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Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
What it is 
How you found out about it
How often you visit it
And explain why you often visit it

Band 6

A website that I frequently visit is TikTok. TikTok is a popular social media platform where users can create and share short videos on a wide range of topics, including comedy, dance, cooking, and more. It’s known for its addictive nature and the ability to quickly consume entertaining content in bite-sized snippets.

I first discovered TikTok through word of mouth. Many of my friends were talking about funny videos they saw on the app, so I decided to check it out for myself. I downloaded the app and started exploring the endless stream of videos that filled my feed.

I find myself visiting TikTok almost daily, often multiple times throughout the day. It has become a habitual part of my routine, especially during breaks or when I’m winding down for the day. I enjoy scrolling through the endless array of videos, laughing at funny skits, marveling at impressive dance moves, and discovering new trends.

One of the main reasons why I often visit TikTok is its entertainment value. The videos are short and engaging, making it easy to consume content quickly whenever I have a spare moment. Additionally, the algorithm does a great job of personalizing my feed based on my interests, ensuring that I’m always discovering new and interesting content.

Moreover, TikTok has a sense of community that keeps me coming back. I enjoy interacting with other users by liking, commenting, and sharing videos. It’s a fun way to connect with people from all around the world who share similar interests and passions.

In summary, TikTok has become my go-to website for entertainment and social interaction. Its addictive nature, personalized feed, and sense of community make it a platform that I visit frequently to unwind and enjoy myself.

Band 7

One website that has become a regular part of my online routine is TikTok. TikTok is a vibrant social media platform that allows users to create, share, and discover short-form videos across a diverse range of genres and interests. It has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, captivating millions of users worldwide with its engaging content and innovative features.

I initially stumbled upon TikTok through online buzz and recommendations from friends. Curious to see what the hype was about, I downloaded the app and began exploring its vast array of videos. Instantly, I was drawn in by the creativity and entertainment value it offered.

My visits to TikTok have since become quite frequent, often spanning multiple sessions throughout the day. I find myself seamlessly transitioning to the app during moments of leisure or when I need a brief escape from daily routines. Whether it’s during a short break, while commuting, or winding down before bed, TikTok has become a go-to destination for me to unwind and engage with captivating content.

The primary reason for my consistent visits to TikTok is its unparalleled entertainment value. The platform hosts an eclectic mix of content, ranging from hilarious comedy sketches to mesmerizing dance routines, informative tutorials, and thought-provoking commentary. Its algorithmic feed ensures that each scroll unveils a fresh selection of videos tailored to my preferences, keeping me engaged and entertained.

Furthermore, TikTok fosters a sense of community and connection that enhances its appeal. I enjoy interacting with creators through likes, comments, and shares, fostering a sense of belonging within the platform’s vibrant ecosystem. The ability to discover new trends, participate in challenges, and engage in dialogue with users from diverse backgrounds adds depth to my TikTok experience.

In summary, TikTok has become an integral part of my online experience, offering a compelling blend of entertainment, creativity, and community engagement. Its seamless interface, personalized content curation, and vibrant user community elevate it beyond a mere social media platform, making it a digital destination that I eagerly frequent.

 Band 8

A website that has significantly impacted my online engagement is TikTok. TikTok revolutionizes social media by providing an immersive platform for users to create, share, and discover short-form videos spanning various genres and interests. Its dynamic interface and user-generated content have redefined digital entertainment, captivating a global audience with its innovative features and engaging community.

My introduction to TikTok was through widespread acclaim and recommendations from peers. Intrigued by its growing popularity, I decided to explore the platform firsthand. From the moment I downloaded the app, I was captivated by its seamless user experience and diverse content offerings.

My interactions with TikTok have since evolved into regular visits, often comprising multiple sessions throughout the day. Whether it’s a quick browse during breaks or extended viewing sessions in the evening, TikTok seamlessly integrates into my daily routine, offering a source of entertainment and inspiration.

The primary allure of TikTok lies in its unparalleled ability to curate personalized content that aligns with my interests and preferences. Its sophisticated algorithm analyzes user behavior to deliver a tailored feed of videos, ensuring each scroll reveals captivating and relevant content. This personalized approach enhances my viewing experience and encourages prolonged engagement with the platform.

Moreover, TikTok fosters a sense of community and connection that transcends geographical boundaries. I actively participate in trending challenges, engage in dialogue with creators, and form connections with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds. The platform’s interactive features, such as comments, likes, and shares, facilitate meaningful interactions and foster a sense of belonging within the TikTok community.

In summary, TikTok has emerged as a transformative force in the realm of digital media, offering a compelling blend of entertainment, personalization, and community engagement. Its intuitive interface, innovative content creation tools, and vibrant user community elevate it to more than just a social media platform, making it an indispensable part of my online experience.


Describe an advertisement you have seen but did not like
You should say:
Where and when you saw it
What the advertisement was for
What you could see in the advertisement
And explain why you did not like the advertisement

Band 6

I recently came across an advertisement on social media that didn’t sit well with me. It was a sponsored post that appeared in my news feed while I was scrolling through my favorite social networking site. The advertisement was promoting a new energy drink brand that claimed to boost energy levels and enhance performance.

The advertisement featured a flashy, animated graphic of the energy drink can, accompanied by bold text highlighting its supposed benefits. It also showcased images of energetic individuals engaging in extreme sports and intense physical activities, seemingly fueled by the energy drink.

However, despite the advertisement’s attempt to portray the energy drink as a must-have product for vitality and success, I found it unappealing for several reasons. Firstly, the advertisement relied heavily on flashy visuals and exaggerated claims without providing any credible evidence or scientific backing to support its efficacy. The promotional material seemed more focused on creating hype and excitement rather than delivering factual information to consumers.

Moreover, I was concerned about the potential health risks associated with consuming energy drinks, especially in excess. The advertisement failed to address any potential side effects or risks, instead glorifying the drink as a magic solution for enhancing performance and productivity.

Furthermore, I found the marketing tactics employed in the advertisement to be manipulative and misleading. The use of high-energy imagery and aspirational messaging aimed to target vulnerable individuals seeking quick fixes for fatigue or low energy levels, potentially leading them to make uninformed purchasing decisions.

In conclusion, the advertisement for the energy drink brand left a negative impression on me due to its lack of transparency, exaggerated claims, and manipulative marketing tactics. Instead of inspiring trust and confidence in the product, it raised concerns about the ethics and integrity of the brand’s advertising practices.

 Band 7

I recently encountered an advertisement while browsing the internet that left me feeling unsettled. It was a pop-up ad that appeared while I was reading an article on a news website. The advertisement was promoting a new luxury car model from a well-known automotive company.

The advertisement featured sleek visuals of the car gliding down winding roads against scenic backdrops. It emphasized the car’s advanced features, such as its powerful engine, cutting-edge technology, and luxurious interior. The accompanying text highlighted the car’s status symbol and prestige, suggesting that owning it would elevate one’s social standing.

However, despite the advertisement’s attempt to portray the car as the epitome of sophistication and success, I found it off-putting for several reasons. Firstly, I was taken aback by the conspicuous display of wealth and materialism. The advertisement seemed to equate ownership of the luxury car with personal worth and social status, perpetuating shallow values and materialistic aspirations.

Moreover, I was disappointed by the lack of diversity and inclusivity in the advertisement’s portrayal of consumers. The actors depicted enjoying the luxury car were predominantly affluent and homogeneous, reinforcing stereotypes of wealth and privilege. This narrow representation failed to acknowledge the diversity of individuals who may be interested in purchasing the car, excluding potential customers from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Furthermore, I found the advertisement’s tone to be elitist and exclusionary. By positioning the luxury car as a symbol of status and exclusivity, it alienated individuals who may not fit the stereotypical image of wealth and success. Instead of fostering inclusivity and accessibility, the advertisement reinforced elitist attitudes and reinforced societal divides.

In conclusion, the advertisement for the luxury car left me feeling disillusioned and uncomfortable due to its promotion of materialism, lack of diversity, and elitist messaging. Instead of inspiring admiration or desire for the product, it highlighted the superficiality and exclusivity associated with luxury branding.

 Band 8

I distinctly recall encountering an advertisement that left a rather negative impression on me. It was a billboard advertisement situated prominently along a busy highway, catching the attention of commuters during rush hour. The advertisement was promoting a new line of fast fashion clothing from a popular retail chain.

The advertisement showcased a series of models clad in the latest clothing collection, striking exaggerated poses against a flashy backdrop. Each model sported an impeccable appearance, styled to perfection from head to toe in trendy attire. The tagline accompanying the visuals emphasized the affordability and accessibility of the clothing line, suggesting that anyone could achieve a similar fashionable look.

However, despite the advertisement’s attempt to entice consumers with the allure of stylish attire at affordable prices, I found it rather distasteful for several reasons. Firstly, I was troubled by the environmental and ethical implications of fast fashion production, which often prioritizes mass consumption and profit over sustainability and worker welfare. The advertisement failed to acknowledge the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment and exploited consumer desires for trendy clothing without addressing the broader implications.

Moreover, I was disappointed by the lack of diversity and inclusivity in the advertisement’s portrayal of beauty and fashion. The models featured in the advertisement were predominantly young, slim, and conventionally attractive, perpetuating narrow standards of beauty and excluding individuals from diverse backgrounds. This narrow representation failed to reflect the diversity of consumers who may be interested in purchasing the clothing line, alienating potential customers and reinforcing unrealistic beauty ideals.

Furthermore, I found the advertisement’s messaging to be shallow and superficial, focusing solely on appearance and material possessions rather than promoting values of authenticity and self-expression. By equating fashion with identity and self-worth, the advertisement reinforced consumerism and perpetuated the notion that happiness and fulfillment can be achieved through consumption.

In conclusion, the advertisement for the fast fashion clothing line left me feeling uneasy and disillusioned due to its promotion of unsustainable consumption patterns, lack of diversity, and superficial messaging. Instead of inspiring admiration or desire for the product, it highlighted the shallow and materialistic aspects of contemporary consumer culture

Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time
You should say:
Where the city is
When you would like to go there
whom do you want to go with and what you would do there
And explain why you would stay there for a short time

Band 6

One city that I have always wanted to visit for a short stay is Paris, France. Paris is renowned for its romantic ambiance, rich history, and iconic landmarks, making it a dream destination for many travelers around the world.

I am eager to explore Paris because of its cultural significance and timeless charm. I have heard so much about its beautiful architecture, world-class museums, and delectable cuisine, and I am eager to experience them firsthand.

Ideally, I would like to visit Paris with a close friend or family member who shares my enthusiasm for travel and exploration. Exploring the city’s cobblestone streets, visiting landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral, and indulging in French pastries and cuisine would be even more enjoyable with a companion.

During my short stay in Paris, I plan to immerse myself in the city’s vibrant culture and history. I would love to visit famous museums like the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay, stroll along the Seine River, and admire the city’s picturesque architecture. Additionally, I hope to sample authentic French cuisine at local cafes and bistros, savoring classic dishes like croissants, escargot, and coq au vin.

Despite my desire to explore Paris in depth, I envision staying for only a short time due to various constraints. Time and budget limitations may restrict the duration of my visit, and I may have other commitments or destinations to explore during my travels. Additionally, a short stay in Paris would allow me to experience the highlights of the city without feeling rushed or overwhelmed, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling travel experience within a limited timeframe.


Band 7

One city that has always piqued my interest for a brief visit is Tokyo, Japan. Situated on the eastern coast of Honshu, Tokyo is a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant street life, cutting-edge technology, and unique blend of traditional and modern culture.

I am drawn to Tokyo for its fascinating juxtaposition of old and new. From ancient temples and serene gardens to towering skyscrapers and neon-lit streets, Tokyo offers a diverse array of experiences that cater to both history enthusiasts and tech-savvy individuals like myself.

If given the opportunity to visit Tokyo, I would likely embark on this journey with a close friend or family member who shares my curiosity about Japanese culture and cuisine. Exploring the city’s bustling neighborhoods, sampling authentic Japanese dishes, and navigating the efficient public transportation system together would undoubtedly enhance the experience.

During my short stay in Tokyo, I envision immersing myself in the city’s vibrant atmosphere and discovering its many treasures. I would prioritize visiting iconic landmarks such as the historic Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa, the bustling Shibuya Crossing, and the futuristic district of Akihabara, known for its electronic stores and otaku culture.

Furthermore, I would love to delve into Tokyo’s culinary scene, indulging in sushi, ramen, and other traditional Japanese delicacies at local eateries and markets. Exploring traditional tea houses, browsing through quirky shops, and perhaps attending a traditional Japanese tea ceremony or sumo wrestling match would also be on my agenda.

Despite my eagerness to explore Tokyo’s diverse attractions, I recognize that time constraints may limit the duration of my visit. A short stay in Tokyo would allow me to experience the city’s highlights and immerse myself in its culture without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Additionally, it would leave me with a sense of intrigue and a desire to return for a more extended visit in the future.


Band 8

One city that has long captured my imagination for a brief sojourn is Istanbul, Turkey. Nestled at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a vibrant metropolis teeming with history, culture, and architectural marvels.

Istanbul’s rich tapestry of influences, from Byzantine and Ottoman to contemporary Turkish, is a major draw for me. The city’s iconic landmarks, such as the Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace, bear witness to its storied past and offer a glimpse into its fascinating heritage.

If I were to embark on a short stay in Istanbul, I would likely opt to explore the city solo. Roaming its labyrinthine streets and absorbing its sights and sounds at my own pace would allow me to fully immerse myself in its ambiance and discover hidden gems along the way.

During my brief visit to Istanbul, I would prioritize visiting its renowned landmarks and cultural sites. I envision marveling at the intricate mosaics and towering domes of the Hagia Sophia, admiring the dazzling tiles and minarets of the Blue Mosque, and exploring the opulent chambers of Topkapi Palace.

Furthermore, I would relish the opportunity to indulge in Istanbul’s culinary delights, from savory kebabs and mezes to sweet treats like baklava and Turkish delight. Sampling street food at bustling markets, sipping aromatic Turkish tea in historic cafes, and perhaps partaking in a traditional Turkish bath experience would also be on my itinerary.

While I am eager to soak in Istanbul’s rich history and vibrant culture, I recognize the constraints of a short stay. Time limitations may necessitate prioritizing certain attractions over others, but I am confident that even a brief visit to Istanbul would leave a lasting impression and ignite a desire to return for further exploration in the future.

Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices
You should say:
Who the person is
What the person likes to buy
Where this person likes to buy things
And explain why this person likes to buy cheap goods

Band 6

I would like to talk about my friend Sarah, who is someone that enjoys purchasing goods at low prices. Sarah is a frugal individual who always looks for bargains and discounts whenever she goes shopping.

Sarah prefers to buy everyday items like clothing, groceries, and household goods at discount stores or during sales events. She frequents thrift shops, clearance racks, and online marketplaces known for offering affordable products.

The reason why Sarah prefers to buy goods at low prices is because she values practicality and financial prudence. As a student on a tight budget, Sarah is mindful of her spending and strives to stretch her money as far as possible. By purchasing items at discounted prices, she can save money and make her limited budget go further.

Additionally, Sarah finds satisfaction in finding good deals and feels a sense of accomplishment when she manages to purchase quality items at a fraction of their original cost. She sees buying low-priced goods as a savvy financial decision that allows her to meet her needs without overspending.

Overall, Sarah’s preference for buying goods at low prices stems from her practical mindset and desire to make wise financial choices. She enjoys the challenge of finding bargains and takes pride in her ability to shop smartly while still meeting her needs within her budget constraints.


Band 7

I’d like to talk about my cousin Tom, who has a penchant for seeking out bargains and purchasing goods at low prices. Tom is a practical individual who believes in getting the best value for his money whenever he goes shopping.

Tom’s preference for buying goods at low prices extends to various aspects of his life, from everyday essentials to larger purchases like electronics and furniture. He enjoys browsing through discount stores, clearance sections, and online marketplaces known for offering affordable products.

One place Tom particularly enjoys shopping is at thrift stores and second-hand shops. He appreciates the opportunity to find gently used items at significantly lower prices than their brand-new counterparts. From clothing and home décor to books and electronics, Tom has discovered many hidden treasures through his thrifty shopping habits.

The primary reason why Tom likes to buy goods at low prices is because he is financially conscious and values frugality. As a young professional just starting out in his career, Tom is mindful of his budget and strives to make prudent financial decisions. By purchasing goods at discounted prices, he can allocate his limited resources more efficiently and save money for other priorities.

Moreover, Tom finds satisfaction in the thrill of the hunt and the sense of accomplishment that comes with finding a great deal. He sees bargain hunting as a fun and rewarding activity that allows him to exercise his resourcefulness and savvy consumer skills.

Overall, Tom’s preference for buying goods at low prices reflects his practical mindset and commitment to financial responsibility. He enjoys the challenge of finding bargains and views frugality as a virtue that enables him to live within his means while still enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.


Band 8

Let me tell you about my friend, Emily, who has a keen eye for finding great deals and enjoys purchasing goods at low prices. Emily is a savvy shopper who takes pride in her ability to stretch her budget and maximize the value of her purchases.

Emily’s inclination towards buying goods at low prices extends across various categories, ranging from everyday essentials to luxury items. She is known for scouring online marketplaces, comparison shopping, and making use of coupons and discount codes to secure the best deals possible.

One of Emily’s favorite places to shop is thrift stores and flea markets. She relishes the thrill of uncovering unique treasures and hidden gems amidst the eclectic array of items available at bargain prices. From vintage clothing and home décor to collectibles and antiques, Emily has a knack for spotting valuable finds at affordable rates.

The primary reason why Emily gravitates towards buying goods at low prices is her pragmatic approach to finances. As a young professional with financial goals and aspirations, Emily understands the importance of living within her means and making informed spending decisions. By being mindful of her budget and seeking out discounts and promotions, she can maintain a balanced financial lifestyle while still indulging in her interests and hobbies.

Furthermore, Emily values the concept of minimalism and conscious consumption. She believes in prioritizing quality over quantity and prefers to invest in items that offer long-term value rather than fleeting trends. By purchasing goods at low prices, she can allocate her resources more efficiently and make deliberate choices that align with her values and priorities.

Overall, Emily’s preference for buying goods at low prices reflects her practical mindset, resourcefulness, and commitment to financial independence. She approaches shopping as a strategic endeavor and derives satisfaction from the satisfaction of finding great deals and making smart purchasing decisions.


Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:

What it is

Where you see it

 What it looks like

And explain why it is important


Band 6


One important plant in my country is the rice plant. Rice is primarily cultivated in vast paddy fields located in rural areas across the country, particularly in regions with suitable climate and soil conditions.

Rice plants are characterized by their tall, slender stalks with long, narrow leaves. They typically grow in flooded or irrigated fields, where they thrive in warm temperatures and moist soil conditions. During the growing season, rice plants develop clusters of grain-bearing panicles at the top of their stems, which eventually mature into rice grains.

Rice is an essential staple food in my country, serving as a dietary staple for millions of people. It is a versatile crop that can be prepared and consumed in various forms, including steamed rice, rice noodles, rice flour, and rice-based dishes such as biryani and sushi.

Furthermore, rice plays a significant role in the economy and culture of my country. It is a major commodity crop that supports the livelihoods of millions of farmers and agricultural workers across the country. The cultivation of rice contributes to rural employment, income generation, and food security, particularly in regions where agriculture is the primary economic activity.

Moreover, rice holds cultural and symbolic significance in many communities, often being associated with traditional festivals, rituals, and culinary traditions. It is deeply ingrained in the cultural identity and heritage of my country, serving as a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and hospitality.

In summary, the rice plant is an important crop in my country, serving as a vital source of food, livelihood, and cultural heritage. Its cultivation and consumption play a crucial role in supporting the economy, ensuring food security, and preserving cultural traditions across diverse communities.


Band 7

One of the most important plants in my country is the tea plant, known scientifically as Camellia sinensis. Tea is primarily cultivated in hilly regions with suitable climatic conditions, particularly in the northeastern and southern parts of the country.

Tea plants are characterized by their glossy, dark green leaves and small white flowers. They typically grow as bushes or small trees, thriving in well-drained soil and temperate climates. The leaves of the tea plant are harvested at various stages of maturity to produce different types of tea, including green tea, black tea, and oolong tea.

Tea holds significant cultural and economic importance in my country. It is not only a popular beverage enjoyed by people of all ages but also a major export commodity that contributes significantly to the country’s economy. The cultivation and processing of tea support millions of livelihoods, including farmers, plantation workers, and workers in tea processing factories.

In addition to its economic significance, tea plays a central role in social customs and rituals. It is often served as a gesture of hospitality to guests and visitors, and tea ceremonies are commonly practiced in various cultural contexts. Tea is also associated with relaxation, socialization, and moments of contemplation, making it an integral part of daily life for many people.

Moreover, tea is celebrated for its health benefits and medicinal properties. It is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which are believed to have various health-promoting effects, including boosting immunity, improving cardiovascular health, and aiding digestion. As a result, tea consumption is often encouraged as part of a healthy lifestyle.

In summary, the tea plant holds significant cultural, economic, and medicinal importance in my country. Its cultivation and consumption are deeply intertwined with the fabric of society, contributing to livelihoods, cultural traditions, and public health initiatives. As such, the tea plant is rightly regarded as one of the most important plants in my country.

Top of Form


Band 8

An essential plant in my country is the mango tree, scientifically known as Mangifera indica. Mango trees are indigenous to tropical regions and thrive in the warm, humid climate found in many parts of my country, particularly in the coastal and southern regions.

Mango trees are renowned for their lush foliage, with dense canopies of dark green leaves providing shade from the scorching sun. They bear oblong-shaped fruits with smooth, golden-yellow skin when ripe, enclosing juicy, sweet flesh and a large flat seed.

In my country, mango trees can be found in orchards, gardens, and even lining the streets of rural villages and urban neighborhoods. They are a ubiquitous sight, especially during the summer months when mangoes are in season, and their sweet fragrance fills the air.

The mango holds immense cultural significance in my country, deeply ingrained in culinary traditions, festivals, and social customs. It is revered as the “king of fruits” and is celebrated for its exquisite flavor and nutritional value. Mangoes are incorporated into a wide range of dishes, from sweet desserts and drinks to savory chutneys and pickles, showcasing their versatility in cuisine.

Beyond its culinary appeal, the mango tree plays a crucial role in the economy and environment of my country. Mango cultivation supports the livelihoods of millions of farmers and agricultural workers, contributing to rural employment and income generation. Moreover, mango orchards provide habitat and sustenance for various wildlife species, enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Furthermore, mangoes are a valuable export commodity, with my country being one of the leading exporters of mangoes globally. The export of mangoes generates substantial revenue and foreign exchange earnings, bolstering the country’s economy and international trade.

In summary, the mango tree is an important plant in my country, cherished for its cultural significance, economic contributions, and environmental benefits. Its widespread cultivation and consumption enrich the fabric of society, symbolizing abundance, prosperity, and the bounty of nature.



Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded

You should say:

What it was

How you overcame the difficulties

Whether you got help

And explain how you felt after you succeeded



Band 6

One challenging task I faced and eventually succeeded in was completing a complex research project for my university course. The project required extensive research, data analysis, and critical thinking skills, presenting numerous obstacles along the way.

To overcome the difficulties, I developed a structured plan and timeline to manage my workload effectively. I broke down the project into smaller, manageable tasks and allocated specific time slots for research, data collection, analysis, and writing. Additionally, I sought guidance from my professors and classmates, who provided valuable advice and feedback throughout the process.

Despite encountering setbacks and obstacles, such as difficulty accessing relevant resources and grappling with complex data analysis techniques, I persevered by remaining focused and disciplined. I dedicated long hours to conducting thorough research, refining my methodology, and meticulously analyzing the data to draw meaningful conclusions.

While I did receive some assistance and guidance from professors and peers, the majority of the work was completed independently. I took ownership of the project and was determined to see it through to completion, relying on my own knowledge, skills, and determination to overcome the challenges.

Upon successfully completing the research project and receiving positive feedback from my professors, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The experience taught me valuable lessons in time management, problem-solving, and resilience, and boosted my confidence in my abilities to tackle challenging tasks. Moreover, the sense of fulfillment and pride in overcoming obstacles and achieving my goals was immensely rewarding and served as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.


Band 7

One significant challenge I encountered and successfully navigated was organizing a charity event for my community. As a volunteer coordinator, I was tasked with planning and executing a fundraising event to support a local charity organization.

To overcome the difficulties associated with organizing such an event, I adopted a systematic approach and relied on effective communication and teamwork. Initially, I created a detailed plan outlining the event’s objectives, timeline, budget, and logistics. I then assembled a dedicated team of volunteers, each assigned specific responsibilities based on their skills and interests.

Throughout the planning process, we encountered several obstacles, including securing sponsorships, coordinating logistics, and promoting the event to attract attendees. However, by maintaining open lines of communication, brainstorming creative solutions, and leveraging our collective strengths, we were able to address these challenges effectively.

While I received support and assistance from my team members and fellow volunteers, much of the responsibility for organizing the event fell on my shoulders. I took on a leadership role, providing guidance, motivation, and direction to ensure that everyone remained focused on our shared goal of making the event a success.

After months of meticulous planning and hard work, the charity event finally took place, exceeding our expectations in terms of attendance, fundraising, and community engagement. Seeing the event come together smoothly and witnessing the positive impact it had on our community filled me with a profound sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Moreover, the experience taught me valuable lessons in leadership, teamwork, and project management, sharpening my organizational and interpersonal skills in the process. It reinforced the importance of perseverance, resilience, and collaboration in overcoming obstacles and achieving success, leaving me with a newfound confidence in my ability to tackle challenging tasks and make a meaningful difference in my community.


Band 8

One particularly challenging endeavor I undertook and ultimately triumphed in was completing a marathon race. Running a marathon had been a long-standing personal goal of mine, requiring months of dedicated training, mental fortitude, and physical endurance.

To overcome the difficulties inherent in marathon training, I devised a comprehensive training plan that gradually increased my mileage and intensity over time. I committed to a rigorous training schedule, incorporating long runs, speed workouts, and cross-training activities to build strength and endurance.

Throughout the training process, I encountered numerous obstacles, including fatigue, muscle soreness, and occasional injuries. However, I persevered by staying disciplined, listening to my body, and making adjustments to my training regimen as needed. Additionally, I sought advice and support from experienced runners and coaches who provided valuable guidance and encouragement along the way.

On race day, I faced the ultimate test of my physical and mental resilience as I tackled the 26.2-mile course. Despite experiencing moments of doubt and fatigue, I drew upon my training and determination to push through each mile, focusing on maintaining a steady pace and staying mentally strong.

As I crossed the finish line and completed the marathon, a wave of emotions washed over me – a profound sense of accomplishment, relief, and pride. The realization that I had achieved a goal that once seemed daunting and out of reach filled me with an overwhelming sense of joy and satisfaction.

Moreover, completing the marathon taught me valuable lessons in perseverance, determination, and resilience. It reinforced the importance of setting ambitious goals, staying committed to the process, and pushing beyond my comfort zone to achieve success. The experience left me with a newfound confidence in my abilities and a deep appreciation for the transformative power of perseverance and grit.



Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say:

What it is

When and why you started to follow this routine

Whether it is easy to follow this routine

And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life



Band 6

One daily routine that I enjoy is my morning yoga practice. I began following this routine about six months ago when I felt the need to incorporate more physical activity and mindfulness into my daily life.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I set aside around 30 minutes to practice yoga. I started with simple beginner poses and gradually progressed to more advanced sequences as I became more comfortable with the practice. I chose to start my day with yoga because I found it to be a peaceful and energizing way to awaken my body and mind, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Following this routine has been relatively easy for me, as I have made it a priority and incorporated it into my morning schedule. While there are days when I may feel tired or pressed for time, I have found that the benefits of my yoga practice outweigh any challenges or obstacles I may encounter.

I enjoy having this routine in my daily life for several reasons. Firstly, yoga helps me to feel more grounded and centered, reducing stress and anxiety while promoting mental clarity and focus. It allows me to connect with my breath and body, fostering a sense of mindfulness and presence that carries over into other aspects of my day.

Additionally, my morning yoga practice serves as a gentle yet effective form of exercise, helping me to improve my flexibility, strength, and overall physical well-being. It energizes me and boosts my mood, providing a natural source of motivation and inspiration to tackle the tasks and challenges that lie ahead.

Moreover, I appreciate the sense of ritual and routine that my morning yoga practice brings to my daily life. It provides a moment of calm and introspection amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, allowing me to start each day with intention and purpose.

Overall, my daily yoga routine brings me joy and fulfillment, enriching my life in both tangible and intangible ways. It has become an integral part of my morning ritual, enhancing my physical, mental, and emotional well-being while bringing a sense of balance and harmony to my daily life.


Band 7

A daily routine that I find particularly enjoyable is my evening reading habit. I began following this routine around a year ago when I made a conscious effort to allocate more time to reading for pleasure and personal enrichment.

Typically, I set aside around 30 minutes to an hour each evening before bedtime to indulge in a good book. I started this routine as a way to unwind and disconnect from the stresses of the day, allowing myself to immerse in the world of literature before drifting off to sleep.

Following this routine has been relatively easy for me, as I have integrated it into my evening schedule and made it a non-negotiable part of my routine. While there may be occasional evenings when I feel tired or pressed for time, I have found that the relaxation and mental stimulation I derive from reading make it well worth the effort to prioritize.

I enjoy having this routine in my daily life for several reasons. Firstly, reading allows me to escape into different worlds, explore diverse perspectives, and broaden my horizons. It provides a welcome break from the constant stimulation of screens and technology, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility that prepares me for a restful night’s sleep.

Moreover, my evening reading habit serves as a form of self-care and personal enrichment. It exposes me to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge, stimulating my intellect and nourishing my soul. Whether I’m delving into a captivating novel, exploring a thought-provoking non-fiction book, or enjoying a collection of poetry, reading enriches my life in countless ways.

Additionally, I appreciate the sense of continuity and ritual that my evening reading habit brings to my daily life. It provides a comforting sense of structure and routine, signaling the transition from the busyness of the day to the quietude of the evening. It’s a time for me to unwind, reflect, and reconnect with myself, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness and introspection.

In summary, my evening reading routine brings me immense joy and fulfillment, enriching my life in both tangible and intangible ways. It’s a cherished part of my daily routine that I look forward to each evening, providing solace, inspiration, and intellectual stimulation in equal measure.

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Band 8

A daily routine that brings me immense joy and fulfillment is my early morning exercise regimen. I adopted this routine approximately two years ago as part of a commitment to prioritize my physical and mental well-being.

Each morning, without fail, I wake up at 5:30 a.m. and embark on a 45-minute workout session. My routine typically includes a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and stretching. I chose to start my day with exercise because I find it invigorating and empowering, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day ahead.

Following this routine has required dedication and discipline, but I have found it relatively easy to maintain due to the numerous benefits it provides. While there may be days when I feel tired or tempted to hit the snooze button, the sense of accomplishment and vitality I experience after completing my morning workout outweighs any temporary discomfort or inconvenience.

There are several reasons why I enjoy having this routine in my daily life. Firstly, exercise energizes me and boosts my mood, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety while promoting mental clarity and focus. It sets a positive tone for the day ahead, empowering me to tackle challenges with confidence and resilience.

Moreover, my morning exercise routine serves as a form of self-care and personal empowerment. It allows me to prioritize my health and well-being, investing in myself and my long-term vitality. The physical benefits of exercise, such as improved strength, endurance, and overall fitness, are complemented by the mental and emotional benefits, including increased self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment.

Additionally, I appreciate the sense of routine and structure that my morning exercise regimen brings to my daily life. It provides a predictable and reliable anchor amidst the uncertainties of modern life, helping me to maintain balance and stability. It’s a time for me to focus on myself, recharge my batteries, and set positive intentions for the day ahead.

In summary, my early morning exercise routine is a cherished part of my daily life that brings me joy, vitality, and a sense of purpose. It’s a time for me to prioritize my health and well-being, invest in myself, and cultivate the strength and resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence.


Describe a person you know who is talented

You should say:

Who this person is

How and where you knew this person

Why you think he/she is talented

And explain how you found out that he/she is talented



Band 6

One person I know who is exceptionally talented is my friend Sarah. I met Sarah during high school, where we were classmates, and we have remained close friends ever since.

Sarah is a talented artist who possesses a natural gift for drawing and painting. She has a keen eye for detail and a remarkable ability to capture emotions and expressions in her artwork. I first discovered Sarah’s talent during our art class, where she consistently produced stunning pieces that showcased her creativity and skill.

What sets Sarah apart is her versatility as an artist. She is proficient in various mediums, including graphite, charcoal, watercolor, and acrylic, and she enjoys experimenting with different styles and techniques. Whether she’s creating realistic portraits, abstract landscapes, or whimsical illustrations, Sarah’s artwork never fails to impress with its beauty and depth.

I believe Sarah is talented because of her innate passion for art and her relentless dedication to honing her craft. She approaches each artwork with enthusiasm and curiosity, constantly pushing herself to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of her creativity. Her commitment to continuous improvement and her willingness to take risks and embrace challenges are evident in the growth and evolution of her artwork over time.

I discovered Sarah’s talent through firsthand experience, having witnessed her artistic journey unfold before my eyes. From our early days in art class to our present-day conversations about her latest projects, I have had the privilege of observing Sarah’s talent blossom and flourish. Her passion for art shines through in every brushstroke and line, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who has the pleasure of experiencing her work.


Band 7

One individual in my life who possesses remarkable talent is my cousin David. I first became aware of David’s talent during family gatherings and holidays, where he would often showcase his musical abilities.

David is an exceptionally talented musician, proficient in playing multiple instruments, including the guitar, piano, and drums. He has a natural ear for music and an innate ability to pick up new songs and melodies quickly. What sets David apart is not just his technical skill but also his creativity and passion for music.

I got to know David through family gatherings and reunions, where he would often entertain us with impromptu performances. Whether he was strumming his guitar and singing heartfelt ballads or captivating us with his piano compositions, David’s musical talent never failed to captivate and inspire those around him.

What I find particularly impressive about David’s talent is his versatility as a musician. He is proficient in various genres, from classical and jazz to rock and blues, and he enjoys experimenting with different styles and arrangements. His ability to adapt and express himself through music demonstrates his depth of understanding and passion for the art form.

I believe David is talented not only because of his technical proficiency but also because of his genuine love for music and his dedication to his craft. He spends countless hours practicing, composing, and refining his skills, constantly striving to push the boundaries of his creativity and expand his musical horizons.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of witnessing David’s musical journey and seeing him grow and evolve as an artist. From his early days as a budding musician to his present-day performances at local venues and events, David’s talent has continued to shine brightly, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who has the pleasure of experiencing his music.

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Band 8

One individual in my life who stands out for their exceptional talent is my friend Lisa. I first met Lisa during college, where we were both enrolled in a theater class, and I was immediately struck by her remarkable acting abilities.

Lisa is a gifted actress with a natural talent for portraying diverse characters with depth and authenticity. She has an innate ability to inhabit roles and bring them to life on stage, captivating audiences with her compelling performances. Whether she’s playing the lead in a dramatic play or delivering a comedic monologue, Lisa’s talent for acting shines through in every performance.

I first became aware of Lisa’s talent during our college theater productions, where she consistently delivered standout performances that left a lasting impression on both the audience and her fellow cast members. Her ability to embody complex characters and convey a range of emotions with nuance and subtlety was truly remarkable.

What sets Lisa apart is not just her technical skill as an actress but also her dedication to her craft and her commitment to continuous improvement. She approaches each role with diligence and professionalism, investing time and effort into research, character development, and rehearsal. Her passion for acting is evident in her unwavering dedication to honing her skills and pushing herself to new heights as an artist.

I believe Lisa is talented because of her innate passion for storytelling and her ability to connect with audiences on a deep and emotional level through her performances. She has a keen understanding of human nature and a gift for eliciting empathy and resonance with her portrayals, making her a truly compelling and memorable performer.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of witnessing Lisa’s talent blossom and evolve as she has taken on increasingly challenging roles and explored new avenues of artistic expression. Whether on stage or screen, Lisa’s talent for acting continues to captivate and inspire, leaving a lasting impact on all who have the pleasure of experiencing her work.



Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What music he/she likes

Why he/she thinks music is important

And explain how you feel about him/her


Band 6Top of Form

One person I know who places great importance on music and thoroughly enjoys it is my neighbor, Mr. Smith. I got to know Mr. Smith through our neighborhood gatherings and interactions, where his passion for music often became a topic of conversation.

Mr. Smith has a diverse taste in music, ranging from classical and jazz to rock and blues. He appreciates a wide variety of genres and artists, often sharing his favorite songs and albums with friends and neighbors. Whether he’s playing music on his stereo at home or attending live concerts and performances, Mr. Smith always seems to be surrounded by music.

Mr. Smith believes that music is important for several reasons. He sees it as a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, bringing people together and fostering a sense of connection and community. He also views music as a powerful form of self-expression and emotional release, capable of conveying complex emotions and experiences in ways that words alone cannot.

Moreover, Mr. Smith values music for its ability to enhance mood and uplift spirits, serving as a source of comfort, inspiration, and joy in both good times and bad. He believes that music has the power to soothe the soul, stimulate the mind, and enrich the human experience in profound and meaningful ways.

I admire Mr. Smith’s passion for music and his genuine enthusiasm for sharing it with others. His love for music is infectious, and his knowledge and appreciation for different genres and artists have broadened my own musical horizons. I appreciate the way he uses music to connect with others and create moments of joy and camaraderie within our community.

Overall, Mr. Smith’s deep appreciation for music serves as a reminder of the transformative power of music in our lives. His enthusiasm and passion for music are truly inspiring, and I feel fortunate to have him as a neighbor and friend who continually reminds me of the beauty and importance of music in our daily lives.


Band 7

One individual in my life who holds a deep appreciation for music and considers it important is my colleague, Emily. I became acquainted with Emily when we were assigned to work on a project together at our workplace, and our shared love for music quickly became evident through our conversations.

Emily has an eclectic taste in music, spanning across various genres such as classical, pop, jazz, and indie. She enjoys exploring different artists and styles, often discovering new music through recommendations from friends, online platforms, and live performances. Whether she’s listening to music during her commute, at work, or during leisure time, Emily always finds joy and fulfillment in the experience.

Emily firmly believes that music plays a vital role in human life, serving as a powerful means of expression, connection, and emotional catharsis. She sees music as a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries, allowing people from diverse backgrounds to connect and communicate on a profound level. Moreover, Emily views music as a form of therapy and self-care, capable of soothing the soul, alleviating stress, and fostering emotional well-being.

Additionally, Emily recognizes the educational and cognitive benefits of music, particularly in terms of its impact on memory, concentration, and creativity. She believes that exposure to music from an early age can enhance cognitive development and stimulate intellectual growth, making it an essential component of a well-rounded education.

Personally, I admire Emily’s passion for music and her dedication to nurturing her musical interests and abilities. Her enthusiasm for discovering new music and exploring different genres has inspired me to broaden my own musical horizons and appreciate the diversity of musical expression. Furthermore, I appreciate the way Emily uses music to create a positive and uplifting atmosphere in our workplace, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity among colleagues.

In summary, Emily’s deep appreciation for music and her belief in its importance serve as a constant reminder of the transformative power of music in our lives. Her enthusiasm and passion for music are truly infectious, and I feel fortunate to have her as a colleague and friend who continually inspires me to cultivate my own love for music.


Band 8

One person in my life who epitomizes the importance of music and derives immense enjoyment from it is my friend, Alex. I first met Alex during our college years when we were both involved in the campus music club, and it quickly became evident that music was a central part of his identity.

Alex has an eclectic taste in music, ranging from classical orchestral compositions to contemporary indie rock and everything in between. He has an extensive music collection and is always eager to share his latest discoveries with friends and acquaintances. Whether he’s attending live concerts, playing instruments, or simply listening to music at home, Alex’s enthusiasm for music is palpable and infectious.

What sets Alex apart is not just his broad musical taste but also his deep understanding and appreciation for the art form. He sees music as a powerful means of expression, communication, and emotional connection, capable of conveying complex emotions and experiences in ways that words alone cannot. He firmly believes that music has the ability to transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries, bringing people together and fostering a sense of unity and understanding.

Moreover, Alex recognizes the therapeutic and healing properties of music, both for individuals and communities. He often turns to music as a form of self-care and emotional release, using it to soothe his soul, lift his spirits, and navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. He also volunteers his time and talent to organize music therapy sessions for marginalized communities, believing in the transformative power of music to promote healing, resilience, and social change.

Personally, I admire Alex’s passion for music and his unwavering commitment to sharing its beauty and significance with others. His enthusiasm and dedication have inspired me to deepen my own appreciation for music and explore new genres and artists. Moreover, his belief in the importance of music as a force for good in the world serves as a constant reminder of the profound impact that music can have on individuals and society as a whole.

In summary, Alex’s profound reverence for music and his unwavering dedication to its exploration and enjoyment make him a true ambassador for the art form. His passion, insight, and generosity of spirit embody the transformative power of music and serve as an inspiration to all who have the pleasure of knowing him.



Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes

You should say:

When it was

What you wore

Why you wore it

And how you felt about it


Band 6

One occasion when I wore my best clothes was during my cousin’s wedding ceremony last summer. The event took place in a picturesque countryside venue on a warm and sunny afternoon.

For the occasion, I chose to wear a navy blue suit paired with a crisp white dress shirt and a coordinating silk tie. I completed the look with polished black leather shoes and accessories that added a touch of sophistication to my ensemble.

I wore my best clothes to the wedding because I wanted to show respect for the significance of the occasion and to honor the bride and groom on their special day. Additionally, I knew that the wedding would be a formal affair attended by friends and family members, and I wanted to dress appropriately for the occasion.

As I donned my best clothes and looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a sense of pride and confidence in my appearance. The suit fit me perfectly, and the color complemented my complexion and features. I felt ready to celebrate and enjoy the festivities surrounded by loved ones.

Throughout the wedding ceremony and reception, I received several compliments on my attire, which further boosted my confidence and reinforced my decision to wear my best clothes. I felt comfortable and stylish throughout the event, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the joyous atmosphere and create lasting memories with friends and family.

Overall, wearing my best clothes to my cousin’s wedding was a memorable experience that allowed me to look and feel my best on a special occasion. It was a reminder of the importance of dressing appropriately for formal events and the impact that well-chosen attire can have on one’s confidence and demeanor.

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Band 7 Top of Form

One memorable occasion when I dressed in my finest attire was during my graduation ceremony from university. The event took place on a bright and sunny morning in the grand auditorium of our university campus.

For this special occasion, I opted for a stylish navy blue suit paired with a crisp white dress shirt and a coordinating patterned tie. I accessorized with polished black leather shoes and a matching belt, completing the look with a classic wristwatch and a subtle boutonniere.

I chose to wear my best clothes to my graduation ceremony to mark the significance of the occasion and to show respect for the milestone I was achieving. Graduation symbolized the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, and I wanted to dress appropriately to commemorate this important moment in my academic journey.

As I put on my best clothes and looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. The suit fit me impeccably, and the color and style exuded sophistication and confidence. I knew that my attire reflected the seriousness and significance of the occasion, while also allowing me to express my personal style and personality.

Throughout the graduation ceremony, I received several compliments on my attire from friends, family members, and faculty members. These words of praise further reinforced my decision to wear my best clothes and added to the sense of pride and satisfaction I felt in my appearance.

Overall, dressing in my best clothes for my graduation ceremony was a memorable experience that allowed me to look and feel my best on a momentous occasion. It was a fitting tribute to the years of hard work and dedication that had led me to this point, and it served as a reminder of the importance of celebrating achievements and milestones in style.


Band 8



One particularly memorable occasion where I dressed in my finest attire was during a formal awards ceremony hosted by my workplace. The event took place in a lavish hotel ballroom, filled with colleagues, executives, and distinguished guests.

For this prestigious event, I meticulously selected a tailored charcoal gray suit, complemented by a crisp white dress shirt and a sophisticated silk tie with subtle geometric patterns. I polished off the ensemble with black leather Oxford shoes and accessorized with a sleek watch and cufflinks, adding a touch of elegance to my attire.

I chose to wear my best clothes to the awards ceremony for several reasons. Firstly, the event was a celebration of professional excellence and achievement, and I wanted to dress appropriately to convey my respect for the occasion and the individuals being honored. Additionally, I saw it as an opportunity to make a positive impression on my colleagues and superiors and to showcase my professionalism and attention to detail.

As I donned my best clothes and admired myself in the mirror, I felt a sense of confidence and poise. The suit fit me impeccably, accentuating my frame and exuding a sense of refinement and sophistication. I knew that my attire projected an image of professionalism and competence, which bolstered my confidence as I prepared to mingle with colleagues and network with industry leaders.

Throughout the awards ceremony, I received several compliments on my attire from colleagues and executives, which served as a validation of my sartorial choices. I felt proud and distinguished, knowing that my attire reflected the seriousness and significance of the event while also allowing me to express my personal style and personality.

Overall, dressing in my best clothes for the awards ceremony was a memorable experience that allowed me to look and feel my best on a prestigious occasion. It was a testament to the importance of dressing appropriately for formal events and the impact that well-chosen attire can have on one’s confidence and demeanor in professional settings.



Describe your first day at school that you remember

You should say:

Where the school was

How you went there

What happened that day

And how you felt on that day


Band 6 Top of Form


My first day at school that I distinctly remember was when I started kindergarten at a local elementary school in my neighborhood. The school was located just a short walk from my house, so my parents and I walked there together on that memorable morning.

I vividly recall feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as I approached the school gates. The school building looked imposing and unfamiliar, surrounded by a bustling crowd of other children and parents. My heart raced with anticipation as I clutched my backpack tightly, unsure of what to expect.

As I entered the school premises, I was greeted by friendly teachers and staff members who guided me to my classroom. I remember the classroom being brightly decorated with colorful posters and learning materials, which helped to alleviate some of my anxiety.

Throughout the day, we engaged in various introductory activities and icebreakers to get to know our classmates and teachers. We played games, sang songs, and listened to stories, all designed to ease us into the school routine and foster a sense of belonging.

Despite my initial nervousness, I gradually began to feel more comfortable and at ease as the day progressed. I made new friends, explored my classroom, and participated in classroom activities with enthusiasm. By the end of the day, I was excited to return to school the next day and eager to continue my educational journey.


Band 7

Looking back, my first day at school was a significant milestone in my life, marking the beginning of a new chapter in my education and personal development. While I felt apprehensive at first, I quickly realized that school was a place of learning, growth, and discovery, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for exploration.

Band 7

I distinctly remember my first day at school when I began kindergarten at a local elementary school situated just a short walk from my home. Accompanied by my parents, we made our way to the school on foot, with a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within me.

As we approached the school gates, I was struck by the sight of the large building bustling with other children and their families. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and I clung tightly to my parents’ hands as we navigated through the crowd.

Upon entering the school premises, we were greeted warmly by teachers and staff members who guided us to the kindergarten classroom. The room was adorned with colorful decorations and filled with the chatter of excited children, which helped to ease my nerves.

Throughout the day, we engaged in various introductory activities designed to help us acclimate to our new environment. We played games, sang songs, and listened to stories, all aimed at fostering a sense of camaraderie and community among the students.

Despite my initial apprehension, I found myself gradually warming up to the school environment as the day progressed. I made new friends, explored the classroom, and eagerly participated in the activities organized by our teacher.

By the end of the day, I felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement about the journey ahead. While there were still some nerves lingering, I also felt a growing sense of confidence and anticipation for the adventures that awaited me in my new school.

Reflecting on my first day at school, I realize that it was a significant milestone in my life, marking the beginning of my formal education journey. It was a day filled with mixed emotions, but ultimately one that set the stage for countless learning experiences, friendships, and memories to come.

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Band 8

My first day at school remains etched vividly in my memory, marking the beginning of my educational journey. It was the day I embarked on kindergarten at a local elementary school nestled within my neighborhood.

The school was conveniently located just a short distance from my home, and I embarked on this momentous day with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Accompanied by my parents, we made our way to the school, with my tiny hand firmly clasped in theirs, providing a sense of comfort amidst the sea of new faces and bustling activity.

As we approached the imposing school gates, my heart fluttered with excitement and nerves. The sight of the grand building, adorned with colorful banners and lively chatter, filled me with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the adventures that awaited within.

Upon entering the school premises, we were greeted warmly by teachers and staff members who exuded kindness and reassurance. They guided us to the kindergarten classroom, where I was greeted by a vibrant and inviting space filled with toys, books, and eager young minds.

Throughout the day, we engaged in a myriad of introductory activities designed to ease us into the school routine and foster a sense of belonging. From icebreaker games to storytelling sessions, each activity served to alleviate my initial apprehension and instill a sense of excitement about the learning journey ahead.

By the end of the day, I found myself buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the days to come. Despite the initial butterflies in my stomach, I felt a growing sense of confidence and camaraderie with my classmates, as we embarked on this new chapter of our lives together.

Reflecting on my first day at school, I realize it was a pivotal moment that laid the foundation for my educational path. It was a day filled with a myriad of emotions, from nervousness to excitement, but above all, it was a day brimming with endless possibilities and the promise of new experiences and discoveries.



Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place



Band 6

My favorite place in my house where I can relax is my bedroom. It’s located on the second floor, tucked away in a quiet corner of the house.

My bedroom is a cozy and inviting space, decorated with soft, muted colors and warm lighting. The walls are adorned with photographs and artwork that hold sentimental value, creating a personalized and comforting atmosphere.

What I enjoy most about my bedroom is the sense of solitude and tranquility it provides. It’s a sanctuary where I can escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and unwind in peace. Whether I’m reading a book, listening to music, or simply lounging on my bed, I find solace in the quietude of my bedroom.

I feel relaxed in my bedroom for several reasons. Firstly, it’s a space that is entirely my own, where I can be myself without any pretense or pressure. I can retreat to my bedroom whenever I need a moment of respite and recharge my batteries away from the demands of the outside world.

Moreover, my bedroom offers a sense of comfort and familiarity that puts me at ease. The soft bedding, plush pillows, and gentle lighting create a cozy cocoon where I can relax and let go of any stress or tension. It’s a space where I can truly be present in the moment and savor the simple pleasures of life.

Overall, my bedroom is my favorite place in the house because it provides me with a sense of peace, privacy, and relaxation. It’s a haven where I can escape the chaos of the world and reconnect with myself, rejuvenating my mind, body, and spirit in the process.Top of Form


Band 7

My favorite place in my house where I can unwind and relax is my living room. Situated on the ground floor, it’s the central hub of activity and relaxation for my family and me.

The living room is a spacious and comfortable area, furnished with plush sofas, soft throw pillows, and a cozy area rug. Large windows allow plenty of natural light to filter in during the day, creating a bright and inviting ambiance.

What I enjoy most about my living room is the versatility it offers. It serves as a gathering space for family and friends, where we can socialize, watch movies, or play board games together. At the same time, it’s also a tranquil retreat where I can curl up with a book, listen to music, or simply enjoy a moment of solitude.

I feel relaxed in my living room for several reasons. Firstly, it’s a space that feels warm and welcoming, with its comfortable furnishings and inviting decor. Whether I’m lounging on the sofa or reclining in a cozy armchair, I feel enveloped in a sense of comfort and ease.

Moreover, the living room provides a sense of connection to the rest of the house, allowing me to feel part of the family while still enjoying my own space. The familiar sights and sounds of home, such as the soft hum of conversation or the gentle rustle of leaves outside the window, create a soothing backdrop for relaxation.

Overall, my living room is my favorite place in the house because it offers the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and companionship. It’s a versatile space where I can unwind and recharge after a long day, surrounded by the people and things that bring me joy and contentment.


Band 8

Without a doubt, my go-to spot for relaxation within my home is the balcony. Positioned on the second floor overlooking a serene garden, it serves as my sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

The balcony is a tranquil retreat, adorned with potted plants, comfortable seating, and a small coffee table. Its open-air design allows for ample natural light and fresh air, creating an inviting atmosphere that beckons me to unwind and recharge.

What I enjoy most about my balcony is the sense of connection to nature it provides. Surrounded by lush greenery and fragrant flowers, I feel a profound sense of peace and tranquility as I bask in the sights and sounds of the garden below.

I often retreat to my balcony to indulge in activities that bring me joy and relaxation. Whether it’s sipping a cup of tea while watching the sunrise, reading a book in the afternoon sunlight, or stargazing under the night sky, the balcony offers the perfect backdrop for moments of quiet reflection and contemplation.

I feel relaxed on my balcony for several reasons. Firstly, the soothing sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves create a symphony of natural sounds that help to calm my mind and soothe my soul. Additionally, the gentle breeze and warm sunlight provide a welcome respite from the stresses of daily life, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the present moment.

Moreover, the balcony offers a sense of privacy and seclusion that allows me to escape from the demands of the outside world and reconnect with myself. It’s a space where I can be alone with my thoughts, recharge my batteries, and find solace in the beauty of nature.

In summary, my balcony is my favorite place in the house because it offers a perfect blend of comfort, tranquility, and natural beauty. It’s a haven where I can escape the chaos of the world and find peace and relaxation amidst the serenity of the garden.



Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you to study

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

When you go there What you study there

And explain why you would like to study in this place


Band 6

A place where I find it easy to study is the local library in my neighborhood. It’s a quiet and serene environment located within walking distance from my home.

The library is a spacious and well-lit building with rows of shelves filled with books on various subjects. There are comfortable study tables and chairs scattered throughout the space, providing ample seating for patrons.

I usually go to the library in the afternoons or evenings when I need to focus on my studies. The library is open until late, making it convenient for me to visit after school or work.

I typically study a range of subjects at the library, including literature, science, and history. I find it easy to concentrate on my studies in this environment due to the absence of distractions and the conducive atmosphere for learning.

I like to study at the library for several reasons. Firstly, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere allows me to concentrate fully on my studies without any interruptions. Additionally, being surrounded by books and other students who are also focused on their work motivates me to stay disciplined and productive.

Moreover, the library provides access to a wealth of resources, including books, journals, and online databases, which enhance my learning experience. I appreciate the opportunity to explore new topics and deepen my understanding of subjects that interest me.

Overall, the library is an ideal place for me to study because it offers a quiet, conducive environment for learning, access to resources, and a sense of community among fellow students. It’s a space where I can immerse myself in my studies and achieve academic success.


Band 7

One place where I find it particularly conducive to study is the local coffee shop near my house. Situated just a short walk away, it’s a cozy and welcoming environment that provides the perfect setting for focused studying.

The coffee shop has a relaxed ambiance with soft background music and comfortable seating arrangements. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that encourages patrons to linger and unwind.

I often visit the coffee shop during the late afternoon or early evening when it’s less crowded and quieter. I find that the subdued lighting and gentle hum of conversation create an ideal backdrop for concentration and productivity.

At the coffee shop, I typically study a variety of subjects, ranging from literature and history to mathematics and science. The ambient noise level is just enough to drown out distractions without being overwhelming, allowing me to immerse myself fully in my studies.

I enjoy studying at the coffee shop for several reasons. Firstly, the change of scenery helps to break the monotony of studying at home and stimulates my creativity and focus. Additionally, the presence of other patrons engrossed in their own work provides a sense of camaraderie and motivation.

Moreover, the coffee shop offers a comfortable and convenient setting with access to amenities such as free Wi-Fi and delicious snacks and beverages. I appreciate the opportunity to take short breaks and refuel with a cup of coffee or a pastry while studying.

Overall, the coffee shop serves as an ideal place for me to study due to its relaxed ambiance, conducive environment, and availability of amenities. It’s a space where I can escape the distractions of home and immerse myself in my studies while enjoying the comforts of a cozy setting.


Band 8

A place where I find it exceptionally conducive to study is the local public library in my neighborhood. Nestled in a serene corner of the town, the library offers a haven for intellectual pursuits and focused learning.

The library is housed in a spacious building with large windows that flood the interior with natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. Rows of bookshelves line the walls, housing a vast collection of books, journals, and reference materials on a wide range of subjects.

I typically visit the library during weekdays, either in the mornings or early afternoons, to take advantage of the peaceful environment and avoid the crowds. The quiet hum of activity and the occasional rustle of pages provide a soothing backdrop for concentration and productivity.

At the library, I dedicate my study sessions to a variety of subjects, including literature, history, and psychology. The tranquil ambiance and absence of distractions allow me to delve deep into my studies and absorb information with clarity and focus.

One of the main reasons I prefer studying at the library is the conducive environment it offers for learning. The strict rules regarding noise levels and behavior ensure a peaceful and distraction-free setting, allowing me to maximize my study time and retain information more effectively.

Moreover, the library provides access to a wealth of resources, including computers, printers, and online databases, which complement my studies and enhance my research capabilities. The knowledgeable librarians are also readily available to assist with inquiries and offer guidance on locating materials.

Overall, the library serves as an invaluable resource for my academic pursuits, providing a tranquil and supportive environment where I can study with focus and efficiency. It’s a space where I can immerse myself in learning and exploration, free from the distractions of the outside world, and emerge feeling empowered and enriched by the experience.



Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event

You should say:

When it happened

What happened

Why you missed/were late for it

And explain how you felt about this experience


Band 6

I vividly remember a time when I missed an important meeting with my academic advisor at university. It occurred last semester during my final year of studies.

The meeting was scheduled for a Monday morning at 9 a.m. in the advisor’s office, and it was crucial for discussing my graduation requirements and course selection for the upcoming semester. However, on that particular morning, I overslept and woke up much later than anticipated.

The night before the meeting, I had stayed up late working on an assignment and lost track of time. When I finally woke up, I realized with a sinking feeling that I had missed the meeting entirely. I hurriedly checked my phone and saw several missed calls and messages from my advisor, expressing concern about my absence.

I missed the meeting because I failed to set multiple alarms and relied solely on my phone, which I had inadvertently silenced during the night. As a result, I slept through the alarms and woke up too late to attend the meeting.

Feeling about this experience was a mixture of embarrassment, frustration, and disappointment. I felt embarrassed for missing such an important appointment and letting down my advisor, who had taken the time to schedule the meeting and offer guidance. Additionally, I was frustrated with myself for being careless and not prioritizing the meeting more effectively. Moreover, I felt disappointed in myself for potentially delaying my graduation timeline and complicating my academic progress.

Overall, missing the meeting was a regrettable and humbling experience that served as a wake-up call to improve my time management and organizational skills. It reinforced the importance of being proactive and responsible in scheduling and attending appointments, especially those that have a significant impact on my academic and professional endeavors.


Band 7

One occasion when I missed an important meeting was during a group project presentation in my final year of university. The presentation was scheduled for a Monday morning at 10 a.m. in the university auditorium, and it accounted for a significant portion of our final grade in the course.

The night before the presentation, I had diligently prepared my part of the slides and rehearsed my speaking points. However, on the morning of the presentation, I encountered unexpected transportation issues that caused me to arrive late.

I had planned to take the bus to the university, but unfortunately, there was a sudden traffic jam on the route, resulting in a significant delay. Despite leaving early to account for potential delays, I found myself stuck in traffic with no way to reach the university on time.

As a result of the delay, I arrived at the auditorium nearly twenty minutes late, just as my group members were wrapping up their presentation. I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realized the gravity of the situation and the impact my tardiness would have on our overall performance.

Feeling about this experience was a combination of frustration, guilt, and regret. I felt frustrated with myself for not anticipating the possibility of transportation issues and leaving earlier to avoid being late. Moreover, I felt guilty for letting down my group members, who had worked hard to prepare for the presentation, only to have our efforts compromised by my tardiness. Additionally, I felt regretful for missing the opportunity to contribute to the presentation and showcase my knowledge and skills to our instructor and peers.

Overall, missing the presentation was a valuable learning experience that underscored the importance of careful planning and preparation. It taught me the importance of anticipating potential obstacles and taking proactive measures to mitigate risks. Moving forward, I resolved to prioritize punctuality and reliability in all my commitments, recognizing that timeliness is crucial for success in both academic and professional settings.


Band 8 Band 8

One particular instance that comes to mind when I missed an important event was during a job interview for a prestigious internship opportunity. The interview was scheduled for a Monday morning at 9 a.m. at the company’s headquarters, and it was a crucial step in securing a coveted position in the organization.

The night before the interview, I meticulously prepared for the meeting, researching the company, practicing interview questions, and selecting appropriate attire. However, on the morning of the interview, I encountered an unexpected delay that caused me to arrive late.

The delay stemmed from an unforeseen issue with public transportation, as the train I had planned to take was unexpectedly canceled due to maintenance work on the tracks. Despite leaving my house with ample time to spare, I found myself stranded at the train station with no viable alternative transportation options.

As a result of the delay, I arrived at the company headquarters nearly twenty minutes late, flustered and apologetic. I could sense the disappointment and frustration in the eyes of the interviewers as I explained the circumstances of my tardiness.

Feeling about this experience was a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from embarrassment and regret to determination and resilience. I felt embarrassed for not anticipating the possibility of transportation delays and for failing to arrive punctually for such an important opportunity. Moreover, I regretted the impact my tardiness may have had on the impression I made on the interviewers and my chances of securing the internship position.

However, despite the setback, I remained determined to make the most of the interview and showcase my qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. I apologized sincerely for my lateness and endeavored to demonstrate my professionalism, adaptability, and problem-solving skills throughout the remainder of the interview.

Overall, missing the interview was a humbling experience that underscored the importance of careful planning and contingency planning. It taught me the value of remaining calm and composed in the face of unexpected challenges and the importance of maintaining a proactive approach to time management and punctuality.



Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

You should say:

What party it was

Who this person is

What you talked about

And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her


Band 6

I recall a party I attended last summer at a friend’s housewarming celebration. It was a casual gathering with music, food, and drinks, and the atmosphere was lively and welcoming.

At the party, I had the pleasure of meeting a person named Sarah, who was a friend of the host. Sarah was a bubbly and outgoing individual with a warm smile and a friendly demeanor.

During our conversation, Sarah and I talked about a variety of topics, ranging from our shared interests in travel and music to our experiences living in the city. We exchanged stories about our favorite destinations, memorable experiences abroad, and upcoming travel plans.

What I enjoyed most about talking with Sarah was her genuine enthusiasm and positivity. She had a knack for storytelling and a contagious energy that made our conversation engaging and enjoyable. Moreover, she was a great listener, genuinely interested in hearing about my experiences and sharing her own in return.

Additionally, Sarah had a great sense of humor and an infectious laugh that put me at ease and made me feel comfortable in her presence. We shared several lighthearted moments and inside jokes throughout the evening, which added to the enjoyment of our conversation.

Overall, I enjoyed talking with Sarah because of her friendly personality, engaging conversation, and positive energy. She made me feel welcomed and appreciated at the party, and our interaction left me with fond memories of the evening. Meeting Sarah was a highlight of the party for me, and I appreciated the opportunity to connect with someone who shared similar interests and values.


Band 7

I vividly remember a gathering I attended last year, celebrating a friend’s birthday at a local pub. It was a bustling event with a diverse mix of people, and amidst the crowd, I had the pleasure of meeting a fascinating individual named Alex.

Alex, a friend of the birthday celebrant, immediately stood out with their charismatic presence and easygoing demeanor. They exuded confidence and warmth, making it effortless for me to strike up a conversation.

During our interaction, Alex and I delved into a range of topics, from our mutual love for music to our experiences traveling abroad. We shared stories about our favorite bands, memorable concerts we had attended, and dream destinations we hoped to visit someday.

What made talking with Alex enjoyable was their genuine interest in getting to know me and engaging in meaningful conversation. They asked insightful questions and actively listened to my responses, creating a sense of connection and rapport between us.

Moreover, Alex had a knack for storytelling and a witty sense of humor that kept the conversation lively and engaging. We shared several laughs and exchanged anecdotes from our own lives, which added to the enjoyment of our interaction.

Overall, I enjoyed talking with Alex because of their affable nature, genuine interest in conversation, and ability to connect with others on a personal level. Meeting Alex at the party was a memorable experience that enriched my social circle and left me with a lasting impression of their warmth and charm.

Top of Form


Band 8

One memorable encounter I had was at a friend’s birthday party held at a trendy rooftop bar downtown. Amidst the vibrant atmosphere and pulsating music, I had the pleasure of striking up a conversation with a captivating individual named Emily.

Emily, a mutual friend of the birthday celebrant, immediately caught my attention with her infectious energy and genuine warmth. She had a magnetic presence that drew people to her, and I found myself naturally gravitating towards her during the course of the evening.

Our conversation covered a wide range of topics, from our shared love for outdoor adventures to our mutual appreciation for literature and art. We exchanged stories about our recent hiking trips, favorite novels, and upcoming cultural events in the city.

What made talking with Emily particularly enjoyable was her depth of knowledge and intellectual curiosity. She possessed a keen intellect and a voracious appetite for learning, which made our conversation both stimulating and enriching. She asked thought-provoking questions and shared insightful perspectives, fostering a sense of mutual respect and admiration between us.

Moreover, Emily had a warm and engaging personality that put me at ease and made me feel valued as a conversation partner. She listened attentively to my thoughts and opinions, offering thoughtful responses and encouraging further discussion.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Emily because of her magnetic personality, intellectual curiosity, and genuine interest in meaningful conversation. Meeting her at the party was a highlight of the evening, and our interaction left me feeling uplifted and inspired by her vibrant spirit and zest for life.



Describe a place you have been to where things are expensive

You should say:

Where the place is

What the place is like

Why you went there

What you bought there

And explain why you think things are expensive there


Band 6

I remember visiting a luxury shopping district in a big city downtown where things were incredibly expensive. The place was filled with high-end boutiques, designer stores, and upscale restaurants, catering to affluent clientele.

I went there with some friends who wanted to explore the area and experience the upscale shopping scene. We were curious to see the luxurious brands and extravagant displays in the stores.

During our visit, I bought a small souvenir from one of the designer boutiques, a keychain with the store’s logo embossed on it. It was quite pricey compared to similar items I had seen elsewhere, but I wanted to have a memento of my visit to such an exclusive location.

I think things are expensive in this area primarily because of the premium brands and designer labels that dominate the market. These luxury brands are known for their high-quality materials, meticulous craftsmanship, and exclusive designs, which command premium prices. Additionally, the location itself, being in a prime downtown area, likely incurs higher overhead costs such as rent and taxes, which are passed on to customers in the form of higher prices.

Moreover, the exclusivity and prestige associated with shopping in such luxury districts contribute to the perception of value and justify the higher price tags for affluent clientele. People are willing to pay a premium for the status and image associated with owning luxury goods, which further drives up prices in these areas.

Overall, while the prices in this luxury shopping district may seem exorbitant to some, they reflect the premium quality, exclusivity, and prestige associated with the brands and location. It’s a place where affluent shoppers can indulge in luxury and sophistication, albeit at a steep price.


Band 7

I recall visiting a high-end shopping mall located in the heart of a bustling city. This mall was renowned for its luxury brands, upscale boutiques, and lavish ambiance, attracting wealthy shoppers from all over the region.

The shopping mall was an extravagant display of opulence, with gleaming marble floors, towering glass atriums, and designer storefronts adorned with lavish displays. As soon as you entered, you were greeted by the sight of well-dressed shoppers browsing through racks of designer clothing and accessories.

I visited this place with some friends who were eager to explore the upscale shopping scene and experience the luxurious atmosphere. We were fascinated by the array of high-end brands and exclusive collections on display, although we knew that most of the items were beyond our budget.

During our visit, I indulged in some window shopping and admired the exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail in the luxury goods on display. While I didn’t purchase anything myself, I couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty and elegance of the designer items, even if they came with hefty price tags.

I believe things are expensive in this shopping mall due to several factors. Firstly, the brands and boutiques featured in the mall are known for their prestige, quality, and exclusivity, which command premium prices. These luxury brands invest heavily in marketing, branding, and craftsmanship, which inevitably drives up the cost of their products.

Additionally, the location of the shopping mall, situated in a prime downtown area, likely incurs high overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and taxes, which are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Furthermore, the exclusivity and prestige associated with shopping in such a luxurious environment create a sense of aspiration and desire among affluent shoppers, who are willing to pay a premium for the status and image associated with owning luxury goods.

Overall, while the prices may be steep in this high-end shopping mall, they reflect the prestige, quality, and exclusivity of the brands and location. It’s a place where affluent shoppers can indulge in luxury and sophistication, albeit at a considerable cost.


Band 8 Top of Form

I distinctly remember visiting a renowned luxury shopping district situated in a bustling metropolis. This area was synonymous with opulence, featuring upscale boutiques, designer stores, and fine dining establishments catering to affluent clientele.

The atmosphere in this district was palpably elegant and sophisticated, with grandiose architecture, chic storefronts, and impeccably dressed patrons strolling along the boulevards. It was a feast for the senses, with dazzling displays of luxury goods beckoning from every storefront.

My visit to this prestigious district was prompted by a special occasion – a milestone birthday celebration for a close friend. We decided to treat ourselves to a day of indulgence and exploration in this exclusive enclave, eager to experience the epitome of luxury shopping.

During our excursion, I had the opportunity to peruse the offerings of several high-end boutiques and designer labels, marveling at the exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail in the merchandise on display. While I didn’t make any purchases myself, I couldn’t help but appreciate the allure of the luxury goods, even if they were beyond my budget.

The exorbitant prices in this district can be attributed to a combination of factors. Firstly, the brands and retailers featured in this area are renowned for their prestige, quality, and exclusivity, which command premium prices. These luxury labels invest heavily in branding, marketing, and craftsmanship, which inevitably drives up the cost of their products.

Moreover, the prime location of this shopping district, nestled in the heart of the city’s affluent neighborhood, contributes to the high prices. The area is characterized by exorbitant rents, steep operating costs, and hefty taxes, which are passed on to consumers in the form of inflated prices.

Furthermore, the exclusivity and prestige associated with shopping in this district create a sense of aspiration and desire among affluent shoppers, who are willing to pay a premium for the status and image associated with owning luxury goods.

In conclusion, while the prices may be steep in this luxury shopping district, they are reflective of the prestige, quality, and exclusivity of the brands and location. It’s a place where affluent shoppers can indulge in luxury and sophistication, albeit at a considerable cost.



Describe a special meal that someone made for you

You should say:

Who did it

When and how he/she cooked

What and why he/she cooked for you

 And explain how you felt about the meal


Band 6

I remember a special meal that my friend, Sarah, made for me on my birthday last year. Sarah is a talented cook, and she offered to prepare a homemade dinner for me as a birthday treat.

She cooked the meal at her apartment on the evening of my birthday. She spent the entire afternoon preparing the dishes, meticulously following recipes and putting her heart and soul into every dish.

For the main course, Sarah made my favorite dish, which is spaghetti carbonara. She carefully selected the freshest ingredients and cooked the pasta to perfection, tossing it with a creamy sauce made from eggs, Parmesan cheese, and crispy bacon.

Additionally, Sarah prepared a side salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing, as well as garlic breadsticks to accompany the meal. For dessert, she surprised me with a decadent chocolate cake adorned with candles.

Sarah cooked this special meal for me because she knows how much I love Italian cuisine and homemade dishes. She wanted to make my birthday memorable by preparing a meal that was not only delicious but also made with love and care.

I felt incredibly touched and grateful for Sarah’s gesture. The meal was not only delicious but also made me feel cherished and appreciated. It was heartwarming to see the effort and thoughtfulness that Sarah put into every aspect of the meal, from the choice of dishes to the presentation.

Moreover, sharing this meal with Sarah and a few close friends made the occasion even more special. We enjoyed each other’s company, laughed, and reminisced about fond memories, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.

Overall, the special meal that Sarah made for me on my birthday was a delightful and memorable experience. It was a testament to her friendship and generosity, and I will always cherish the memories of that evening spent enjoying delicious food and wonderful company.


Band 7

One memorable occasion where I was treated to a special meal was when my grandmother cooked a traditional feast for my family during a holiday gathering. It was a heartwarming experience that left a lasting impression on me.

My grandmother, who is renowned for her culinary skills, prepared the meal on Christmas Eve, a time when our family comes together to celebrate and bond over delicious food. She spent the entire day in the kitchen, meticulously preparing each dish with love and care.

For the main course, my grandmother cooked a lavish spread of traditional dishes, including roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and an assortment of seasonal vegetables. She also prepared her famous stuffing recipe, passed down through generations, which was a highlight of the meal.

Additionally, my grandmother baked a variety of homemade desserts, including pumpkin pie, apple crisp, and gingerbread cookies, which filled the air with tantalizing aromas and added to the festive atmosphere.

My grandmother cooked this special meal for us as a gesture of love and tradition. She wanted to create a memorable dining experience that would bring our family together and evoke feelings of warmth and togetherness during the holiday season.

I felt deeply touched and grateful for my grandmother’s efforts. The meal was not only delicious but also infused with a sense of nostalgia and family tradition that made it truly special. It reminded me of cherished memories from my childhood and reinforced the bonds of love and kinship that unite our family.

Moreover, sharing this meal with my loved ones created a sense of unity and connection that made the occasion even more meaningful. We laughed, shared stories, and savored each bite of food, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Overall, the special meal that my grandmother cooked for us was a delightful and memorable experience that encapsulated the spirit of love, tradition, and togetherness. It was a testament to her culinary talents and her unwavering dedication to bringing joy and happiness to our family through food.


Top of Form

Band 8

I’d like to talk about a special meal that my grandmother prepared for me on my last visit to her house. It was a heartwarming experience that left a lasting impression on me.

My grandmother cooked the meal on a Sunday afternoon, which happened to coincide with a family gathering at her place. She’s known for her culinary skills, and she always goes above and beyond to ensure that everyone enjoys her cooking.

For this particular meal, my grandmother decided to make a traditional dish from our cultural heritage called “Biryani.” It’s a flavorful rice dish cooked with aromatic spices, tender meat, and fragrant herbs. It’s a labor-intensive recipe that requires careful preparation and attention to detail.

My grandmother chose to make Biryani because she knows it’s one of my favorite dishes, and she wanted to treat me to a special meal during my visit. She spent the entire morning in the kitchen, meticulously preparing each component of the dish with love and care.

When the meal was finally ready, the aroma of the spices filled the air, enticing everyone to the dining table. As we sat down to eat, my grandmother served generous portions of Biryani accompanied by a refreshing yogurt salad and crispy papadums.

I felt incredibly touched and grateful for my grandmother’s gesture. The meal was not only delicious but also a nostalgic reminder of my childhood and the cherished moments spent with my family. It was heartwarming to see the joy on my grandmother’s face as she watched us enjoy her cooking.

Moreover, sharing this meal with my family created a sense of unity and togetherness, strengthening our bonds and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, the special meal that my grandmother made for me was a memorable and heartwarming experience. It was a testament to her love and affection, and I will always treasure the memories of that delicious meal shared with my family.



Describe something you own that you want to replace

You should say:

What it is

Where it is

How you got it

And explain why you want to replace it


Band 6

One item that I own and would like to replace is my old laptop. It’s currently sitting on my desk at home, gathering dust and barely functional. I received it as a gift from my parents several years ago when I started college.

My laptop has served me well over the years, faithfully accompanying me through countless assignments, projects, and late-night study sessions. However, it’s now showing signs of wear and tear, with a sluggish performance, frequent crashes, and outdated software.

The main reason I want to replace my laptop is its declining reliability and efficiency. It struggles to run even basic programs and takes ages to boot up, making it frustrating to use for everyday tasks. Moreover, the battery life has significantly deteriorated, forcing me to constantly remain tethered to a power outlet.

Additionally, the laptop’s hardware is no longer up to par with the demands of modern computing. Its processing power and storage capacity are woefully inadequate for my current needs, hindering my productivity and limiting my ability to multitask effectively.

Furthermore, the laptop’s outdated design and bulky form factor make it cumbersome to carry around, especially when compared to sleek and lightweight models available in the market today. I find myself longing for a more portable and user-friendly device that can keep up with my fast-paced lifestyle.

In conclusion, while my old laptop has served me well over the years, it’s now time to bid farewell and upgrade to a newer and more advanced model. I’m eager to replace it with a modern laptop that offers enhanced performance, reliability, and portability, allowing me to stay productive and connected in today’s digital age.


Band 7Top of Form

One possession that I’ve been considering replacing is my smartphone. It’s currently placed on my bedside table, and I acquired it about three years ago as an upgrade to my previous device.

I initially got this smartphone because it offered advanced features and capabilities compared to my old one. At that time, it served its purpose well, allowing me to stay connected, access information on the go, and capture memorable moments with its camera.

However, as time has passed, I’ve noticed that my smartphone has started to lag behind in terms of performance and functionality. The battery life has noticeably decreased, requiring frequent recharging throughout the day, and the device tends to freeze or crash unexpectedly, causing frustration and inconvenience.

Moreover, the smartphone’s operating system and apps have become outdated, making it incompatible with newer software updates and applications. This limitation has hindered my ability to fully utilize the device’s potential and keep up with the latest technology trends.

Additionally, the physical condition of the smartphone has deteriorated over time, with scratches on the screen, worn-out buttons, and a cracked back cover. While these cosmetic issues may seem minor, they detract from the overall user experience and make the device less aesthetically pleasing.

Furthermore, I’ve noticed that newer smartphone models offer a range of innovative features and improvements, such as faster processors, enhanced camera capabilities, and longer battery life. I believe that upgrading to a newer device would not only address the shortcomings of my current smartphone but also provide me with access to cutting-edge technology and improved user experience.

In conclusion, while my current smartphone has served me well, I feel that it’s time for an upgrade to a newer model that offers enhanced performance, functionality, and durability. I look forward to replacing it with a smartphone that better meets my needs and aligns with the demands of modern-day communication and connectivity.


Band 8

One possession that I’ve been contemplating replacing is my laptop. It’s currently situated on my desk in my home office, and I acquired it approximately five years ago when I started university.

I received this laptop as a graduation gift from my parents, and it has been an essential tool for me throughout my academic and professional endeavors. Initially, it served me well, allowing me to complete assignments, conduct research, and stay connected with classmates and colleagues.

However, as time has passed, I’ve noticed a decline in its performance and reliability. The laptop has become increasingly sluggish, with slow boot-up times, frequent crashes, and lagging response times. It struggles to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and often freezes when running demanding software or applications.

Furthermore, the battery life has significantly diminished over the years, lasting only a fraction of its original capacity. This limitation has forced me to remain tethered to a power outlet, restricting my mobility and flexibility, especially when working remotely or traveling.

Moreover, the laptop’s hardware and specifications are now outdated compared to newer models available in the market. Its processing power, memory capacity, and storage capabilities are insufficient for my current needs, hindering my productivity and limiting my ability to run resource-intensive programs efficiently.

Additionally, the physical condition of the laptop has deteriorated, with scratches on the screen, worn-out keyboard keys, and a cracked casing. While these cosmetic issues may seem minor, they detract from the overall user experience and affect the device’s durability and aesthetics.

In conclusion, while my current laptop has served me well over the years, I believe that it’s time for an upgrade to a newer model that offers enhanced performance, reliability, and functionality. I look forward to replacing it with a laptop that better meets my needs and aligns with the demands of modern computing and technology.




Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire

You should say:

Who this actor/actress is

When you saw the film

What the character was like in this film

And explain why you admire this actor/actress

Top of Form

Band 6

One film character that comes to mind is played by Robert Downey Jr. in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film series. I watched the film “Iron Man” several years ago when it was released in theaters.

In the film, Robert Downey Jr. portrays the character Tony Stark, a billionaire inventor and industrialist who becomes the superhero Iron Man. Tony Stark is depicted as a charismatic and witty genius, known for his sharp wit, ingenuity, and larger-than-life personality.

What I admire most about Robert Downey Jr. is his portrayal of Tony Stark/Iron Man. He brings depth and complexity to the character, infusing him with a blend of intelligence, vulnerability, and humor. Robert Downey Jr.’s performance is captivating and dynamic, capturing the essence of Tony Stark’s evolution from a self-absorbed playboy to a heroic and self-sacrificing Avenger.

Furthermore, Robert Downey Jr. brings a sense of authenticity and humanity to the role, making Tony Stark relatable and empathetic to audiences. His portrayal of the character resonates with viewers on a personal level, as he navigates themes of redemption, identity, and responsibility throughout the film series.

Overall, I admire Robert Downey Jr. not only for his exceptional talent and versatility as an actor but also for his ability to breathe life into iconic characters like Tony Stark/Iron Man. He brings a unique blend of charisma, depth, and vulnerability to his performances, leaving a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.


Band 7

One film character that I admire is portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie “Inception.” I watched this film a few years ago during a movie night with friends.

In “Inception,” Leonardo DiCaprio plays the character Dom Cobb, a skilled thief who specializes in the art of extraction, which involves stealing secrets from a person’s subconscious mind while they are dreaming. Dom Cobb is a complex character who is haunted by his past and struggles with guilt and grief over the loss of his wife.

What I find admirable about Leonardo DiCaprio’s portrayal of Dom Cobb is his ability to convey the character’s emotional depth and complexity. DiCaprio brings a sense of vulnerability and intensity to the role, capturing Dom Cobb’s inner turmoil and conflicted nature with authenticity and nuance.

Furthermore, DiCaprio’s performance is compelling and captivating, drawing viewers into Dom Cobb’s world and immersing them in the intricate layers of the film’s narrative. His portrayal of the character is both riveting and nuanced, showcasing his talent as a versatile actor capable of portraying a wide range of emotions and character traits.

Moreover, Leonardo DiCaprio’s dedication to his craft and his commitment to delivering authentic and impactful performances are qualities that I deeply admire. He consistently pushes the boundaries of his acting abilities and immerses himself fully in each role he undertakes, earning him acclaim and recognition in the film industry.

Overall, Leonardo DiCaprio’s portrayal of Dom Cobb in “Inception” is a testament to his talent and versatility as an actor. His nuanced performance brings depth and complexity to the character, making him both relatable and compelling to audiences.


Band 8

One film character that I truly admire is portrayed by Tom Hanks in the movie “Forrest Gump.” I first watched this film a few years ago during a movie marathon at home.

In “Forrest Gump,” Tom Hanks plays the titular character, Forrest Gump, a simple-minded but kind-hearted man with a remarkable journey through life. Forrest’s character is depicted as an unlikely hero who overcomes adversity and touches the lives of those around him with his innocence, honesty, and unwavering optimism.

What I find particularly admirable about Tom Hanks’ portrayal of Forrest Gump is his ability to fully embody the essence of the character. Hanks brings a depth of emotion and authenticity to the role, capturing Forrest’s childlike wonder, resilience, and inherent goodness with remarkable sincerity and conviction.

Furthermore, Tom Hanks’ performance in “Forrest Gump” is masterful and transformative, showcasing his versatility and range as an actor. He seamlessly transitions between moments of comedy, drama, and pathos, delivering a performance that is both heartwarming and deeply affecting.

Moreover, Tom Hanks’ portrayal of Forrest Gump has left a lasting impact on audiences worldwide, resonating with viewers of all ages and backgrounds. His character’s journey serves as a poignant reminder of the power of kindness, perseverance, and the human spirit to triumph over adversity.

Overall, Tom Hanks’ portrayal of Forrest Gump is a testament to his talent and skill as an actor. His nuanced performance brings depth and humanity to the character, making Forrest Gump an enduring symbol of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of the human spirit.



Describe a new law you would like to introduce in your country

You should say:

What law it is

What changes this law brings

Whether this new law will be popular

How you came up with the new law

And explain how you feel about this new law


Band 6

One new law that I would like to introduce in my country is mandatory recycling legislation. This law would require households and businesses to separate recyclable materials from their waste and ensure that they are properly sorted and recycled.

The introduction of this law would bring significant changes to waste management practices in my country. It would help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserve natural resources, and minimize environmental pollution caused by improper disposal of recyclable materials.

While I believe that this new law would be popular among environmentally conscious citizens and organizations, I anticipate that it may face resistance from certain sectors of society, such as businesses and individuals who are reluctant to change their habits and incur additional costs associated with recycling.

I came up with the idea for this new law after observing the growing environmental challenges facing my country, including pollution, deforestation, and climate change. I believe that implementing mandatory recycling legislation would be a proactive step towards addressing these issues and promoting sustainable development.

Overall, I feel positive about the introduction of this new law. I believe that it has the potential to make a significant impact on environmental conservation efforts in my country and contribute to building a more sustainable future for generations to come. However, I recognize that its success will depend on effective enforcement, public awareness campaigns, and collaboration between government agencies, businesses, and the community.


Band 7

One new law that I would propose introducing in my country is stricter penalties for littering and illegal dumping. This law aims to address the growing problem of environmental pollution caused by irresponsible waste disposal practices.

Under this proposed legislation, individuals caught littering or illegally dumping waste would face stiffer fines and penalties. Additionally, repeat offenders could be subject to community service or other corrective measures aimed at promoting responsible waste management behavior.

The implementation of this new law would bring about significant changes in how waste is managed and disposed of in my country. It would serve as a deterrent to individuals who disregard environmental regulations and contribute to the degradation of public spaces and natural habitats.

While I believe that this new law would be popular among environmentally conscious citizens and advocacy groups, I anticipate that it may face challenges in terms of enforcement and compliance. Adequate resources and infrastructure would be needed to ensure effective monitoring and enforcement of the law.

I came up with the idea for this new law after witnessing firsthand the detrimental effects of littering and illegal dumping on the environment in my community. I believe that stricter penalties would help deter such behavior and promote a culture of environmental stewardship and responsibility.

Overall, I feel optimistic about the potential impact of this new law in curbing environmental pollution and promoting sustainable waste management practices. However, I recognize that its success would depend on robust enforcement mechanisms, public education campaigns, and collaborative efforts between government agencies, law enforcement authorities, and the community.


Band 8

I would advocate for the implementation of a new law in my country that mandates the reduction of single-use plastics. This legislation would aim to address the escalating environmental crisis posed by plastic pollution and promote sustainable alternatives to disposable plastics.

Under this proposed law, manufacturers and retailers would be required to gradually phase out the production and sale of single-use plastic items such as straws, plastic bags, and disposable cutlery. Additionally, incentives and subsidies could be provided to encourage the adoption of eco-friendly alternatives and the development of biodegradable materials.

The introduction of this new law would bring about significant changes in consumer behavior and production practices. It would promote the adoption of reusable products, encourage recycling and composting initiatives, and reduce the amount of plastic waste entering landfills and oceans.

I believe that this new law would be widely supported by environmentally conscious citizens, conservation groups, and policymakers concerned about the ecological impacts of plastic pollution. However, it may face resistance from certain sectors of the industry, particularly manufacturers and businesses reliant on single-use plastics.

I came up with the idea for this new law after witnessing the devastating effects of plastic pollution on the environment, wildlife, and human health. I believe that urgent action is needed to address this global crisis and protect our planet for future generations.

Overall, I feel strongly about the importance of implementing this new law as a proactive measure to mitigate the adverse effects of plastic pollution and promote a more sustainable and eco-friendly society. It represents a crucial step towards achieving environmental sustainability and preserving the health and well-being of our planet.



Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

You should say:

What it was When you heard it

How you knew it

And explain how you felt about it


Band 6

One piece of good news that I heard about someone I know well was when my close friend, Sarah, received a job offer from her dream company. I found out about it last month when Sarah called me to share the exciting news.


I have known Sarah since childhood, and we have remained close friends throughout the years. We often share our hopes, dreams, and aspirations with each other, so I was thrilled to hear about her success in securing her dream job.


Sarah had been searching for employment opportunities in her field for several months, and she had faced numerous challenges and setbacks along the way. However, she remained determined and persevered in her job search, never losing sight of her goals.


When Sarah called me to share the news of her job offer, I could hear the excitement and happiness in her voice. She expressed her gratitude and relief at finally achieving her long-held ambition and securing a position at a prestigious company in her desired field.


As Sarah’s friend, I felt incredibly proud and happy for her. I knew how hard she had worked and how much she had sacrificed to pursue her career goals. Her success served as a reminder that hard work, perseverance, and determination can lead to fulfilling opportunities and rewards.


Moreover, Sarah’s good news brought a sense of joy and optimism to our friendship, as we celebrated her achievement together and looked forward to the future with renewed hope and enthusiasm.


Overall, hearing about Sarah’s job offer was a moment of happiness and celebration for both of us. It reaffirmed the importance of supporting and celebrating the successes of those we care about and served as a source of inspiration and encouragement for me in my own endeavors.



Band 7

One piece of good news that I recently heard about someone I know well is when my cousin, Emily, announced her engagement. I learned about it a few weeks ago during a family gathering when Emily and her fiancé surprised us with the announcement.


I have known Emily since we were children, and we have always shared a close bond. We often confide in each other and celebrate significant milestones in each other’s lives, so I was delighted to hear about her engagement.


Emily and her fiancé had been dating for several years, and their relationship had blossomed into a deep and loving partnership. They had often spoken about their future together and their shared aspirations for marriage and starting a family.


When Emily shared the news of her engagement with our family, there was an outpouring of joy and excitement. We gathered around her and her fiancé, offering congratulations, hugs, and well wishes for their future together.


As Emily’s cousin, I felt immensely happy and proud of her. I knew how much she loved her fiancé and how much thought and consideration had gone into their decision to take this significant step in their relationship.


Moreover, Emily’s engagement brought a sense of joy and optimism to our family, as we eagerly anticipated the upcoming wedding and celebrated the union of two people deeply in love.


Overall, hearing about Emily’s engagement was a moment of happiness and celebration for our family. It reaffirmed the importance of love, commitment, and unity in our lives and served as a reminder of the beauty and joy that comes from sharing special moments with those we hold dear.


Band 8

A piece of good news that recently brought joy to my heart was when my best friend, David, informed me that he had been accepted into his dream university. I received this news just a couple of days ago during a phone call with him.


David and I have been close friends since childhood, and we have always shared our aspirations and supported each other’s goals. Over the years, I have witnessed his dedication and hard work in pursuit of his academic dreams, so hearing about his acceptance was incredibly rewarding.


He had been working tirelessly to prepare for college admissions, attending extracurricular activities, and maintaining excellent grades. Despite facing setbacks and uncertainties, he remained resilient and focused on his goals.


When David shared the news with me, I could hear the excitement and relief in his voice. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity and his eagerness to embark on this new chapter in his life.


As David’s best friend, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and happiness for him. I knew how much effort and determination he had put into his academic pursuits, and I was thrilled to see his hard work pay off.


Moreover, David’s acceptance into his dream university brought a sense of optimism and inspiration to our friendship. It served as a reminder of the power of perseverance and determination in overcoming challenges and achieving success.


Overall, hearing about David’s acceptance into his dream university was a moment of celebration and joy. It reaffirmed the importance of friendship, support, and shared accomplishments in our lives and filled me with hope for his future endeavors.



Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:

Where you went

Who you were with

What you did

And how you felt about it


Band 6


One enjoyable journey by public transport that I remember was when I traveled to the beach with my friends last summer. We took a bus from our neighborhood to the seaside, which was about an hour away.


I was with a group of close friends, including Sarah, Tom, and Emma. We had been planning this trip for weeks as a way to escape the summer heat and relax by the ocean.


During the journey, we chatted and laughed together, sharing stories and listening to music on our phones. We were all excited about the day ahead and eagerly anticipated our arrival at the beach.


Upon reaching our destination, we unloaded our beach towels and picnic supplies from the bus and headed towards the shore. We spent the day swimming, sunbathing, and playing beach games, enjoying each other’s company and the beautiful scenery.


I felt relaxed and carefree during the journey, surrounded by friends and the anticipation of a fun day ahead. Traveling by public transport allowed us to avoid the hassle of driving and parking, making the journey more enjoyable and stress-free.


Overall, the journey to the beach by public transport was a memorable and enjoyable experience. It allowed me to spend quality time with my friends, enjoy the scenic views along the way, and create lasting memories of a wonderful day spent by the sea.


Band 7 Top of Form


One memorable journey I had by public transport was when I traveled to a nearby city with my family to attend a cultural festival. We decided to take the train for this trip, which added to the excitement of the journey.

I was accompanied by my parents and siblings, and we were all looking forward to exploring the festival and experiencing the vibrant atmosphere of the city. As we boarded the train, we found seats together and settled in for the journey.

During the train ride, we engaged in lively conversations, played card games, and admired the passing scenery through the windows. The rhythmic sound of the train on the tracks added to the sense of adventure and anticipation for the day ahead.

Upon arriving at our destination, we disembarked from the train and made our way to the festival grounds. We spent the day exploring the various stalls, sampling local cuisine, and watching cultural performances.

I felt a sense of joy and togetherness during the journey, surrounded by my family and the anticipation of the festivities awaiting us. Traveling by train allowed us to relax and enjoy each other’s company without the stress of navigating traffic or finding parking.

Overall, the journey to the cultural festival by public transport was an enjoyable experience that brought my family closer together. It allowed us to create fond memories, explore new places, and immerse ourselves in the rich cultural heritage of the city.


Band 8

One of the most enjoyable journeys I’ve experienced by public transport was when I traveled by train to visit a national park with a group of friends. This trip stands out in my memory as a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and camaraderie.

I embarked on this journey with three close friends, Sarah, Tom, and Emma. We had all been longing for a getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life, and the prospect of exploring nature together filled us with excitement.

As we boarded the train, we secured seats by the window, eager to soak in the picturesque landscapes that would unfold during the journey. The rhythmic hum of the train and the gentle sway of the carriage added to the sense of anticipation and adventure.

During the journey, we engaged in animated conversations, shared travel tips, and planned our itinerary for the trip. We also took turns capturing scenic snapshots of the passing countryside, documenting our journey and creating lasting memories.

Upon reaching our destination, we disembarked from the train and set off to explore the national park. We spent the day hiking through lush forests, admiring breathtaking waterfalls, and marveling at the diversity of flora and fauna.

Throughout the journey, I felt a profound sense of contentment and connection with my friends and the natural world. Traveling by train provided us with the perfect opportunity to unwind, bond, and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings.

Overall, the journey to the national park by public transport was a memorable and enriching experience. It allowed us to escape the stresses of everyday life, immerse ourselves in nature, and forge deeper connections with each other and the world around us.

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

You should say:

What it was

When you received it

Who gave it to you

And explain why you wanted it so much



Band 6

I remember a time when my parents gave me a new smartphone as a birthday gift. It was a few years ago when I turned 18, and I had been eagerly anticipating an upgrade to my old and outdated phone.

I received the smartphone on my birthday morning, as my parents surprised me with a beautifully wrapped box. I was thrilled and grateful to receive such a thoughtful and generous gift from them.

My parents were the ones who gave me the smartphone. They knew that I had been longing for a new phone for quite some time, as my old one was slow, had a cracked screen, and lacked many of the features available in newer models.

I had wanted the new smartphone so much because it represented an upgrade in both functionality and design. The new phone had a faster processor, a better camera, and a sleeker design compared to my old one. Additionally, it offered access to a wide range of apps and features that would enhance my user experience and keep me connected with friends and family.

Moreover, having a new smartphone meant that I could stay updated with the latest technology trends and enjoy the convenience and efficiency that comes with a modern device. It also allowed me to express my personal style and preferences through customizable features and accessories.

Overall, receiving the new smartphone as a birthday gift was a moment of joy and excitement for me. It fulfilled a long-standing desire and brought me immense happiness knowing that I now had a reliable and up-to-date device to use in my daily life.


Band 7

One occasion that stands out in my memory is when my best friend surprised me with a book I had been wanting to read for a long time. It happened last year during the holiday season when we were exchanging gifts.

The book was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, a novel that had been highly recommended to me by several friends and colleagues. I had expressed my interest in reading it multiple times, but I hadn’t gotten around to purchasing it myself.

I received the book from my best friend, Sarah, who had taken note of my enthusiasm for it during our conversations. She knew how much I enjoyed reading and thoughtfully chose “The Alchemist” as a gift for me.

Sarah gave me the book in a beautifully wrapped package with a heartfelt note attached. I was touched by her gesture and felt incredibly grateful to have such a thoughtful friend who paid attention to my interests and preferences.

I had wanted to read “The Alchemist” for several reasons. Firstly, I had heard glowing reviews about its captivating storyline, inspiring themes, and thought-provoking insights into life’s journey and personal fulfillment. Secondly, I was drawn to its philosophical undertones and spiritual messages, which I believed would resonate with me on a deeper level.

Moreover, receiving the book from Sarah added an extra layer of meaning and significance to it. It wasn’t just a book; it was a token of our friendship and shared interests, making it even more special and meaningful to me.

In conclusion, the gift of “The Alchemist” from my best friend was a cherished moment that I will always remember fondly. It fulfilled a desire I had been harboring for some time and strengthened the bond between me and Sarah. It also provided me with an opportunity for personal growth and introspection as I delved into its pages and explored its profound teachings.


Band 8 Top of Form

One memorable experience that comes to mind is when my parents surprised me with a bicycle for my birthday. It was a few years ago when I turned 16, and I had been longing for a bike of my own for quite some time.

I received the bicycle on my birthday morning, as my parents presented it to me with a big bow on top. I was overjoyed and deeply touched by their thoughtful gesture, as they knew how much I had wanted a bike to explore the outdoors and commute to school.

My parents were the ones who gave me the bicycle. They had noticed my interest in cycling and my desire to have a means of transportation that would allow me to be more independent and active.

I had wanted the bicycle so much for several reasons. Firstly, it represented freedom and mobility, enabling me to travel to places beyond the confines of my neighborhood and explore new adventures. Secondly, it offered a healthy and eco-friendly mode of transportation that aligned with my values of sustainability and fitness.

Moreover, having a bicycle meant that I could spend more time outdoors, enjoying nature and staying active. It also provided me with a sense of pride and ownership, as it was a tangible symbol of my parents’ love and support for my interests and aspirations.

In conclusion, receiving the bicycle as a birthday gift was a moment of immense joy and gratitude for me. It fulfilled a long-standing desire and brought me a sense of liberation and empowerment. It also strengthened the bond between me and my parents, as it was a tangible expression of their love and encouragement for me to pursue my passions and embrace new experiences.


Describe something you would like to learn in the future

You should say:

What it is

How you would like to learn it

Where you would like to learn it

Why you would like to learn it

And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it


Band  6Top of Form

One thing that I would like to learn in the future is photography. I have always been fascinated by the art of capturing moments and telling stories through images, and I believe that learning photography would allow me to explore this passion further.

I would like to learn photography through a combination of online courses, books, and hands-on practice. There are many reputable online platforms and resources available that offer comprehensive photography courses covering various aspects such as composition, lighting, and editing techniques.

I would prefer to learn photography in the comfort of my own home, using my camera or smartphone to practice and experiment with different techniques. Additionally, I would like to join local photography clubs or communities where I can learn from experienced photographers and participate in group outings or photo walks.

I am interested in learning photography because it offers a creative outlet for self-expression and allows me to capture and document moments that are meaningful to me. I believe that photography has the power to evoke emotions, convey messages, and preserve memories in a unique and impactful way.

While learning photography may seem daunting at first, I don’t think it’s necessarily difficult to learn. With dedication, practice, and patience, I believe that I can gradually improve my skills and develop my own unique style as a photographer. Like any other skill, mastering photography requires time and effort, but I am willing to put in the work to pursue my passion and enhance my creative abilities.


Band 7

One skill I’ve been eager to acquire is playing the guitar. The idea of creating music has always intrigued me, and I believe learning the guitar would be a fulfilling endeavor.

I plan to learn the guitar through a combination of online tutorials, instructional books, and possibly enrolling in local classes or workshops. There are numerous online resources available that offer step-by-step lessons for beginners, which I find convenient for self-paced learning.

Ideally, I would like to learn the guitar in the comfort of my own home, where I can practice at my own pace without feeling self-conscious. However, I also recognize the value of learning in a group setting or under the guidance of a skilled instructor who can provide feedback and guidance.

I’m drawn to learning the guitar because of its versatility and the sense of creativity it offers. I’ve always admired musicians who can express themselves through music, and I believe learning the guitar would allow me to channel my emotions and experiences into melodies and chords.

While I anticipate that learning the guitar will have its challenges, such as building finger strength and coordination, I don’t consider it overly difficult to learn. With dedication, practice, and patience, I’m confident that I can gradually improve my skills and achieve proficiency on the guitar. Ultimately, I see learning the guitar as a rewarding journey that will enrich my life with the joy of music-making.


Band 8

One skill that has always piqued my interest and that I aspire to learn in the future is programming. Specifically, I am keen on learning Python, a versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability.

I intend to embark on my journey of learning Python through a combination of online courses, interactive tutorials, and hands-on projects. There are several reputable online platforms like Coursera and Udemy offering comprehensive courses tailored to beginners, which I find appealing for their flexibility and accessibility.

While I plan to primarily learn Python through self-study, I also recognize the value of seeking guidance from experienced programmers and participating in coding communities or forums where I can seek advice, share insights, and collaborate on projects.

I envision setting up a dedicated workspace in my home equipped with a reliable computer, comfortable seating, and ample resources for learning and practicing programming. Additionally, I aim to allocate regular time slots in my schedule for focused study and experimentation with coding exercises and projects.

I am motivated to learn Python for several reasons. Firstly, I am fascinated by its applications across various fields, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and automation. Secondly, I believe that acquiring programming skills will enhance my problem-solving abilities and open up exciting career opportunities in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

Although learning programming may pose challenges, such as grasping complex concepts and debugging errors, I am confident in my ability to overcome obstacles through perseverance and continuous learning. With dedication, practice, and a growth mindset, I believe that I can develop proficiency in Python and unlock the door to a world of endless possibilities in the realm of technology.


Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goal

You should say:

Who the person is

How he/she encouraged you What goal you achieved

And explain how you feel about this person



Band 6

One person who has played a significant role in encouraging me to achieve my goals is my high school English teacher, Mrs. Smith. She has been a source of inspiration and support throughout my academic journey.

Mrs. Smith encouraged me by always believing in my abilities and pushing me to strive for excellence. She provided constructive feedback on my assignments, challenged me to think critically, and offered guidance whenever I faced obstacles or doubts.

One specific goal that Mrs. Smith helped me achieve was improving my writing skills. I had always struggled with expressing my thoughts and ideas coherently on paper, but with Mrs. Smith’s guidance and encouragement, I was able to make significant progress.

She encouraged me to set specific writing goals, practice regularly, and seek feedback to refine my skills. She also provided me with additional resources, such as books and online tutorials, to help me expand my knowledge and improve my writing techniques.

Thanks to Mrs. Smith’s support and encouragement, I was able to overcome my insecurities and develop confidence in my writing abilities. By the end of the school year, I had achieved my goal of writing more effectively and articulately.

I feel incredibly grateful to Mrs. Smith for her unwavering support and encouragement. Her belief in my potential and dedication to helping me succeed have had a profound impact on my academic and personal growth. I admire her passion for teaching and her commitment to nurturing her students’ talents and abilities.

Overall, Mrs. Smith has been a positive influence in my life, and I am thankful to have had her guidance and support on my journey towards achieving my goals.


Band 7Top of Form

One individual who significantly encouraged me to achieve my goals is my mentor, John. He has been a guiding force in my professional development and has consistently provided me with support and encouragement.

John encouraged me by offering valuable advice, sharing his own experiences, and providing constructive feedback on my ideas and plans. He helped me set realistic goals, develop actionable strategies, and stay focused on my objectives.

One specific goal that John helped me achieve was securing a promotion at work. I had been aspiring to advance in my career for some time, but I was unsure about the steps to take and lacked confidence in my abilities. However, with John’s guidance and encouragement, I was able to outline a clear path towards advancement and take proactive steps to demonstrate my potential to my superiors.

John supported me by advocating for me within the organization, connecting me with influential colleagues, and offering mentorship and guidance throughout the process. He encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, take on new challenges, and showcase my strengths and capabilities.

Thanks to John’s unwavering support and encouragement, I was able to successfully secure the promotion I had been working towards. His belief in my abilities and his willingness to invest time and effort in my growth and development were instrumental in helping me achieve my goal.

I feel deeply grateful to John for his mentorship and support. His encouragement has not only propelled me towards professional success but has also instilled in me a sense of confidence and resilience that I carry with me in all aspects of my life.

Overall, John has been an invaluable mentor and role model, and I am thankful for his guidance and encouragement on my journey towards achieving my goals.


Band 8

I’d like to talk about my former basketball coach, Coach Smith, who played a pivotal role in encouraging me to achieve my goal of making it to the varsity team. Coach Smith wasn’t just a coach to me; he was a mentor who instilled in me a sense of discipline, dedication, and determination.

Coach Smith encouraged me by setting high expectations and pushing me to go beyond my limits. He recognized my potential early on and constantly challenged me to improve my skills, fitness, and overall performance on the court. He would often provide constructive feedback, pointing out areas for improvement while also acknowledging my strengths.

One specific instance where Coach Smith’s encouragement made a significant impact was during tryouts for the varsity team. I had been working hard to refine my game and prove myself worthy of a spot on the team, but I was feeling nervous and uncertain about my chances. Coach Smith pulled me aside before the tryouts and offered words of encouragement, reminding me of the progress I had made and the skills I possessed.

During the tryouts, Coach Smith’s words echoed in my mind, giving me the confidence and motivation to perform at my best. I pushed myself harder, stayed focused, and showcased my abilities with determination and grit. Coach Smith was there every step of the way, offering guidance, support, and encouragement.

Thanks to Coach Smith’s unwavering belief in me and his encouragement, I was able to achieve my goal of making it to the varsity team. His mentorship not only helped me succeed on the basketball court but also instilled in me valuable life lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of believing in oneself.

I feel immensely grateful to Coach Smith for his guidance and support. His encouragement has had a lasting impact on me, shaping me into the athlete and person I am today. I will always cherish the lessons I learned from him and the role he played in helping me achieve my goals.

Describe a place where you have taken photos more than once You should say:

Where the place is

When you took the photos

What special features the photos taken there have

And explain why you have been there more than once to take photos


Band 6

One place where I have taken photos multiple times is at a local botanical garden in my city. I have visited this garden on several occasions, usually during the spring and summer months when the flowers are in full bloom.

I first visited the botanical garden a few years ago with some friends, and I was captivated by the beauty and tranquility of the surroundings. The garden features a diverse collection of plants, including colorful flowers, exotic trees, and lush greenery, making it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts like myself.

The photos taken at the botanical garden have a unique charm and appeal due to the natural beauty of the setting. The vibrant colors of the flowers, the play of light and shadow, and the serene atmosphere create a picturesque backdrop for photography, allowing me to capture stunning images of nature.

I have been to the botanical garden more than once to take photos because it offers endless opportunities for creativity and exploration. Each visit presents new subjects to photograph, from seasonal blooms to changing landscapes, allowing me to experiment with different compositions, angles, and lighting techniques.

Moreover, I find the botanical garden to be a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life, providing me with a sense of calm and inspiration. Returning to this place allows me to reconnect with nature, recharge my creative energy, and capture moments of beauty that I can cherish and share with others.

Overall, the botanical garden holds a special place in my heart as a favorite destination for photography outings. It offers a rich tapestry of sights and sensations that never fail to inspire me, making each visit a memorable and rewarding experience.


Band 7Top of Form

A place where I’ve frequently taken photos is the beach near my hometown. This beach holds a special significance for me, and I find myself drawn to it time and time again, especially during the summer months.

I first started taking photos at this beach a few years ago when I went on a family trip. The stunning coastline, golden sands, and crystal-clear waters immediately captured my attention, and I knew I had to capture its beauty through my camera lens.

One of the unique features of the photos taken at this beach is the ever-changing scenery. Each time I visit, the lighting, tides, and weather conditions vary, providing me with endless opportunities to capture diverse and captivating images. From vibrant sunsets to dramatic cloud formations, every photo tells a different story of nature’s splendor.

I have returned to this beach multiple times to take photos because it holds sentimental value to me and offers a sense of peace and tranquility. Whether I’m capturing candid moments with friends and family or indulging in solo photography sessions, the beach serves as a sanctuary where I can escape from the stresses of daily life and immerse myself in the beauty of nature.

Moreover, photography has become a passion of mine, and the beach provides the perfect backdrop for honing my skills and experimenting with different techniques. I enjoy the challenge of capturing the perfect shot, whether it’s a close-up of a seashell or a wide-angle panorama of the coastline.

In conclusion, the beach near my hometown is a cherished photography spot that I have visited numerous times to capture its natural beauty. With its ever-changing scenery and tranquil atmosphere, it continues to inspire me and fuel my passion for photography.


Band 8Top of Form

One place that I have frequently visited to capture photographs is a picturesque mountain trail located near my hometown. This trail offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys, lush forests, and cascading waterfalls, making it an ideal spot for outdoor photography enthusiasts like myself.

I first discovered this mountain trail a couple of years ago when I went on a hiking expedition with a group of friends. As we ascended the trail, I was mesmerized by the stunning vistas and the sense of serenity that enveloped us. Inspired by the natural beauty surrounding us, I began snapping photos with my camera to preserve the memories of our adventure.

One of the unique features of the photos taken on this mountain trail is the ever-changing scenery with each season. Whether it’s the vibrant colors of autumn foliage, the glistening snow-capped peaks in winter, or the blooming wildflowers in spring, every visit offers new opportunities to capture stunning images of nature’s splendor.

I have returned to this mountain trail countless times to take photos because of its unparalleled beauty and the sense of tranquility it brings. Whether I’m hiking solo or with friends, the trail provides a refuge from the chaos of daily life and allows me to reconnect with nature while honing my photography skills.

Moreover, the challenge of capturing the perfect shot amidst changing weather conditions and lighting adds to the excitement of each visit. From sunrise to sunset, I find myself immersed in the beauty of the natural world, seeking to capture moments of awe and wonder through my lens.

In conclusion, the mountain trail near my hometown is a cherished photography spot that I have revisited numerous times to capture its ever-changing beauty. With its breathtaking landscapes and tranquil ambiance, it continues to inspire me and fuel my passion for photography.


Describe a time when you taught something to a younger person who was inexperienced

You should say:

Who you taught

What/how you taught

What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience


Band 6

One occasion when I taught something new to a younger person was last summer when I helped my younger cousin learn how to ride a bicycle. It happened on a sunny afternoon in our neighborhood park.

I taught my cousin, Sarah, how to ride a bicycle. She had expressed interest in learning, but she was hesitant and unsure about how to get started. As her older cousin, I felt it was my responsibility to help her overcome her fears and acquire this valuable skill.

I taught Sarah how to balance on the bicycle, pedal smoothly, and steer confidently. I demonstrated the steps patiently, providing encouragement and guidance every step of the way. We started in a grassy area to minimize the risk of falling, and gradually progressed to smoother surfaces as Sarah gained more confidence.

I taught Sarah how to ride a bicycle because I wanted to share the joy and freedom that comes with cycling. Learning to ride a bike is a rite of passage for many children, and I wanted Sarah to experience the thrill of independence and exploration that comes with mastering this skill.

Teaching Sarah how to ride a bicycle was a rewarding experience for me. I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as I witnessed her progress and saw the smile on her face when she successfully rode on her own for the first time. It was fulfilling to pass on a skill that would empower her and enrich her life with new opportunities for adventure and enjoyment.


Band 7

I recall a recent instance when I had the opportunity to teach my younger cousin, Emily, how to bake chocolate chip cookies. It happened during a family gathering at my grandmother’s house last summer.

I decided to teach Emily how to bake because she had shown interest in learning new culinary skills, and I thought it would be a fun and educational activity for us to do together. Emily, being only 10 years old, was excited but a bit nervous about the process.

I taught Emily the basics of baking chocolate chip cookies, including measuring ingredients, mixing the dough, and shaping the cookies. I guided her through each step, providing clear instructions and demonstrating the techniques. We worked together as a team, with me offering encouragement and support whenever she needed it.

I chose to teach Emily how to bake because I wanted to share my love for baking with her and pass on a valuable skill that she could enjoy for years to come. Baking is not only a fun activity but also a practical skill that fosters creativity and independence in the kitchen.

I felt a sense of satisfaction and pride as I watched Emily successfully bake her first batch of chocolate chip cookies. Seeing her smile of accomplishment and hearing her express excitement about her newfound baking skills was incredibly rewarding. It reinforced the importance of patience, encouragement, and mentorship in teaching others, and it brought us closer together as cousins. Overall, it was a memorable and enjoyable experience for both of us.


Band 8

One memorable occasion when I taught something new to a younger person was when I helped my little sister, Lily, learn how to play the piano. It happened a few years ago during the summer break when we had some free time at home.

I decided to teach Lily how to play the piano because she had shown a keen interest in music and had expressed a desire to learn an instrument. As her older sibling, I felt a sense of responsibility and excitement at the prospect of sharing my passion for music with her.

I began by introducing Lily to the basics of piano playing, starting with simple finger exercises and hand placement on the keyboard. I then taught her how to read musical notes and basic music theory concepts, such as rhythm and tempo. We practiced together regularly, with me providing guidance and encouragement as she progressed.

I chose to teach Lily how to play the piano because I believed it would not only be a rewarding and enriching experience for her but also a bonding opportunity for us as siblings. Music has always been a significant part of my life, and I wanted to instill in Lily the same love and appreciation for music that I have.

As I witnessed Lily’s progress and witnessed her growing confidence and enthusiasm for playing the piano, I felt a sense of pride and fulfillment. It was gratifying to see her develop her musical abilities and embrace the joy of creating music. Our piano lessons became a cherished shared activity that brought us closer together and created lasting memories that we both treasure.

Overall, teaching Lily how to play the piano was a gratifying and rewarding experience that not only enriched her life but also strengthened our bond as siblings. It reminded me of the power of mentorship and the importance of sharing knowledge and passions with others.


Describe an important achievement you have made

You should say:

What you achieved

When and where you did it

Why it was an important achievement

And explain how you earned it



Band 6

One significant achievement I made was completing my high school education with honors. I achieved this milestone in June of last year at my high school graduation ceremony.

Earning honors in high school was an important achievement for me because it represented years of hard work, dedication, and academic success. It was a recognition of my efforts to excel in my studies and maintain high academic standards throughout my high school years.

I earned this achievement through consistent effort and perseverance. I dedicated countless hours to studying, attending classes, and completing assignments to ensure that I performed well academically. I also sought help from teachers and classmates when I encountered challenges or needed clarification on difficult concepts.

Additionally, I participated in extracurricular activities, such as clubs and volunteer work, to demonstrate leadership skills and well-roundedness, which contributed to my overall academic profile. By balancing academic rigor with extracurricular involvement, I was able to showcase my abilities and strengths to my teachers and peers.

Receiving honors at my high school graduation was a moment of immense pride and satisfaction for me. It was a culmination of years of hard work and determination, and it affirmed my belief in the importance of setting goals and working diligently to achieve them. Moreover, it opened doors to various opportunities for higher education and future career prospects.

Overall, earning honors in high school was a significant achievement that symbolized my academic excellence and served as a testament to my perseverance and commitment to success. It was a milestone that I will always cherish and remember as a defining moment in my educational journey.


Band 7

One significant achievement I’ve accomplished was securing a leadership role in my college’s student council. This achievement occurred during my sophomore year at college.

Being elected as a student council leader was important to me because it provided an opportunity to make a positive impact on campus and represent the interests of my fellow students. It signified recognition from my peers and faculty of my leadership qualities and ability to contribute meaningfully to the college community.

I earned this achievement through a combination of dedication, involvement, and effective communication. Prior to running for the student council, I actively participated in various campus activities and clubs, demonstrating my commitment to student engagement and leadership. I also developed strong relationships with my peers and faculty members, which helped garner support for my candidacy.

During the election campaign, I campaigned vigorously, outlining my vision and goals for the student council and soliciting feedback and input from students on campus issues. I utilized social media platforms, organized campus events, and engaged in face-to-face interactions to garner support and raise awareness about my candidacy.

Winning the election and assuming the leadership role was a moment of great pride and accomplishment for me. It provided an opportunity to lead and serve my peers, advocate for their needs, and work collaboratively with faculty and staff to enhance the college experience for everyone.

Overall, securing a leadership role in my college’s student council was a significant achievement that underscored my commitment to leadership and community service. It provided me with invaluable experiences, skills, and opportunities for personal and professional growth that have shaped my college journey and prepared me for future endeavors.

Band 8

An important achievement I’ve accomplished was completing a marathon race. This achievement occurred last year in the city where I reside.

Completing a marathon was significant to me because it represented a culmination of months of rigorous training, dedication, and perseverance. It was a test of both physical and mental endurance and signified a personal milestone in my journey towards fitness and self-improvement.

I earned this achievement through disciplined training and a structured workout regimen. In preparation for the marathon, I followed a comprehensive training plan that included long-distance runs, speed workouts, and strength training sessions. I gradually increased my mileage and endurance over several months, pushing myself to overcome physical challenges and mental barriers along the way.

On the day of the marathon, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as I joined thousands of other participants at the starting line. The race was grueling, with miles of pavement stretching out before me, but I remained focused and determined to reach the finish line. I drew upon my training and mental resilience to overcome fatigue and push through moments of doubt and exhaustion.

Crossing the finish line of the marathon was an exhilarating and emotional moment for me. It was a culmination of months of hard work and dedication, and it filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Completing the marathon reinforced my belief in the power of perseverance and demonstrated that with determination and perseverance, I could achieve my goals.

Overall, completing a marathon was an important achievement that symbolized my commitment to personal growth and challenge. It taught me valuable lessons about resilience, discipline, and the rewards of pushing beyond my comfort zone. The experience was transformative and has inspired me to set new goals and pursue new challenges in the future.


Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young

You should say:

What it was Where you did it

Who you did it with

And explain why you enjoyed it


Band 6Top of Form

One activity I enjoyed in my free time when I was young was playing hide and seek with my neighborhood friends. We would often play this game in the park near my house during the weekends or after school.

I typically played hide and seek with my siblings and other kids from my neighborhood. It was a popular game among us because it allowed us to unleash our creativity, use our imagination, and enjoy some friendly competition together.

What made hide and seek enjoyable for me was the thrill of hiding and the excitement of seeking. Hiding required us to find clever spots to conceal ourselves, whether it was behind trees, bushes, or playground equipment. The anticipation of being found and the challenge of remaining hidden added an element of excitement to the game.

Moreover, playing hide and seek allowed us to bond with each other and strengthen our friendships. We would laugh, chat, and strategize together as we played, creating lasting memories and forging strong connections with one another.

Additionally, hide and seek provided an opportunity for outdoor play and physical activity, allowing us to run, jump, and explore our surroundings freely. It was a refreshing break from the routine of school and homework and provided a chance to unwind and have fun in a carefree manner.

Overall, playing hide and seek was a cherished childhood activity that brought joy, laughter, and camaraderie into my life. It allowed me to connect with my friends, unleash my imagination, and enjoy the simple pleasures of childhood.


Band 7

One of my favorite activities during my childhood was building and flying kites. I often engaged in this activity on weekends or during school holidays in a large open field near my house.

I usually built and flew kites with my cousins and neighborhood friends. It was a group activity that brought us together and provided hours of entertainment and excitement.

What made kite flying enjoyable for me was the combination of creativity, skill, and freedom it offered. Building the kites from scratch allowed me to express my creativity and experiment with different designs and materials. It was a hands-on activity that required patience and attention to detail, as we carefully crafted each kite using bamboo sticks, paper, and string.

Flying the kites was equally thrilling, as we would run across the field, holding onto the strings as the kites soared high into the sky. The feeling of freedom and exhilaration as the kites danced in the breeze was incomparable, and it filled me with a sense of joy and wonder.

Moreover, kite flying provided an opportunity for outdoor play and physical activity, allowing us to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while engaging in a fun and wholesome activity. It was a welcome break from the confines of indoor spaces and screens, allowing us to connect with nature and each other in a meaningful way.

Overall, building and flying kites was a cherished childhood activity that brought me joy, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment. It fostered creativity, camaraderie, and a love for the outdoors, and it remains a fond memory that I treasure to this day.


Band 8Top of Form

During my childhood, one activity that brought me immense joy and excitement in my free time was exploring nature trails in the nearby forest. I would often embark on these adventures with my close friends, typically on weekends or during school holidays.

The forest trails were located just a short distance from my house, making them easily accessible for exploration. I vividly remember the sense of anticipation and adventure as we set out into the wilderness, armed with our backpacks, water bottles, and a spirit of curiosity.

Exploring nature trails was a group activity that I enjoyed with my friends. We would set off early in the morning, eager to discover new paths, observe wildlife, and marvel at the beauty of the natural world around us. Together, we would navigate through dense foliage, cross babbling streams, and climb rocky outcrops, all while immersing ourselves in the sights and sounds of the forest.

What made exploring nature trails so enjoyable for me was the sense of freedom and discovery it offered. Each trail held the promise of new adventures and hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered. Whether it was stumbling upon a hidden waterfall, spotting a rare bird, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the forest, every outing was filled with wonder and excitement.

Moreover, exploring nature trails provided an opportunity for physical activity and outdoor play, allowing us to connect with nature and stay active while escaping the pressures of school and daily life. It was a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of city living, allowing us to recharge our minds and bodies in the serene beauty of the forest.

Overall, exploring nature trails was a cherished childhood activity that filled me with joy, wonder, and a deep appreciation for the natural world. It fostered a sense of adventure, camaraderie, and a lifelong love for the great outdoors that continues to inspire me to this day.


Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently

You should say:

Who he/she is

When he/she made the decision

What decision he/she made

Why it was a good decision

And explain how you felt about the decision



Band 6

Recently, a friend of mine, Sarah, made a commendable decision that I admired. She made this decision last month when she decided to pursue further education by enrolling in a professional certification course related to her field of work.

Sarah works in the marketing industry and has been contemplating advancing her skills and knowledge to enhance her career prospects. After careful consideration and research, she made the decision to enroll in a certification course in digital marketing.

I believe Sarah’s decision was a good one for several reasons. Firstly, the field of marketing is rapidly evolving, especially with the increasing importance of digital marketing strategies. By investing in further education, Sarah is equipping herself with the latest tools, techniques, and trends in the industry, which will make her more competitive in the job market.

Additionally, obtaining a professional certification will not only enhance Sarah’s credentials but also open up new opportunities for career advancement and higher-paying roles. It demonstrates her commitment to continuous learning and professional development, which is highly valued in today’s competitive job market.

Moreover, by expanding her knowledge and skills in digital marketing, Sarah will be better equipped to contribute effectively to her current job role and add value to her organization. This will not only benefit her career but also her employer, making her an asset to the company.

As Sarah’s friend, I felt proud and inspired by her decision to pursue further education. It showcased her ambition, determination, and commitment to personal and professional growth. I believe her decision will lead to positive outcomes and opportunities in the future, and I am excited to see her progress and success in her career journey.


Band 7

I’d like to talk about a colleague of mine named Mark who recently made a commendable decision that I believe will positively impact his career. Mark, who works in the IT department of our company, made this decision about three months ago.

The decision Mark made was to pursue further education by enrolling in a specialized coding boot camp. Despite already having a stable job in IT, Mark recognized the importance of keeping his skills up-to-date in a rapidly changing industry.

I consider Mark’s decision to enroll in the coding boot camp a wise one for several reasons. Firstly, the technology sector is constantly evolving, and staying relevant with the latest coding languages and techniques is crucial for career advancement. By investing in further education, Mark is proactively preparing himself for future job opportunities and challenges.

Moreover, the coding boot camp offers a hands-on learning experience and practical skills that directly apply to his work in IT. It provides an opportunity for Mark to deepen his expertise in coding languages and expand his professional network within the industry.

Additionally, Mark’s decision reflects his proactive approach to career development and his commitment to personal growth. By taking the initiative to pursue further education outside of his regular work hours, he demonstrates ambition and dedication to advancing his career.

As a colleague, I admire Mark’s decision and the initiative he has shown in investing in his professional development. I believe that his decision to enroll in the coding boot camp will not only enhance his skills and knowledge but also position him for future career opportunities within our company or elsewhere in the industry. Overall, it’s a decision that reflects Mark’s forward-thinking mindset and commitment to excellence in his career.

Top of Form


Band 8

I’d like to talk about a decision made by my colleague, James, which I believe was both impactful and wise. James, who works in the marketing department of our company, made this decision around three months ago.

The decision James made was to propose a new marketing strategy to our management team. He had been closely analyzing market trends and consumer behavior, and he proposed a shift in our marketing approach to target a younger demographic through social media platforms.

I consider James’ decision to propose the new marketing strategy a commendable one for several reasons. Firstly, it demonstrated his ability to identify emerging trends and adapt to changing market dynamics. By recognizing the importance of engaging with a younger audience through digital channels, James showed foresight and strategic thinking, which are essential qualities in the fast-paced world of marketing.

Moreover, James’ decision reflected his confidence in his own ideas and his willingness to take initiative. He took the initiative to research and develop the new marketing strategy independently, and he presented it to our management team with conviction and enthusiasm. This proactive approach not only showcased his leadership potential but also contributed to a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within our team.

Additionally, James’ decision had a positive impact on our company’s marketing efforts. The new strategy that he proposed led to increased engagement and visibility on social media platforms, resulting in higher brand awareness and customer acquisition. It demonstrated James’ ability to drive positive outcomes and deliver tangible results, which are highly valued in a competitive business environment.

As a colleague, I was impressed by James’ decision and the positive impact it had on our marketing efforts. It highlighted his strategic thinking, initiative, and ability to drive change, all of which are essential qualities for success in the field of marketing. Overall, James’ decision served as an inspiring example of the importance of innovation and proactive problem-solving in driving business success.

Describe a risk you took that you thought would lead to a terrible result but ended up with a positive result

You should say:

When you took the risk

Why you took the risk

How it went

And explain how you felt about it


Band 6

One risk I took that I initially feared would have negative consequences but turned out positively was when I decided to change my career path. I made this decision about two years ago when I was feeling unfulfilled and stagnant in my job as a customer service representative.

I took the risk of leaving my stable job and pursuing a career in graphic design because I felt a strong passion for creativity and visual arts. Despite lacking formal education or experience in the field of graphic design, I decided to enroll in online courses and self-study to learn the necessary skills.

Initially, I was filled with uncertainty and apprehension about whether I would be able to succeed in a completely new industry. I feared that I might struggle to find employment or face financial difficulties due to the lack of stability in the freelance graphic design market.

However, as I delved deeper into my studies and began building a portfolio of my work, I started to gain confidence in my abilities. I reached out to potential clients and applied for freelance gigs, taking every opportunity to showcase my skills and creativity.

To my surprise and relief, my decision to pursue a career in graphic design yielded positive results. I received positive feedback on my work from clients, landed several freelance projects, and eventually secured a full-time position at a design agency. Not only did I find fulfillment and satisfaction in my new career, but I also experienced personal and professional growth that I had never imagined possible.

Looking back, I feel grateful for having taken the risk to change my career path, despite the initial fear and uncertainty. It taught me the importance of following my passions, taking calculated risks, and embracing new opportunities for growth and development. Although it was a challenging journey filled with ups and downs, the positive outcome far exceeded my initial expectations, leaving me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Band 7 Top of Form

One significant risk I took that initially seemed daunting but ultimately turned out positively was when I decided to start my own small business. I made this decision approximately three years ago after feeling disillusioned with my corporate job and longing for greater autonomy and fulfillment in my career.

I took the risk of leaving the security of a steady paycheck and venturing into the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship because I believed in the potential of my business idea and felt a strong desire to pursue my passion. Despite the uncertainty and fear of failure, I was motivated by the possibility of creating something meaningful and impactful.

The journey of starting my own business was filled with challenges and setbacks. I encountered obstacles such as securing funding, building a customer base, and navigating the complexities of running a business. There were moments when I doubted my decision and feared that I had made a grave mistake.

However, as I persevered and remained resilient in the face of adversity, I began to see progress and positive outcomes. My business gradually gained traction, and I started to attract clients and generate revenue. I learned valuable lessons from each setback and used them to refine my strategies and improve my business operations.

To my surprise and delight, my small business eventually flourished beyond my expectations. I established a loyal customer base, expanded my offerings, and achieved financial stability. Moreover, I experienced a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in being able to pursue my passion and make a positive impact in my community.

Looking back, I feel grateful for having taken the risk to start my own business, despite the initial doubts and fears. It taught me the importance of resilience, perseverance, and believing in oneself. While the journey was challenging, the positive outcome reaffirmed my belief in the power of taking calculated risks and pursuing one’s dreams. Overall, it was a transformative experience that shaped me both personally and professionally.


Band 8

One significant risk I took that defied my initial expectations and yielded unexpectedly positive results was when I decided to relocate to a new city for a job opportunity. This pivotal decision occurred approximately two years ago when I was presented with the chance to take on a higher-level position in a different city.

Initially, the idea of uprooting my life and moving to an unfamiliar city was daunting and filled me with apprehension. I was worried about leaving behind my established social circle, adjusting to a new work environment, and adapting to a different lifestyle. Moreover, I feared the possibility of the job not meeting my expectations or facing challenges in the new role.

Despite these concerns, I ultimately chose to take the risk and seize the opportunity for professional growth and advancement. I believed that the potential benefits outweighed the risks, and I was motivated by the prospect of expanding my horizons and exploring new opportunities.

The process of relocating was challenging and filled with uncertainties. I had to navigate the logistics of finding housing, adjusting to a new workplace culture, and building a new support network in the new city. There were moments of doubt and anxiety, where I questioned whether I had made the right decision.

However, as time passed, I began to adapt to my new surroundings and immerse myself in the opportunities that the relocation presented. I found fulfillment in my new role, developed meaningful connections with colleagues, and explored the vibrant cultural scene of the city. Additionally, the change in environment provided fresh perspectives and growth opportunities that I hadn’t anticipated.

To my surprise and delight, the decision to relocate turned out to be immensely rewarding. I flourished professionally in my new role, gained valuable experiences, and expanded my network. Moreover, the move allowed me to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, challenging me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace change.

Looking back, I feel grateful for having taken the risk to relocate for the job opportunity, despite the initial uncertainties. It taught me valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of seizing opportunities for growth and development. Overall, it was a transformative experience that exceeded my expectations and shaped me both personally and professionally.

Describe a time when you received money as a gift You should say:

When it happened

Who gave you money

Why he/she gave you money

And explain how you used the money


Band 6Top of Form

I vividly recall a time when I received money as a gift during my high school graduation ceremony. It happened a couple of years ago when my grandparents gave me a generous sum of money as a graduation present.

My grandparents gave me the money to celebrate my academic achievement and to provide support as I embarked on the next chapter of my life. They viewed it as a symbolic gesture to help me with any expenses or endeavors I might encounter as I transitioned into adulthood.

I used the money I received from my grandparents in a few different ways. Firstly, I set aside a portion of it to contribute to my savings account, recognizing the importance of financial responsibility and planning for the future. Secondly, I used some of the money to purchase textbooks and supplies for my upcoming college courses, alleviating some of the financial burden associated with higher education. Lastly, I also treated myself to a small celebratory dinner with friends to mark the occasion and express gratitude for their support throughout my academic journey.

Receiving money as a gift from my grandparents was a meaningful gesture that I deeply appreciated. It not only provided practical assistance during a transitional period in my life but also served as a symbol of their love, encouragement, and belief in my potential. Moreover, it reinforced the importance of family support and the value of celebrating milestones together. Overall, it was a memorable and heartwarming experience that I will always cherish.


Band 7

I distinctly remember a time when I received money as a gift on my graduation day from college. It was a significant event in my life, and my parents gave me a substantial amount of money as a graduation present.

My parents decided to give me the money as a gift to acknowledge the hard work and dedication I had put into completing my college degree. They saw it as a way to congratulate me on this milestone achievement and provide me with some financial support as I transitioned into the next phase of my life.

I used the money I received from my parents thoughtfully and strategically. Firstly, I allocated a portion of it towards paying off some of my student loans, which helped alleviate the financial burden associated with my education. Secondly, I invested a portion of the money in a savings account to build a financial safety net for the future. Lastly, I also used a portion of the money to treat myself to a small vacation as a reward for my hard work and to celebrate my accomplishment.

Receiving money as a gift from my parents was incredibly meaningful to me. It represented their recognition of my achievements and their unwavering support as I embarked on the next chapter of my life. Moreover, it provided me with the means to tackle some of my financial responsibilities and pursue my goals with greater confidence and independence.

Overall, the gesture of receiving money as a gift on my graduation day was not only a practical form of support but also a symbol of my parents’ love, encouragement, and belief in my abilities. It was a memorable and cherished moment that I will always be grateful for.


Band 8

I have a vivid memory of a significant occasion when I received money as a gift, which stands out as a testament to the generosity and thoughtfulness of my family. It was during my 21st birthday celebration, and my extended family members came together to commemorate the milestone.

On this special day, my grandparents presented me with a substantial amount of money as a birthday gift. Their decision to give me money was deeply meaningful as it was a gesture of both celebration and support as I transitioned into adulthood.

My grandparents explained that they wanted to mark this significant milestone in my life by providing me with a gift that would offer flexibility and utility. They emphasized the importance of financial responsibility and encouraged me to use the money wisely, whether it be for immediate needs or future endeavors.

I carefully considered how to utilize the money I received from my grandparents. Firstly, I allocated a portion of it towards funding my educational pursuits, investing in additional courses and workshops to enhance my skillset and expand my knowledge base. Secondly, I set aside a portion of the money for savings, recognizing the importance of building a financial cushion for unforeseen expenses and future goals. Lastly, I used a portion of the money to treat my family to a memorable dinner as a token of appreciation for their love and support.

Receiving such a generous gift from my grandparents was a profound and heartwarming experience. It not only provided me with financial assistance but also served as a reminder of the unwavering support and encouragement I receive from my family. Moreover, it instilled in me a sense of gratitude and responsibility, motivating me to make the most of the opportunities afforded to me.

Overall, the gesture of receiving money as a gift on my 21st birthday was a significant and cherished moment that underscored the strong bond and values within my family. It was a gesture of love, support, and celebration that I will always treasure and hold dear to my heart.

Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What he/she has done

And explain why he/she can be a role model for young people


Band 6

One famous person who serves as a role model for young people is Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. I became aware of her through news articles and documentaries highlighting her remarkable story.

Malala gained international recognition for her advocacy for girls’ education in Pakistan, particularly in the Swat Valley where she grew up. Despite facing threats and violence from the Taliban, she continued to speak out for the rights of girls to receive an education. Her courage and resilience in the face of adversity have inspired millions around the world.

Malala can be considered a role model for young people for several reasons. Firstly, her unwavering commitment to education and gender equality demonstrates the power of perseverance and determination in achieving one’s goals. Despite facing immense challenges, she remained steadfast in her pursuit of education for all children, especially girls, and refused to be silenced by fear.

Moreover, Malala’s advocacy has had a tangible impact on policy and public discourse surrounding education and women’s rights. Her activism has led to increased awareness and support for girls’ education globally, inspiring young people to become agents of change in their own communities.

Furthermore, Malala’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of opposition. Her courage and conviction inspire young people to speak out against injustice and work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive world.

Overall, Malala Yousafzai’s journey from a young girl fighting for her right to education to a global advocate for girls’ rights serves as a powerful example of courage, resilience, and the transformative power of education. Her story resonates with young people worldwide, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and stand up for what they believe in, making her a compelling role model for the youth of today.


Band 7Top of Form

A prominent figure that I believe serves as a role model for young people is Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. I first became acquainted with him through news articles and social media platforms that frequently feature his innovative ventures and entrepreneurial achievements.

Elon Musk has made significant contributions to various industries, particularly in the fields of space exploration and sustainable energy. He founded SpaceX with the ambitious goal of making space travel more accessible and affordable, while also spearheading the development of electric vehicles through Tesla Motors.

What sets Musk apart as a role model is his visionary thinking and relentless pursuit of ambitious goals. He has demonstrated the importance of daring to dream big and challenging conventional norms to achieve groundbreaking advancements. His willingness to take risks and push the boundaries of what is possible serves as an inspiration for young people to think creatively and embrace innovation.

Moreover, Musk’s commitment to addressing pressing global issues, such as climate change and space exploration, underscores his sense of responsibility towards humanity’s future. He has consistently advocated for sustainable solutions and has invested considerable resources into developing renewable energy technologies and expanding access to space.

Furthermore, Musk’s leadership style and work ethic exemplify qualities that are highly admirable for young people. He is known for his hands-on approach, tireless work ethic, and resilience in the face of setbacks. His ability to navigate challenges and learn from failures serves as a valuable lesson for young individuals embarking on their own entrepreneurial or creative pursuits.

Overall, Elon Musk’s trailblazing endeavors and innovative spirit make him a compelling role model for young people aspiring to make a positive impact in the world. His visionary leadership, commitment to innovation, and dedication to addressing global challenges serve as an inspiration for the next generation of innovators and change-makers.


Band 8

A figure whom I deeply admire and consider a role model for young people is Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States. I first became acquainted with her through her work during her husband’s presidency, but it was her personal endeavors and advocacy efforts that truly resonated with me.

Michelle Obama is widely recognized for her commitment to various causes, including education, health, and women’s empowerment. She has used her platform to champion initiatives such as Let Girls Learn, aimed at expanding educational opportunities for girls worldwide, and the Let’s Move! campaign, which focuses on combating childhood obesity and promoting healthy lifestyles.

What sets Michelle Obama apart as a role model is her authenticity, resilience, and unwavering dedication to making a positive impact on society. Despite facing numerous challenges and scrutiny in the public eye, she has consistently maintained her integrity and remained true to her values. Her ability to navigate adversity with grace and poise serves as an inspiration for young people facing their own struggles.

Moreover, Michelle Obama’s emphasis on education and empowerment resonates strongly with young people striving to achieve their goals and make a difference in the world. She has emphasized the importance of education as a pathway to success and has encouraged young individuals to pursue their passions and dreams, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Furthermore, Michelle Obama’s role as a trailblazer and advocate for diversity and inclusion makes her a compelling role model for young people from all walks of life. She has used her platform to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and to promote greater understanding and empathy among people of different backgrounds.

Overall, Michelle Obama’s leadership, advocacy, and dedication to social causes make her a beacon of inspiration for young people around the world. Her ability to lead with compassion, authenticity, and resilience serves as a powerful example for the next generation of leaders and changemakers, inspiring them to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.


Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

When you had it

Where you had it

Whom you had it with

And explain why it was unusual


Band 6

One unusual meal that comes to mind is the time I tried fried insects during a trip to Southeast Asia. It happened a couple of years ago during a backpacking adventure with a group of friends.

We had just arrived in Thailand and were exploring the bustling streets of Bangkok when we stumbled upon a street vendor selling various exotic foods, including fried insects. Intrigued by the novelty of the experience, we decided to give it a try.

I had the meal with my friends, all of whom were equally curious and adventurous when it came to trying new foods. We sat down at a makeshift table on the sidewalk and eagerly awaited our order of fried insects.

When the dish arrived, I was taken aback by the sight of crunchy grasshoppers, crickets, and silkworms, all deep-fried and seasoned with spices. It was definitely an unusual sight compared to the typical meals I was accustomed to.

Despite my initial hesitation, I decided to give it a try. I picked up a grasshopper with chopsticks and took a hesitant bite. To my surprise, the insect had a crunchy texture and a surprisingly savory flavor. Encouraged by my friends’ reactions, I ventured to try the other varieties as well.

Overall, the meal was unusual because it challenged my preconceived notions of what constitutes food. Insects are not commonly consumed in Western cuisine, so eating fried insects was a novel and unconventional experience for me. Despite the initial discomfort, I found it to be an adventurous culinary experience that broadened my palate and allowed me to immerse myself in the local culture.


Band 7

An unusual meal that stands out in my memory is the time I tried a traditional Icelandic dish called hákarl, which is fermented shark meat. This experience occurred during a solo trip to Iceland a few years ago.

I had read about hákarl being a delicacy in Icelandic cuisine, so I was intrigued to try it despite its reputation for being an acquired taste. I came across a small local restaurant in Reykjavik that served traditional Icelandic dishes and decided to give it a try.

I had the meal by myself, as I was traveling solo at the time. The restaurant was cozy and had a rustic ambiance, which added to the authenticity of the experience.

When the dish arrived, I was immediately struck by the strong ammonia-like odor emanating from the fermented shark meat. It was served in small cubes on a wooden platter, accompanied by shots of the local spirit, Brennivín, to help mask the pungent flavor.

As I took my first bite of hákarl, I was met with an intense and unfamiliar taste that was both salty and fishy. The texture was rubbery and chewy, which added to the unique sensory experience.

The meal was unusual primarily because of the unconventional nature of hákarl as a food item. Fermented shark meat is not commonly consumed in many parts of the world, and its strong odor and distinctive flavor can be off-putting to those unfamiliar with Icelandic cuisine.

Despite finding the taste of hákarl challenging, I appreciated the opportunity to try a traditional Icelandic dish and immerse myself in the local culture. It was a memorable culinary experience that introduced me to new flavors and expanded my culinary horizons.


Band 8

One particularly memorable meal that stands out in my mind is the time I tried a unique dish called balut during a trip to the Philippines. This experience occurred a couple of years ago when I was visiting Manila with a group of adventurous friends.

Balut is a traditional Filipino delicacy that consists of a fertilized duck egg with a partially developed embryo inside. I had heard about this unusual dish from locals and was curious to experience it for myself, despite feeling a bit apprehensive.

I had the meal with my friends, who were equally intrigued by the idea of trying balut. We found a street vendor in a bustling market in Manila who specialized in selling this delicacy and decided to give it a try.

When the balut arrived, I was both fascinated and slightly intimidated by its appearance. The eggshell was cracked open to reveal a partially formed duck embryo submerged in a broth-like liquid. It was a visually striking sight that evoked a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

As I hesitantly took my first bite of balut, I was surprised by the complexity of flavors and textures. The broth was rich and flavorful, while the duck embryo had a creamy consistency with hints of savory and umami flavors. Despite my initial reservations, I found myself enjoying the unique culinary experience.

The meal was unusual primarily due to the novelty of balut as a food item. It challenged my preconceived notions of what constitutes food and exposed me to a different cultural perspective on gastronomy. Balut is not commonly consumed in Western cuisine, so trying it was a memorable and eye-opening experience that allowed me to immerse myself in Filipino culture.

Overall, the experience of trying balut was both adventurous and educational. It introduced me to new flavors and culinary traditions, while also fostering a deeper appreciation for the diversity of global cuisine. It was a meal that I will always remember fondly as a highlight of my travels in the Philippines.

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like

You should say:

Where it was taken/drawn

When it was taken/drawn

Who took/drew it

And explain how you felt about it


Band 6Top of Form

One photograph of myself that I have a fondness for was taken at a family gathering a few years ago. It was snapped by my uncle during a summer barbecue in our backyard.

The picture was taken in the late afternoon sunlight, with a warm glow casting soft shadows across the scene. I was seated at a picnic table surrounded by relatives, sharing laughter and stories over plates of grilled food.

My uncle, who enjoys photography as a hobby, took the photograph spontaneously as we enjoyed the festivities. He has a keen eye for capturing candid moments and genuine emotions, and this picture was no exception.

When I first saw the photograph, I felt a sense of warmth and nostalgia wash over me. It reminded me of the joyous moments spent with loved ones, surrounded by the comforting familiarity of home. The image captured a moment of connection and togetherness, which filled me with a sense of happiness and gratitude.

Moreover, I appreciated my uncle’s talent in capturing the essence of the moment through his lens. The photograph serves as a cherished keepsake of a special day shared with family, and I often find myself revisiting it with a sense of fondness and appreciation.

Overall, the photograph holds sentimental value to me as a reminder of cherished memories and the importance of family bonds. It encapsulates a moment of warmth and happiness that I will always treasure, making it one of my favorite pictures of myself.


Band 7

One photograph that holds a special place in my heart is a picture taken during a hiking trip with friends in the mountains last summer. The photo was captured by one of my friends, Sarah, as we reached the summit of a challenging trail.

The picture was taken against the backdrop of breathtaking mountain vistas, with towering peaks and lush greenery stretching out as far as the eye could see. I was standing with my arms outstretched, a triumphant smile on my face, as I soaked in the stunning panoramic views.

Sarah, who has a passion for photography, snapped the photo as a spontaneous moment of celebration at reaching the summit. She has a talent for capturing natural beauty and raw emotions, and this picture was a testament to her skill.

When I first saw the photograph, I was filled with a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration. It reminded me of the sense of achievement and camaraderie that we experienced during the hike. The image captured a moment of triumph and joy, which filled me with a profound sense of pride and gratitude.

Moreover, I appreciated Sarah’s ability to immortalize the essence of the moment through her lens. The photograph serves as a cherished memento of a memorable adventure shared with friends, and I often find myself reflecting on it with a sense of nostalgia and fondness.

Overall, the photograph holds sentimental value to me as a reminder of the beauty of nature and the bonds of friendship. It encapsulates a moment of triumph and unity that I will always treasure, making it one of my favorite pictures of myself.


Band 8

A photograph that holds significant meaning for me is one taken during my college graduation ceremony. It was captured by a professional photographer hired by the university to document the event.

The picture was taken on stage, just after I received my diploma. In the background, the university auditorium was filled with proud parents, fellow graduates, and faculty members. I stood tall, holding my diploma with a beaming smile on my face, surrounded by the backdrop of academic regalia and congratulatory applause.

The photographer, known for his expertise in capturing milestone moments, skillfully framed the shot to encapsulate the essence of the occasion. His attention to detail and ability to capture genuine emotions transformed the photograph into a timeless memento of achievement and celebration.

When I first saw the photograph, I was overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and pride. It symbolized the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance in pursuit of my academic goals. The image captured a moment of triumph and joy, serving as a tangible reminder of my academic journey and the support of my loved ones along the way.

Moreover, the photograph served as a source of inspiration and motivation for future endeavors. It represented not only the attainment of a degree but also the beginning of a new chapter filled with opportunities and possibilities. It reminded me of the importance of setting goals, working diligently towards them, and celebrating milestones along the way.

Overall, the photograph holds deep sentimental value for me as a symbol of achievement, perseverance, and the limitless potential of the human spirit. It serves as a constant reminder of what can be accomplished with determination, resilience, and unwavering belief in oneself.


Describe a place you would like to go to relax
You should say:
Where it is
When you would like to go there
What you would do there
And explain why you would like to go to this place to relax


Describe a place you would like to go to relax
You should say:
Where it is
When you would like to go there
What you would do there
And explain why you would like to go to this place to relax


Describe a place you would like to go to relax
You should say:
Where it is
When you would like to go there
What you would do there
And explain why you would like to go to this place to relax

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A place where I would love to go to relax is a secluded beach resort located on the shores of Bali, Indonesia. Bali is renowned for its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture, making it an ideal destination for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Ideally, I would like to visit this beach resort during the shoulder seasons, either in the spring or autumn when the weather is mild, and the crowds are smaller. Avoiding peak tourist seasons would ensure a quieter and more peaceful experience, allowing me to fully unwind and escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.
During my stay at the beach resort, I envision spending my days lounging on pristine white sands, soaking up the warm tropical sun, and immersing myself in the tranquil sounds of the ocean waves. I would indulge in leisurely strolls along the shoreline, take refreshing dips in the crystal-clear waters, and unwind with yoga sessions or spa treatments overlooking the sea.

The allure of this secluded beach resort lies in its serene ambiance, natural beauty, and laid-back atmosphere, offering the perfect escape from the stresses of modern life. Surrounded by lush palm trees, turquoise waters, and panoramic views of the Indian Ocean, I would find solace and tranquility in this idyllic setting, allowing me to recharge my mind, body, and spirit.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A place I dream of visiting to relax is a tranquil mountain retreat nestled in the heart of the Swiss Alps. Switzerland is renowned for its breathtaking alpine landscapes, pristine nature, and serene ambiance, making it an ideal destination for rest and rejuvenation. I envision traveling to this mountain retreat during the autumn months when the foliage is ablaze with vibrant colors, and the air is crisp and invigorating. The tranquil atmosphere and stunning scenery would provide the perfect backdrop for relaxation and reflection.

During my stay at the mountain retreat, I would immerse myself in nature’s beauty, embarking on leisurely hikes through picturesque valleys, exploring hidden waterfalls, and marveling at snow-capped peaks. I would spend my days surrounded by the peace and tranquility of the mountains, practicing mindfulness, and soaking up the healing energy of the natural world. The allure of this mountain retreat lies in its pristine wilderness, fresh mountain air, and sense of serenity, offering a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Surrounded by majestic mountains, alpine meadows, and pristine lakes, I would find solace and renewal in this idyllic sanctuary, allowing me to reconnect with myself and recharge my batteries.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A place I’ve always yearned to visit for relaxation is a secluded eco-lodge nestled within the lush rainforests of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is renowned for its rich biodiversity, stunning natural landscapes, and commitment to sustainable tourism, making it an ideal destination for eco-conscious travelers seeking tranquility and connection with nature.

I envision traveling to this eco-lodge during the rainy season, when the rainforests are at their most vibrant and lush, and the landscape is teeming with life. The soothing sounds of rainfall, the chorus of tropical birds, and the verdant greenery would create a magical and immersive experience in nature.
During my stay at the eco-lodge, I would immerse myself in the wonders of the rainforest, embarking on guided nature walks, birdwatching excursions, and wildlife spotting adventures. I would spend my days surrounded by the sights, sounds, and scents of the rainforest, practicing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness amidst the canopy of trees.

The allure of this secluded eco-lodge lies in its commitment to sustainability, conservation, and eco-friendly practices, offering a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature and nurture the body, mind, and soul. Surrounded by pristine rainforests, cascading waterfalls, and exotic wildlife, I would find solace and renewal in this idyllic sanctuary, allowing me to unwind, recharge, and rediscover a sense of harmony and balance with the natural world.


Describe an occasion when you used a map (e.g. a paper map, an electronic map) that was useful
You should say:
When and where you used the map
What it was like
How useful it was
Why you used it

And explain how you felt about the experience

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

Sure, I remember a time when I used a map during a solo trip to a remote hiking trail in the mountains. It was last summer, and I decided to explore a lesser-known trail in the Appalachian Mountains. I had heard about its breathtaking views and challenging terrain, so I was excited to embark on this adventure.
I vividly recall arriving at the trailhead early in the morning, greeted by the serene beauty of the wilderness. As I began my hike, I quickly realized the importance of having a map to navigate the intricate network of trails. The terrain was rugged, with dense forests, steep inclines, and rocky paths, making it easy to get disoriented without a guide.

The map proved to be invaluable as I progressed along the trail, providing essential information about landmarks, trail junctions, and elevation changes. It helped me stay on course and avoid getting lost in the vast wilderness. Without it, I would have struggled to navigate the maze of trails and might have ended up off-route.

Overall, the experience of using the map was both challenging and rewarding. It allowed me to explore unfamiliar terrain with confidence and discover hidden gems along the way. Despite encountering some obstacles and uncertainties, I felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment as I reached the summit and beheld the stunning panoramic views.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

An occasion where I found a map to be incredibly useful was during a trip to Tokyo, Japan. It was my first time visiting the city, and I was determined to explore its vibrant neighborhoods and iconic landmarks. Armed with a paper map provided by the tourist information center, I set out to navigate the bustling streets of Tokyo.

Using the map was a fascinating experience, as it allowed me to immerse myself in the rich tapestry of Japanese culture and history. The map was detailed and well-designed, featuring landmarks, public transportation routes, and points of interest. It helped me plan my itinerary and navigate the complex maze of streets and alleys with ease.

The map proved to be indispensable as I ventured from one neighborhood to another, from the neon-lit streets of Shinjuku to the serene gardens of Asakusa. It guided me to famous attractions like the Meiji Shrine, Shibuya Crossing, and Tsukiji Fish Market, allowing me to make the most of my time in the city.
Overall, the experience of using the map enhanced my appreciation for Tokyo’s unique blend of tradition and modernity. It empowered me to explore the city at my own pace and discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Navigating the streets of Tokyo with a map in hand was not only practical but also enriching, as it enabled me to connect with the vibrant spirit of the city.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One memorable occasion when I found a map to be indispensable was during a backpacking trip through the rugged terrain of Patagonia. It was a remote and challenging environment, characterized by towering mountains, vast glaciers, and pristine wilderness. I embarked on this adventure with a group of friends, eager to explore the natural wonders of this remote region.

Our journey began in the small town of El Chaltén, Argentina, known as the “trekking capital of Patagonia.” Equipped with a detailed topographic map of the area, we set out to tackle the famous Huemul Circuit, a multi-day trek that promised breathtaking views and rugged terrain.

Using the map was a transformative experience, as it allowed us to navigate the unmarked trails and remote backcountry with confidence. The map provided essential information about terrain features, water sources, and camping areas, enabling us to plan our route and make informed decisions along the way.
The map proved to be invaluable as we traversed challenging terrain, crossed rivers, and navigated steep mountain passes. It helped us stay on course and avoid potential hazards, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trekking experience in the wilderness of Patagonia.

Overall, the experience of using the map was both exhilarating and empowering. It allowed us to explore remote and pristine landscapes with a sense of purpose and adventure. Navigating the rugged terrain of Patagonia with a map in hand was not only practical but also deeply rewarding, as it brought us closer to the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.


Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future
You should say:
What it is
How you know about the job
Whether the job is difficult or not
And explain why you would not like to do it

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A job that I would not like to pursue in the future is that of a sewage treatment plant worker. I’ve learned about this job through various sources, including documentaries, news articles, and educational programs that shed light on the vital but often overlooked role of wastewater treatment in maintaining public health and environmental sustainability.

From what I’ve gathered, working in a sewage treatment plant can be extremely challenging and demanding both physically and mentally. The job involves operating complex machinery, handling hazardous materials, and working in potentially hazardous environments with unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions.

While the job may not necessarily require advanced technical skills or formal education, it demands resilience, attention to detail, and a strong stomach to cope with the rigors of the work. Moreover, sewage treatment plant workers often face occupational hazards such as exposure to toxic chemicals, biological contaminants, and infectious diseases, which can pose serious health risks.

Personally, I would not be suited for a job in sewage treatment due to several reasons. Firstly, I am sensitive to strong odors and would find it challenging to work in an environment with pervasive smells. Additionally, I value cleanliness and hygiene, and the thought of handling raw sewage on a daily basis is off-putting to me. Furthermore, the potential health risks associated with the job, such as exposure to harmful pathogens and contaminants, would be a major deterrent for me.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A job that I would unequivocally not want to pursue in the future is that of a deep-sea commercial diver. My knowledge about this job comes from documentaries, articles, and firsthand accounts from individuals in the field. Deep-sea commercial divers are responsible for underwater construction, maintenance, and repair work in extreme conditions, often at great depths and in hazardous environments.

From what I understand, the job of a deep-sea commercial diver is incredibly difficult and demanding, both physically and mentally. The work entails descending to significant depths underwater, enduring immense pressure, and navigating treacherous underwater terrain while performing intricate tasks such as welding, cutting, and construction.

The job requires specialized training, certification, and equipment to ensure safety and effectiveness in the underwater environment. Despite these precautions, deep-sea commercial divers face numerous risks and challenges, including decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, equipment malfunctions, and encounters with hazardous marine life.

Personally, I would not be suited for a career in deep-sea commercial diving due to several reasons. Firstly, I have a fear of deep water and would find the prospect of descending to extreme depths underwater daunting and anxiety-inducing. Additionally, the physical demands of the job, such as prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, limited visibility, and strenuous labor, would be overwhelming for me. Furthermore, the inherent risks associated with deep-sea diving, including the potential for accidents, injuries, and fatalities, would be a significant deterrent for me.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One profession that I would unequivocally not consider pursuing in the future is that of a high-rise window washer. My knowledge about this job comes from documentaries, news reports, and personal research into occupations that entail working at extreme heights. High-rise window washers are responsible for cleaning windows and facades of tall buildings, skyscrapers, and other structures at great heights.

From what I’ve gathered, the job of a high-rise window washer is exceptionally challenging, dangerous, and physically demanding. The work involves scaling tall buildings using specialized equipment such as scaffolds, ropes, and bosun’s chairs, often in adverse weather conditions and high winds.

The job requires a high level of physical fitness, agility, and courage to perform tasks such as washing, scrubbing, and polishing windows while suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. Despite stringent safety protocols and regulations, high-rise window washers face numerous risks and hazards, including falls, equipment failures, and exposure to harsh weather conditions.

Personally, I would not be suited for a career as a high-rise window washer due to several reasons. Firstly, I have a fear of heights and would find the prospect of working at extreme heights terrifying and overwhelming. Additionally, the physical demands of the job, such as prolonged exposure to heights, intense physical exertion, and repetitive motions, would be challenging for me to endure. Furthermore, the inherent risks associated with working at great heights, including the potential for accidents, injuries, and fatalities, would be a major deterrent for me.


Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What he/she usually talks about
And explain how you felt about him/her

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One person I know who enjoys talking a lot is my colleague, Sarah. I got to know Sarah when we started working together at the same company about two years ago. From the very beginning, it was evident that Sarah was quite talkative and outgoing.

Sarah is the type of person who always has something to say about everything. Whether it’s work-related matters, current events, or personal anecdotes, she never seems to run out of topics to discuss. In meetings and social gatherings, she is often the center of attention, captivating others with her animated storytelling and lively personality.

Sarah’s conversations tend to cover a wide range of topics, from her weekend adventures and travel experiences to her favorite TV shows and hobbies. She enjoys sharing anecdotes, jokes, and interesting tidbits with anyone who will listen, making her a popular and engaging conversationalist in our workplace.
While Sarah’s chattiness can be entertaining and informative at times, I have to admit that it can also be a bit overwhelming. There are moments when I find myself wishing for some peace and quiet, especially during busy workdays or when I’m trying to focus on important tasks. Nonetheless, I appreciate Sarah’s friendly demeanor and positive energy, and I value her contributions to our team dynamic.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

Someone I know who has a penchant for talking is my neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins. I first met Mrs. Jenkins shortly after moving into my apartment complex, and since then, we’ve developed a friendly acquaintanceship through casual conversations and neighborly interactions.

Mrs. Jenkins is a warm and sociable individual who thrives on human connection and conversation. Whenever we bump into each other in the hallway or the building’s communal areas, she never fails to strike up a conversation and engage me in lively chatter. From sharing updates about her family and grandchildren to recounting amusing anecdotes from her past, Mrs. Jenkins is always eager to share snippets of her life with me.

What I’ve noticed about Mrs. Jenkins is that she has a wide range of interests and experiences to draw upon in conversation. Whether it’s discussing gardening tips, sharing recipes, or reminiscing about her travels, she always has something interesting and insightful to say. Her enthusiasm for storytelling and her genuine interest in others make her a delightful conversational companion.

While I appreciate Mrs. Jenkins’ friendly nature and her willingness to engage in conversation, I have to admit that there are times when her chattiness can be a bit overwhelming. There are moments when I find myself longing for a brief respite from the constant stream of words, especially when I’m busy or preoccupied with other matters. Nonetheless, I value Mrs. Jenkins’ neighborly camaraderie and the sense of community that she fosters within our apartment complex.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A person I know who has an affinity for talking is my childhood friend, Alex. Alex and I have been friends since elementary school, and over the years, I’ve come to know him as an outgoing and gregarious individual who enjoys engaging others in conversation.

I first met Alex when we were assigned to the same homeroom class in fourth grade, and we quickly bonded over our shared interests and mutual sense of humor. From that moment on, Alex became a constant presence in my life, accompanying me on countless adventures and sharing in both the joys and challenges of growing up.

What sets Alex apart is his remarkable ability to captivate others with his storytelling prowess and charismatic personality. Whether we’re hanging out with friends, attending social gatherings, or simply catching up over coffee, Alex always takes center stage, regaling us with entertaining anecdotes, witty observations, and humorous commentary on a wide range of topics.

What I appreciate most about Alex is his genuine passion for connecting with others and fostering meaningful relationships through conversation. He has an uncanny knack for putting people at ease and making them feel heard and valued, which has endeared him to many in our social circle.

However, I have to admit that there are moments when Alex’s loquaciousness can be a bit overwhelming, especially when I’m in need of some quiet reflection or personal space. Nonetheless, I cherish the bond that I share with Alex and the countless memories we’ve created together over the years. His outgoing nature and gift for gab have enriched my life in more ways than I can count, and for that, I am truly grateful.


Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed
You should say:
Where you planned to travel to
Why you were looking forward to it
Why it had to be delayed
And explain how you felt about the experience

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One travel destination I had been eagerly looking forward to was a trip to a tropical island in the Caribbean. The allure of pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforests had captivated my imagination, and I was excited at the prospect of escaping to paradise for a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

I had been envisioning lazy days spent lounging on powdery white sands, soaking up the warm tropical sun, and swimming in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. I was also eager to explore the island’s vibrant culture, savoring local cuisine, learning about its history, and immersing myself in the laid-back island lifestyle.

Unfortunately, our travel plans were put on hold due to unforeseen circumstances. A sudden family emergency required my immediate attention and made it impossible for me to travel as planned. As much as I was disappointed by the delay, I knew that family always came first, and I had to prioritize my responsibilities at home before indulging in leisurely pursuits.

Despite the setback, I remained hopeful that I would eventually have the opportunity to visit the tropical paradise that had captured my imagination. In the meantime, I focused on supporting my family through the challenges we were facing and looked forward to the day when I could fulfill my dream of experiencing the beauty and tranquility of a tropical island getaway.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A travel destination that had been on the top of my bucket list for quite some time was a tropical retreat in the Maldives. The allure of its picture-perfect beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and luxurious overwater bungalows had captured my imagination, and I was eagerly anticipating a week of relaxation and adventure in this tropical paradise.

I had planned to visit the Maldives during the peak season, when the weather is sunny, and the waters are calm, to make the most of my time in this idyllic destination. I was looking forward to indulging in a variety of water sports and activities, such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and kayaking, to explore the pristine marine life and stunning underwater landscapes.

However, our travel plans hit a roadblock when a global health crisis forced the closure of international borders and the imposition of travel restrictions. The uncertainty and unpredictability surrounding the situation made it impossible for us to proceed with our trip as scheduled, and we had no choice but to postpone our travel plans indefinitely.

While I was disappointed by the delay, I understood the importance of prioritizing health and safety during such unprecedented times. I remained hopeful that we would eventually be able to reschedule our trip and fulfill our dream of experiencing the beauty and tranquility of the Maldives. In the meantime, I focused on finding alternative ways to relax and unwind closer to home.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

A tropical getaway that had been on my radar for quite some time was a trip to the Hawaiian Islands. The allure of its stunning natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and rich cultural heritage had always fascinated me, and I was eagerly looking forward to immersing myself in the aloha spirit and exploring everything that Hawaii had to offer.

I had planned to visit Hawaii during the summer months, when the weather is warm, and the days are long, to make the most of my time in this tropical paradise. I was excited at the prospect of hiking through lush rainforests, lounging on pristine beaches, and marveling at majestic waterfalls, all against the backdrop of towering volcanoes and azure seas.

Unfortunately, our travel plans were put on hold due to unforeseen circumstances. A sudden work commitment required my immediate attention and made it impossible for me to travel as planned. As disappointed as I was by the delay, I knew that my professional obligations had to take precedence, and I had to prioritize my responsibilities at work before indulging in leisurely pursuits.

Despite the setback, I remained hopeful that I would eventually have the opportunity to visit Hawaii and experience its beauty and charm firsthand. In the meantime, I focused on fulfilling my commitments at work and looked forward to the day when I could finally embark on my tropical adventure to the Hawaiian Islands.


Describe an interesting activity that you enjoyed most in your primary
You should say:
What the activity was
How often you did the activity
Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed doing it.

Band 6 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One of the most memorable activities I cherished during my primary school days was our annual talent show. Held once a year towards the end of the school term, it was an event eagerly anticipated by students and faculty alike. The talent show provided us with a platform to showcase our various skills and talents in front of our peers, teachers, and parents.

I eagerly participated in the talent show every year, relishing the chance to perform on stage and share my talents with others. Whether it was singing, dancing, or reciting poetry, I always looked forward to expressing myself and entertaining the audience with my performance.

Often, I collaborated with my friends to prepare for the talent show. Together, we would brainstorm ideas, rehearse routines, and fine-tune our acts to perfection. Working as a team not only made the experience more enjoyable but also strengthened our bonds of friendship and camaraderie.

What made the talent show so special for me was the opportunity to showcase my creativity and talent in a supportive and encouraging environment. The sense of accomplishment and pride I felt after each performance was truly rewarding, and it instilled in me a newfound confidence and self-assurance that stayed with me long after the applause had faded.

Band 7 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

An activity that stands out in my memory from my primary school years is our school’s annual talent show. Held once a year towards the end of the school term, it was an eagerly anticipated event that brought together students, teachers, and parents to celebrate our diverse talents and abilities.

I participated in the talent show every year without fail, eagerly seizing the opportunity to showcase my skills and entertain the audience. Whether it was singing, dancing, or performing in a skit, I always looked forward to expressing myself creatively on stage.

Often, I teamed up with my friends to prepare for the talent show. Together, we would brainstorm ideas, choreograph routines, and practice diligently to ensure a polished performance. Collaborating with my peers not only made the experience more enjoyable but also fostered a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among us.

What made the talent show so enjoyable for me was the chance to shine in the spotlight and receive recognition for my efforts. The applause and encouragement from the audience were incredibly gratifying, boosting my confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, the talent show provided a platform for me to express myself creatively and develop my skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Band 8 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes):

One of the highlights of my primary school experience was undoubtedly our annual talent show. Held towards the end of each school year, it was an eagerly anticipated event that brought together students from all grade levels to showcase their talents and creativity in front of an audience of peers, teachers, and parents.

For me, the talent show was an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and express myself in ways I never thought possible. Whether it was singing, dancing, or performing in a skit, I relished the chance to share my passions and abilities with others.

What made the talent show truly special was the camaraderie and sense of community it fostered among us. I often collaborated with my classmates to brainstorm ideas, choreograph routines, and rehearse tirelessly in preparation for the big day. Working together as a team not only made the experience more enjoyable but also taught me the value of cooperation and teamwork.

The thrill of performing on stage and receiving applause from the audience was an exhilarating experience that left a lasting impression on me. The talent show not only provided a platform for me to showcase my talents but also instilled in me a sense of confidence, self-assurance, and personal achievement that I carried with me long after my primary school days were over.