treatment plant can be extremely challenging and demanding both physically and mentally. The job involves operating complex machinery, handling hazardous materials, and working in potentially hazardous environments with unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions.

While the job may not necessarily require advanced technical skills or formal education, it demands resilience, attention to detail, and a strong stomach to cope with the rigors of the work. Moreover, sewage treatment plant workers often face occupational hazards such as exposure to toxic chemicals, biological contaminants, and infectious diseases, which can pose serious health risks.

Personally, I would not be suited for a job in sewage treatment due to several reasons. Firstly, I am sensitive to strong odors and would find it challenging to work in an environment with pervasive smells. Additionally, I value cleanliness and hygiene, and the thought of handling raw sewage on a daily basis is off-putting to me. Furthermore, the potential health risks associated with the job, such as exposure to harmful pathogens and contaminants, would be a major deterrent for me.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A job that I would unequivocally not want to pursue in the future is that of a deep-sea commercial diver. My knowledge about this job comes from documentaries, articles, and firsthand accounts from individuals in the field. Deep-sea commercial divers are responsible for underwater construction, maintenance, and repair work in extreme conditions, often at great depths and in hazardous environments.

From what I understand, the job of a deep-sea commercial diver is incredibly difficult and demanding, both physically and mentally. The work entails descending to significant depths underwater, enduring immense pressure, and navigating treacherous underwater terrain while performing intricate tasks such as welding, cutting, and construction.

The job requires specialized training, certification, and equipment to ensure safety and effectiveness in the underwater environment. Despite these precautions, deep-sea commercial divers face numerous risks and challenges, including decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, equipment malfunctions, and encounters with hazardous marine life.

Personally, I would not be suited for a career in deep-sea commercial diving due to several reasons. Firstly, I have a fear of deep water and would find the prospect of descending to extreme depths underwater daunting and anxiety-inducing. Additionally, the physical demands of the job, such as prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, limited visibility, and strenuous labor, would be overwhelming for me. Furthermore, the inherent risks associated with deep-sea diving, including the potential for accidents, injuries, and fatalities, would be a significant deterrent for me.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One profession that I would unequivocally not consider pursuing in the future is that of a high-rise window washer. My knowledge about this job comes from documentaries, news reports, and personal research into occupations that entail working at extreme heights. High-rise window washers are responsible for cleaning windows and facades of tall buildings, skyscrapers, and other structures at great heights.

From what I’ve gathered, the job of a high-rise window washer is exceptionally challenging, dangerous, and physically demanding. The work involves scaling tall buildings using specialized equipment such as scaffolds, ropes, and bosun’s chairs, often in adverse weather conditions and high winds.

The job requires a high level of physical fitness, agility, and courage to perform tasks such as washing, scrubbing, and polishing windows while suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. Despite stringent safety protocols and regulations, high-rise window washers face numerous risks and hazards, including falls, equipment failures, and exposure to harsh weather conditions.

Personally, I would not be suited for a career as a high-rise window washer due to several reasons. Firstly, I have a fear of heights and would find the prospect of working at extreme heights terrifying and overwhelming. Additionally, the physical demands of the job, such as prolonged exposure to heights, intense physical exertion, and repetitive motions, would be challenging for me to endure. Furthermore, the inherent risks associated with working at great heights, including the potential for accidents, injuries, and fatalities, would be a major deterrent for me.


Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What he/she usually talks about
And explain how you felt about him/her

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One person I know who enjoys talking a lot is my colleague, Sarah. I got to know Sarah when we started working together at the same company about two years ago. From the very beginning, it was evident that Sarah was quite talkative and outgoing.

Sarah is the type of person who always has something to say about everything. Whether it’s work-related matters, current events, or personal anecdotes, she never seems to run out of topics to discuss. In meetings and social gatherings, she is often the center of attention, captivating others with her animated storytelling and lively personality.

Sarah’s conversations tend to cover a wide range of topics, from her weekend adventures and travel experiences to her favorite TV shows and hobbies. She enjoys sharing anecdotes, jokes, and interesting tidbits with anyone who will listen, making her a popular and engaging conversationalist in our workplace.
While Sarah’s chattiness can be entertaining and informative at times, I have to admit that it can also be a bit overwhelming. There are moments when I find myself wishing for some peace and quiet, especially during busy workdays or when I’m trying to focus on important tasks. Nonetheless, I appreciate Sarah’s friendly demeanor and positive energy, and I value her contributions to our team dynamic.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

Someone I know who has a penchant for talking is my neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins. I first met Mrs. Jenkins shortly after moving into my apartment complex, and since then, we’ve developed a friendly acquaintanceship through casual conversations and neighborly interactions.

Mrs. Jenkins is a warm and sociable individual who thrives on human connection and conversation. Whenever we bump into each other in the hallway or the building’s communal areas, she never fails to strike up a conversation and engage me in lively chatter. From sharing updates about her family and grandchildren to recounting amusing anecdotes from her past, Mrs. Jenkins is always eager to share snippets of her life with me.

What I’ve noticed about Mrs. Jenkins is that she has a wide range of interests and experiences to draw upon in conversation. Whether it’s discussing gardening tips, sharing recipes, or reminiscing about her travels, she always has something interesting and insightful to say. Her enthusiasm for storytelling and her genuine interest in others make her a delightful conversational companion.

While I appreciate Mrs. Jenkins’ friendly nature and her willingness to engage in conversation, I have to admit that there are times when her chattiness can be a bit overwhelming. There are moments when I find myself longing for a brief respite from the constant stream of words, especially when I’m busy or preoccupied with other matters. Nonetheless, I value Mrs. Jenkins’ neighborly camaraderie and the sense of community that she fosters within our apartment complex.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A person I know who has an affinity for talking is my childhood friend, Alex. Alex and I have been friends since elementary school, and over the years, I’ve come to know him as an outgoing and gregarious individual who enjoys engaging others in conversation.

I first met Alex when we were assigned to the same homeroom class in fourth grade, and we quickly bonded over our shared interests and mutual sense of humor. From that moment on, Alex became a constant presence in my life, accompanying me on countless adventures and sharing in both the joys and challenges of growing up.

What sets Alex apart is his remarkable ability to captivate others with his storytelling prowess and charismatic personality. Whether we’re hanging out with friends, attending social gatherings, or simply catching up over coffee, Alex always takes center stage, regaling us with entertaining anecdotes, witty observations, and humorous commentary on a wide range of topics.

What I appreciate most about Alex is his genuine passion for connecting with others and fostering meaningful relationships through conversation. He has an uncanny knack for putting people at ease and making them feel heard and valued, which has endeared him to many in our social circle.

However, I have to admit that there are moments when Alex’s loquaciousness can be a bit overwhelming, especially when I’m in need of some quiet reflection or personal space. Nonetheless, I cherish the bond that I share with Alex and the countless memories we’ve created together over the years. His outgoing nature and gift for gab have enriched my life in more ways than I can count, and for that, I am truly grateful.


Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed
You should say:
Where you planned to travel to
Why you were looking forward to it
Why it had to be delayed
And explain how you felt about the experience

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One travel destination I had been eagerly looking forward to was a trip to a tropical island in the Caribbean. The allure of pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforests had captivated my imagination, and I was excited at the prospect of escaping to paradise for a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

I had been envisioning lazy days spent lounging on powdery white sands, soaking up the warm tropical sun, and swimming in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. I was also eager to explore the island’s vibrant culture, savoring local cuisine, learning about its history, and immersing myself in the laid-back island lifestyle.

Unfortunately, our travel plans were put on hold due to unforeseen circumstances. A sudden family emergency required my immediate attention and made it impossible for me to travel as planned. As much as I was disappointed by the delay, I knew that family always came first, and I had to prioritize my responsibilities at home before indulging in leisurely pursuits.

Despite the setback, I remained hopeful that I would eventually have the opportunity to visit the tropical paradise that had captured my imagination. In the meantime, I focused on supporting my family through the challenges we were facing and looked forward to the day when I could fulfill my dream of experiencing the beauty and tranquility of a tropical island getaway.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A travel destination that had been on the top of my bucket list for quite some time was a tropical retreat in the Maldives. The allure of its picture-perfect beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and luxurious overwater bungalows had captured my imagination, and I was eagerly anticipating a week of relaxation and adventure in this tropical paradise.

I had planned to visit the Maldives during the peak season, when the weather is sunny, and the waters are calm, to make the most of my time in this idyllic destination. I was looking forward to indulging in a variety of water sports and activities, such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and kayaking, to explore the pristine marine life and stunning underwater landscapes.

However, our travel plans hit a roadblock when a global health crisis forced the closure of international borders and the imposition of travel restrictions. The uncertainty and unpredictability surrounding the situation made it impossible for us to proceed with our trip as scheduled, and we had no choice but to postpone our travel plans indefinitely.

While I was disappointed by the delay, I understood the importance of prioritizing health and safety during such unprecedented times. I remained hopeful that we would eventually be able to reschedule our trip and fulfill our dream of experiencing the beauty and tranquility of the Maldives. In the meantime, I focused on finding alternative ways to relax and unwind closer to home.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A tropical getaway that had been on my radar for quite some time was a trip to the Hawaiian Islands. The allure of its stunning natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and rich cultural heritage had always fascinated me, and I was eagerly looking forward to immersing myself in the aloha spirit and exploring everything that Hawaii had to offer.

I had planned to visit Hawaii during the summer months, when the weather is warm, and the days are long, to make the most of my time in this tropical paradise. I was excited at the prospect of hiking through lush rainforests, lounging on pristine beaches, and marveling at majestic waterfalls, all against the backdrop of towering volcanoes and azure seas.

Unfortunately, our travel plans were put on hold due to unforeseen circumstances. A sudden work commitment required my immediate attention and made it impossible for me to travel as planned. As disappointed as I was by the delay, I knew that my professional obligations had to take precedence, and I had to prioritize my responsibilities at work before indulging in leisurely pursuits.

Despite the setback, I remained hopeful that I would eventually have the opportunity to visit Hawaii and experience its beauty and charm firsthand. In the meantime, I focused on fulfilling my commitments at work and looked forward to the day when I could finally embark on my tropical adventure to the Hawaiian Islands.


Describe an interesting activity that you enjoyed most in your primary
You should say:
What the activity was
How often you did the activity
Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed doing it.

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One of the most memorable activities I cherished during my primary school days was our annual talent show. Held once a year towards the end of the school term, it was an event eagerly anticipated by students and faculty alike. The talent show provided us with a platform to showcase our various skills and talents in front of our peers, teachers, and parents.

I eagerly participated in the talent show every year, relishing the chance to perform on stage and share my talents with others. Whether it was singing, dancing, or reciting poetry, I always looked forward to expressing myself and entertaining the audience with my performance.

Often, I collaborated with my friends to prepare for the talent show. Together, we would brainstorm ideas, rehearse routines, and fine-tune our acts to perfection. Working as a team not only made the experience more enjoyable but also strengthened our bonds of friendship and camaraderie.

What made the talent show so special for me was the opportunity to showcase my creativity and talent in a supportive and encouraging environment. The sense of accomplishment and pride I felt after each performance was truly rewarding, and it instilled in me a newfound confidence and self-assurance that stayed with me long after the applause had faded.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

An activity that stands out in my memory from my primary school years is our school’s annual talent show. Held once a year towards the end of the school term, it was an eagerly anticipated event that brought together students, teachers, and parents to celebrate our diverse talents and abilities.

I participated in the talent show every year without fail, eagerly seizing the opportunity to showcase my skills and entertain the audience. Whether it was singing, dancing, or performing in a skit, I always looked forward to expressing myself creatively on stage.

Often, I teamed up with my friends to prepare for the talent show. Together, we would brainstorm ideas, choreograph routines, and practice diligently to ensure a polished performance. Collaborating with my peers not only made the experience more enjoyable but also fostered a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among us.

What made the talent show so enjoyable for me was the chance to shine in the spotlight and receive recognition for my efforts. The applause and encouragement from the audience were incredibly gratifying, boosting my confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, the talent show provided a platform for me to express myself creatively and develop my skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One of the highlights of my primary school experience was undoubtedly our annual talent show. Held towards the end of each school year, it was an eagerly anticipated event that brought together students from all grade levels to showcase their talents and creativity in front of an audience of peers, teachers, and parents.

For me, the talent show was an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and express myself in ways I never thought possible. Whether it was singing, dancing, or performing in a skit, I relished the chance to share my passions and abilities with others.

What made the talent show truly special was the camaraderie and sense of community it fostered among us. I often collaborated with my classmates to brainstorm ideas, choreograph routines, and rehearse tirelessly in preparation for the big day. Working together as a team not only made the experience more enjoyable but also taught me the value of cooperation and teamwork.

The thrill of performing on stage and receiving applause from the audience was an exhilarating experience that left a lasting impression on me. The talent show not only provided a platform for me to showcase my talents but also instilled in me a sense of confidence, self-assurance, and personal achievement that I carried with me long after my primary school days were over.